
Artifact ID: 6bbae7429e7f25493030e850dabd2fe42d8540674a9b5c6dd3a5dde2a01d63c2
Page Name:category
Date: 2018-07-03 20:12:12
Original User: mario
Next 38ba12c5252b3b7b76c8f9ebad8a12420e7c360327ac01d53716699de016588a

# ## category:

For presentational plugin grouping:

# category: radio

Unlike type:(wiki/type) the category: field is intended for grouping features or e.g. placing them within an UI menu.

* Descriptions should thus target end-users more.
* Nonetheless should be single words preferrably.
* It's equivalent to the Debian packaging specs Section: field.