⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  freshcode

Artifact [7a08bc8432]

Artifact 7a08bc8432388d453da08cb83991cdf226a827cf:

Wiki page [Contribute] by mario 2014-06-25 22:29:51.
D 2014-06-25T22:29:51.308
L Contribute
N text/x-markdown
P 08cdb7600b729d1aaaf4b12171d01dc883fde2c9
U mario
W 1240
[freshcode.club/](http://freshcode.club/) is still in an early planning/development state. Therefore code contributions are most welcome right now.

  *  Code and feature suggestions.
  *  Stylesheet suggestions.
  *  Project listing moderators.

Should it take off (see ["Is Freshmeat still needed?"](wiki/About)) it will require some moderation.

### Become moderator

Please contact the project authors (e.g. per mail), if you have an existing OpenID handle and are open source project maintainer / contributor.

### Developer

Create a [fossil account](login) and send a mail (info#freshcode:club) to receive sync access.  
Otherwise just send in patches.

### Host another frontend

The freshcode source is intended to be reusable. With the upcoming exchange protocol, it's suitable to host a mirror and customize it optically / functionally.

Also send a message if interested. I'm offering the two alternative domains `freshmeat.club` and `freecode.club` for that, or a localized subdomain `//us.freshcode.club/` if preferred.

I'm also not attached to either domain. So should your variant take off we can later transfer the domain. (Free of course, this is again a strictly non-commercial project.)

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