⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  freshcode

Artifact [9203b7c446]

Artifact 9203b7c4467bf52a0afe1831fdaaa9c4bc351df5:

  • File aux.php — part of check-in [a15e1407ae] at 2014-07-08 09:20:49 on branch trunk — Fixed license moniker typo "LPGL", and typo in csrf() array, versioned_urls regex to check for \b and underscore, lowercase p_key_value arrays, allow hyphens in keys, → (user: mario size: 8173)

 * api: freshmeat
 * title: template auxiliary code
 * description: A few utility functions and data for the templates
 * version: 0.2
 * license: AGPL
 * This function asortment prepares some common output.
 * While a few are parsing helpers or DB query shortcuts.

// Abbreviated and full license names
$licenses = array (
  "Apache" => "Apache License 2.0",
  "Artistic" => "Artistic license 2.0",
  "BSDL" => "BSD 3-Clause 'New/Revised' License",
  "BSDL-2" => "BSD 2-Clause 'Simplified/FreeBSD' License",
  "CDDL" => "Common Development and Distribution License 1.0",
  "MITL" => "MIT license",
  "MPL" => "Mozilla Public License 2.0",
  "Public Domain" => "Public Domain (no copyright)",
  "Python" => "Python License",
  "PHPL" => "PHP License 3.0",
  "GNU GPL" => "GNU General Public License 2.0",
  "GNU GPLv3" => "GNU General Public License 3.0",
  "GNU LGPL" => "GNU Library/Lesser General Public License 2.1",
  "GNU LGPLv3" => "GNU Library/Lesser General Public License 3.0",
  "Affero GPL" => "Affero GNU Public License 2.0",
  "Affero GPLv3" => "GNU Affero General Public License v3",
  "AFL" => "Academic Free License 3.0",
  "APL" => "Adaptive Public License",
  "APSL" => "Apple Public Source License",
  "AAL" => "Attribution Assurance Licenses",
  "BSL" => "Boost Software License",
  "CECILL" => "CeCILL License 2.1",
  "CATOSL" => "Computer Associates Trusted Open Source License 1.1",
  "CDDL" => "Common Development and Distribution License 1.0",
  "CPAL" => "Common Public Attribution License 1.0",
  "CUA" => "CUA Office Public License Version 1.0",
  "EUDatagrid" => "EU DataGrid Software License",
  "EPL" => "Eclipse Public License 1.0",
  "ECL" => "Educational Community License, Version 2.0",
  "EFL" => "Eiffel Forum License V2.0",
  "Entessa" => "Entessa Public License",
  "EUPL" => "European Union Public License, Version 1.1 (EUPL-1.1)",
  "Fair" => "Fair License",
  "Frameworx" => "Frameworx License",
  "HPND" => "Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer",
  "IPL" => "IBM Public License 1.0",
  "IPA" => "IPA Font License",
  "ISC" => "ISC License",
  "LPPL" => "LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c",
  "LPL" => "Lucent Public License Version 1.02",
  "MirOS" => "MirOS Licence",
  "MS" => "Microsoft Reciprocal License",
  "MIT" => "MIT license",
  "Motosoto" => "Motosoto License",
  "Multics" => "Multics License",
  "NASA" => "NASA Open Source Agreement 1.3",
  "NTP" => "NTP License",
  "Naumen" => "Naumen Public License",
  "NGPL" => "Nethack General Public License",
  "Nokia" => "Nokia Open Source License",
  "NPOSL" => "Non-Profit Open Software License 3.0",
  "OCLC" => "OCLC Research Public License 2.0",
  "OFL" => "Open Font License 1.1",
  "OGTSL" => "Open Group Test Suite License",
  "OSL" => "Open Software License 3.0",
  "PostgreSQL" => "The PostgreSQL License",
  "CNRI" => "CNRI Python license (CNRI-Python)",
  "QPL" => "Q Public License",
  "RPSL" => "RealNetworks Public Source License V1.0",
  "RPL" => "Reciprocal Public License 1.5",
  "RSCPL" => "Ricoh Source Code Public License",
  "SimPL" => "Simple Public License 2.0",
  "Sleepycat" => "Sleepycat License",
  "SPL" => "Sun Public License 1.0",
  "Watcom" => "Sybase Open Watcom Public License 1.0",
  "NCSA" => "University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License",
  "VSL" => "Vovida Software License v. 1.0",
  "W3C" => "W3C License",
  "WXwindows" => "wxWindows Library License",
  "Xnet" => "X.Net License",
  "ZPL" => "Zope Public License 2.0",
  "Zlib" => "zlib/libpng license",
  "Other" => "Other License",
); // todo: Dicuss entry for Commercial/Proprietary code anyhow.
   // hint: Separation usually works better than prohibition.
   //       (Filtering instead of cleanups)

