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Update of "freecode2releases"

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Artifact ID: 50dec1afdc02b1ef28c6622f49225e9e64af5155
Page Name:freecode2releases
Date: 2014-08-20 09:19:05
Original User: mario
Parent: 657fc37afcc77b0ee63cec887d97e8ebad588cf0 (diff)

freecode2releases.py provides a simple way to export a project entry and its associated release history from freecode.com

 freecode2releases.py  projectname

This retrieves the project from freecode, and extracts project details and a version/changes list.

  • It saves a projectname-releases.json as output.
  • Which can be used for a plain project description import.
  • Or better yet as Autoupdate URL.

It currently will only import the version history (timestamps and change notes) when used for autoupdating.

You should look it through beforehand, and possibly adapt the state: and scope: fields. They're no longer present and extractable in the freecode.com archive layout.

And obviously you may wish to keep the releases.json on your project homepage / vcs and populate it with update infos right there.