⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  freshcode

Artifact [7398b1366c]

Artifact 7398b1366c4ba795232b8f075040fd747aff8851:

  • Executable file doc/fc-submit — part of check-in [a7a69e19c8] at 2014-07-29 23:52:38 on branch trunk — freecode-submit 2.9 (user: mario size: 17884)

#!/usr/bin/env python
freecode-submit -- script transactions with the Freecode server

import sys, re, urllib2, json, netrc, email.Parser, optparse

version = "2.9"

class Update:
    "Encapsulate dictionaries describing a project metadata update."
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = None
        self.per_project = {}
        self.urlassoc = []
        self.per_release = {}
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Update(" + repr(self.__dict__) + ")"

# The Freecode API implementation is sensitive to the kind of HTTP request
# method you use.  The general rule is:
# Reading records:                GET
# Adding new records:             POST
# Updating existing records:      PUT
# Deleting existing records:      DELETE
# From http://help.freecode.com/faqs/api-7/data-api-intro:
# 200 OK - Request was successful, the requested content is included
# 201 Created - Creation of a new resource was successful
# 401 Unauthorized - You need to provide an authentication code with this
#     request
# 403 Forbidden - You don't have permission to access this URI
# 404 Not Found - The requested resource was not found
# 409 Conflict - The validation of your submitted data failed, please check
#     the response body for error pointers
# 500 Server Error - The request hit a problem and was aborted, please report
#     as a bug if it persists
# 503 Service Unavailable - You hit your API credit limit

class RequestWithMethod(urllib2.Request):
    "Hack for forcing the method in a request - allows PUT and DELETE"
    def __init__(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
        # This assignment works directly in older Python versions
        self._method = method
        urllib2.Request.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
    def get_method(self):
        "Deduce the HTTP method to use."
        # This method works in newer Pythons (2.6.5, possibly earlier).
        if self._method:
            return self._method
        elif self.has_data():
            return "POST"
            return "GET"

class FreecodeSessionException(Exception):
    "Carry exception state when a session blows up."
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

class FreecodeSession:
    "Encapsulate the state of a Freecode API session."
    server = "https://freecode.com/"

    def __init__(self, auth=None, verbose=0, emit_enable=True):
        "Initialize Freecode session credentials."
        self.auth = auth
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.emit_enable = emit_enable
        self.project = None
        self.permalink = None
        self.id = None
        self.project_data = None
        # If user didn't supply credentials, fetch from ~/.netrc
        if not self.auth:
                credentials = netrc.netrc()
            except netrc.NetrcParseError, e:
                raise FreecodeSessionException("ill-formed .netrc: %s:%s %s" \
                                               % (e.filename, e.lineno, e.msg))
            except IOError, e:
                raise FreecodeSessionException(("missing .netrc file %s" % \
            ret = credentials.authenticators("freecode")
            if not ret:
                raise FreecodeSessionException("no credentials for Freecode")
            _login, self.auth, _password = ret

    def on_project(self, name):
        "Select project by Freecode shortname."
        if self.verbose:
            print "Selecting project: %s" % name
        self.project = name
        pquery = FreecodeSession.server + "projects/%s.json?auth_code=%s" \
                % (self.project, self.auth)
        handle = urllib2.urlopen(pquery)
        content = json.loads(handle.read())
        self.project_data = content['project']
        #if self.verbose:
        #    print "Project data: %s" % self.project_data
        self.permalink = self.project_data['permalink']
        self.id = self.project_data['id']

    def edit_request(self, url, method="GET", request=None, force=False):
        "Wrap a JSON object with the auth code and ship it as a request"
        if request is None:
            request = {}
        url = FreecodeSession.server + url
        data = {"auth_code" : self.auth}
        data = json.dumps(data)
        headers = {"Content-Type" : "application/json"}
        if self.verbose:
            print "Request URL:", method, url
        #if self.verbose:
        #    print "Request headers:", headers
        if self.verbose:
            print "Request data:", data
        if self.emit_enable or force:
            req = RequestWithMethod(method=method,
            handle = urllib2.urlopen(req)
            if self.verbose:
                print handle.info()
            content = handle.read()
            if self.verbose:
                print "Response:", content
            return content

    def publish_release(self, data):
        "Add a new release to the current project."
        if self.verbose:
            print "Publishing %s release: %s" % (self.project, repr(data))
        self.edit_request("projects/" + self.permalink + "/releases.json",
                          {"release": data})

