Artifact 54a4bbb3af5a3976cc3b9c83f5985e4090b365344a4c55918ccc86b9c82c7935:

Wiki page [x-fields] by mario on 2018-07-04 17:27:44.
D 2018-07-04T17:27:44.231
L x-fields
N text/x-markdown
P 785a9bc344415ff23a8cb8017c68c8383cde7b1f3d84a210562732fdfc515cf8
U mario
W 338
## # x-fields:

Since custom PMD `keys:` can be introduced anytime, there's little need to use `# x-prefixed-names:`.

  * Instead I would reserve this for "uncommenting" standard fields.

  * Or very temporary additions or documentation-only values.


 * `x-poshcode-id:`
 * `x-archived:`
 * `x-generated-by: bison`
Z d888559d2c6ef47091955b192c10b51a