#-- Additional input filters

// Project names may be alphanumeric, and contain dashes
function proj_name($s) {
    return preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-_]+|^[^a-z]+|[^\w]+$|(?<=[-_])[-_]+/", "", strtolower($s));

#-- Template helpers

// Wrap tag list into links
function wrap_tags($tags, $r="") {
    foreach (str_getcsv($tags) as $id) {
        $id = trim($id);
        $r .= "<a href=\"/tags/$id\">$id</a>";
    return $r;    

// Return DAY MONTH and TIME or YEAR for older entries
function date_fmt($time) {
    $lastyear = time() - $time > 250*24*3600;
    return strftime($lastyear ? "%d %b %Y" : "%d %b %H:%M", $time);

// Substitute `$version` placeholders in URLs
function versioned_url($url, $version) {
    return preg_replace("/([\$%])(version|Version|VERSION)(\\1?|\b|(?=_))/", $version, $url);

// Project listing output preparation;
// HTML context escapaing, versioned urls, formatted date string
function prepare_output(&$entry) {
    $entry["download"] = versioned_url($entry["download"], $entry["version"]);
    if (TRUE or empty($entry["image"])) {
        if (file_exists("./img/screenshot/$entry[name].jpeg")) {
            $entry["image"] = "/img/screenshot/$entry[name].jpeg";
        else {
            $entry["image"] = "/img/nopreview.png";
    $entry["formatted_date"] = date_fmt($entry["t_published"]);
    $entry = array_map("input::_html", $entry);

// Social media share links
function social_share_links($name, $url) {
    $c = array("google"=>0, "facebook"=>0, "twitter"=>0, "reddit"=>0, "linkedin"=>0, "stumbleupon"=>0, "delicious"=>0);
    return <<<HTML
      <span class=social-share-links>
         <a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=$url" title=google+> g&#65122; </a>
         <a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=$url" title=facebook> fb </a>
         <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=$url" title=twitter> tw </a>
         <a href="http://reddit.com/submit?url=$url" title=reddit> rd </a>
         <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&amp;url=$url" title=linkedin> in </a>
         <a href="https://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url=$url" title=stumbleupon> su </a>
         <a href="https://del.icio.us/post?url=$url" title=delicious> dl </a>

// CSRF token, only for logged-in users though
// Here they're mainly to prevent remotely initiated requests for other users here, not general form nonces
function csrf($probe=false) {

    // Tokens are stored in session, reusable, but only for an hour
    $store = & $_SESSION[__FUNCTION__];
    foreach ($store as $id=>$time) {
        if ($time < time()) { unset($store[$id]); }
    // Test presence
    if ($probe) {
        return empty($_SESSION["openid"])
            or $id = $_REQUEST->id["_ct"] and !empty($_SESSION["crsf"][$id]);
    // Create new entry, output form field for token
    else {
        // server ENV already contained Apache unique request id etc.
        $id = sha1(serialize($_SERVER->__vars));
        $_SESSION[__FUNCTION__][$id] = time() + 3600;  // timeout
        return "<input type=hidden name=.ct value=$id>";

#-- some string parsing

 *  Plain comma-separated list
function p_csv($str) {
    return preg_split("/\s*,\s*/", trim($str));

 *  Extracts key = value list.
 *  Keys may be wrapped in $, % or []
 *  Values may not contain spaces
function p_key_value($str) {
           [[%$]*  ([-\w]+)  []%$]*
              \s*  [:=>]+  \s*
        $str, $m
    return array_change_key_case(array_combine($m[1], $m[2]), CASE_LOWER);

 *  Extracts key = /regex/ list.  Regex delimiters are always required,
 *  but keys may be in multiple formats (version=, [version]=>, $version:=..)
function p_key_value_rx($str) {
           [[%$]*  (\w+)  []%$]*
              \s*  [:=>]+  \s*
              ([^\s\w])  (?> (?!\\3|\\\\). |  \\\\. )+  \\3 [umixUs]* [*]?
        $str, $m
    return array_change_key_case(array_combine($m[1], $m[2]), CASE_LOWER);

#-- database check
function project_version_exists($name, $version) {
    return intval(
        db("SELECT 1 FROM release WHERE name=? AND version=?", $name, $version)->fetch()