    def withdraw_release(self, dversion):
        "Withdraw a specified release from the current project."
        if self.verbose:
            print "Withdrawing %s release: %s" % (self.project, dversion)
        releases = self.edit_request("projects/%s/releases/pending.json" \
                                     % self.permalink, force=True)
        releases = json.loads(releases)
        for release in releases:
            properties = release["release"]
            if properties.get("version") == dversion:
                vid = properties["id"]
            raise FreecodeSessionException("couldn't find release %s"%dversion)
        deletelink = "projects/%s/releases/%s.json" % (self.permalink, vid)
        self.edit_request(deletelink, "DELETE", {})

    def update_core(self, coredata):
        "Update the core data for a project."
        if self.verbose:
            print "Core data update for %s is: %s" % (self.project, coredata)
        self.edit_request("projects/" + self.permalink + ".json",
                          {"project": coredata})

    def update_urls(self, urlassoc):
        "Update URL list for a project."
        if self.verbose:
            print "URL list update for %s is: %s" % (self.project, urlassoc)
        # First, get permalinks for all existing URLs
        uquery = FreecodeSession.server + "projects/%s/urls.json?auth_code=%s" \
                % (self.permalink, self.auth)
        handle = urllib2.urlopen(uquery)
        content = json.loads(handle.read())
        permadict = {}
        for item in content:
            inner = item['url']
            permadict[inner['label']] = inner['permalink']
        # OK, now run through the update list...
        for (label, url) in urlassoc:
            if label in permadict:
                # updating where we need to
                                  % (self.permalink, permadict[label]),
                                  {"url" : {"label": label, "location" : url}})
                # and adding where we don't.
                                  % (self.permalink,),
                                  {"url" : {"label": label, "location" : url}})
        # Delete URLs that weren't in the update list
        remove = set(permadict.keys()) - set(map(lambda x: x[0], urlassoc))
        for label in remove:
                                  % (self.permalink, permadict[label], self.auth),
                                  "DELETE", {})
class FreecodeMetadataFactory:
    "Factory class for producing Freecode records in JSON."
    freecode_field_map = (
        ("Project",          "P", "name"),                   # Project
        ("Summary",          "S", "oneliner"),               # Project
        ("Description",      "D", "description"),            # Project
        ("License-List",     "L", "license_list"),           # Project
        ("Project-Tag-List", "T", "project_tag_list"),       # Project
        ("Version",          "v", "version"),                # Release
        ("Changes",          "c", "changelog"),              # Release
        ("Hide",             "x", "hidden_from_frontpage"),  # Release
        ("Release-Tag-List", "t", "tag_list"),               # Release
    # Which attributes have project scope, all others have release scupe
    projectwide = ('name',

    def __init__(self):
        self.message_parser = email.Parser.Parser()
        self.argument_parser = optparse.OptionParser( \
            usage="usage: %prog [options]")
        for (msg_field, shortopt, rpc_field) in FreecodeMetadataFactory.freecode_field_map:
            self.argument_parser.add_option("-" + shortopt,
                                            "--" + msg_field.lower(),
                                            help="Set the %s field"%msg_field)
        self.argument_parser.add_option('-q', '--query', dest='query',
                          help='Query metadata for PROJECT',metavar="PROJECT")
        self.argument_parser.add_option('-d', '--delete', dest='delete',
                          default=False, action='store_true',
                          help='Suppress reading fields from stdin.')
        self.argument_parser.add_option('-n', '--no-stdin', dest='read',
                          default=True, action='store_false',
                          help='Suppress reading fields from stdin.')
        self.argument_parser.add_option('-N', '--dryrun', dest='dryrun',
                          default=False, action='store_true',
                          help='Suppress reading fields from stdin.')
        self.argument_parser.add_option('-V', '--verbose', dest='verbose',
                          default=False, action='store_true',
                          help='Enable verbose debugging.')
        self.argument_parser.add_option('-?', '--showversion', dest='showversion',
                          default=False, action='store_true',
                          help='Show version and quit.')
    def header_to_field(hdr):
        "Map a header name from the job card format to a field."
        lhdr = hdr.lower().replace("-", "_")
        for (alias, _shortopt, field) in FreecodeMetadataFactory.freecode_field_map:
            if lhdr == alias.lower().replace("-", "_").replace("/", "_"):
                return field
        raise FreecodeSessionException("Illegal field name %s" % hdr)

