⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  freshcode

Artifact [a371001c4f]

Artifact a371001c4fdba6c407ab0573695b5f648462744b:

  • File gimmicks.js — part of check-in [fcd926fc7e] at 2014-07-11 12:52:28 on branch trunk — Move JS functionality out of template/header, to prepare for tags-editing (user: mario size: 556)

 * api: jquery
 * title: UI behaviour
 * description: Well, just client-side interface features
 * version: 0.2
 * depends: jquery-ui

// DOM ready

    // Make frontpage #main .project descriptions expandable, by undoing .trimmed; animatedly
    $(".project .trimmed").one("click", function(){  
        $(this).animate({"max-height": "20em"});
    // Likewise for compacted news feeds in #sidebar
    $(".article-links.trimmed").one("click", function(){