    def getMetadata(self, stream):
        "Return an Update object describing project and release attributes."
        data = {}
        urls = {}
        (options, _args) = self.argument_parser.parse_args()
        # Stuff from stdin if present
        prior_version = data.get("version")
        if not (options.query or options.showversion) and options.read:
            message = self.message_parser.parse(stream)
            for (key, value) in message.items():
                value = re.sub("\n +", " ", value).strip()
                if key.endswith("-URL"):
                    key = key.replace("-", " ")
                    urls.update({key[:-4] : value})
                    if key.endswith("List"):
                        value = map(lambda x: x.strip(), value.split())
                    data.update({FreecodeMetadataFactory.header_to_field(key) : value})
            if not 'changelog' in data:
                payload = message.get_payload().strip()
                if payload:
                    data['changelog'] = payload + "\n"
            if prior_version and data.get("version") != prior_version:
                raise FreecodeSessionException("Version conflict on stdin.")
        # Merge in options from the command line;
        # they override what's on stdin.
        controls = ('query', 'delete', 'read', 'dryrun', 'verbose', 'showversion')
        prior_version = data.get("version")
        for (key, value) in options.__dict__.items():
            if key not in controls and value != None:
                data[key] = value
                del options.__dict__[key]
        if prior_version and data.get("version") != prior_version and not options.delete:
            raise FreecodeSessionException("Version conflict in options.")
        # Hidden flag special handling
        if "hidden_from_frontpage" in data:
            data["hidden_from_frontpage"] = data["hidden_from_frontpage"] in ("Y", "y")
        # Now merge in the URLs, doing symbol substitution
        urllist = []
        for (label, furl) in urls.items():
            for (k, v) in data.items():
                if type(v) == type(""):
                    furl = furl.replace('${' + k + '}', v)
            urllist.append((label, furl))
        # Sort out what things go where
        update = Update()
        if options.showversion:
        elif options.query:
            update.name = options.query
            update.name = data.pop('name')
            update.urlassoc = urllist
            for (k, v) in data.items():
                if k in FreecodeMetadataFactory.projectwide:
                    # Hack to get around a namespace collision
                    if k == "project_release_tag":
                        k = "release_tag"
                    update.per_project[k] = v
                    update.per_release[k] = v
        # Return this
        return (options, update)

if __name__ == "__main__":
        # First, gather update data from stdin and command-line switches
        factory = FreecodeMetadataFactory()
        (options, update) = factory.getMetadata(sys.stdin)
        # Some switches shouldn't be passed to the server
        query = 'query' in options.__dict__ and options.query
        verbose = 'verbose' in options.__dict__ and options.verbose
        delete  = 'delete' in options.__dict__ and options.delete
        dryrun  = 'dryrun' in options.__dict__ and options.dryrun
        showversion  = 'showversion' in options.__dict__ and options.showversion
        if showversion:
            print "freecode-submit", version
            raise SystemExit(0)
        # Time to ship the update.
        # Establish session
        session = FreecodeSession(verbose=int(verbose), emit_enable=not dryrun)
        except ValueError, e:
            print e
            print >>sys.stderr, "freecode-submit: looks like a server-side problem at freecode; bailing out."
            raise SystemExit(1)
        if options.query:
            print "Project: %s" % session.project_data["name"]
            print "Summary: %s" % session.project_data["oneliner"]
            print "Description: %s" % session.project_data["description"].replace("\n", "\n    ").rstrip()
            print "License-List: %s" % ",".join(session.project_data["license_list"])
            print "Project-Tag-List: %s" % ",".join(session.project_data["tag_list"])
            for assoc in session.project_data['approved_urls']:
                #print "Querying", assoc["redirector"]
                #req = RequestWithMethod(method="HEAD",
                #                        url=assoc["redirector"],
                #                        data={},
                #                        headers={})
                #handle = urllib2.urlopen(req)
                #print "==="
                #print handle.info()
                #print "==="
                print "%s-URL: %s" % (assoc["label"].replace(" ","-"), assoc["redirector"])
            if 'recent_releases' in session.project_data and session.project_data['recent_releases']:
                most_recent = session.project_data['recent_releases'][0]
                print "Version: %s" % most_recent['version']
                print "Tag-List: %s" % ",".join(most_recent['tag_list'])
                if most_recent.get('hidden_from_frontpage'):
                    print "Hide: Y"
                    print "Hide: N"
                print ""
                print most_recent["changelog"]
            # OK, now actually add or delete the release.
            if update.per_project:
            if update.urlassoc:
            if delete:
            elif update.per_release and update.per_release.keys()!=["version"]:
    except FreecodeSessionException, e:
        print >>sys.stderr,"freecode-submit:", e.msg
    except urllib2.HTTPError, f:
        print >>sys.stderr,"freecode-submit: HTTPError %s" %  (f.code)
        print >>sys.stderr,f.read()
    except urllib2.URLError, f:
        print >>sys.stderr,"freecode-submit: URLError %s" %  (f.reason,)

# end