PoshCode Archive  Artifact [07a5dd9b8b]

Artifact 07a5dd9b8bf1062e6f331e4f40deb3228cd9dd903d42632bbba0d70ebce45a62:

  • File wlanscan.ps1 — part of check-in [976b985ae5] at 2018-06-10 13:00:35 on branch trunk — Simple script that uses netsh to show wireless networks. (user: Kris Cieslak size: 3563)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: wlanscan
# description: Simple script that uses netsh to show wireless networks.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Kris Cieslak 
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1731
# x-archived: 2017-03-31T03:16:52
# x-published: 2011-04-03T07:36:00
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
#          Name: wlanscan
#        Author: Kris Cieslak (defaultset.blogspot.com)
#          Date: 2010-04-03
#   Description: Simple script that uses netsh to show wireless networks.
#    Parameters: wireless interface name (optional,but recommended if you have
#                more than one card)
#        Result: $ActiveNetworks
# Usage example: wlanscan WiFi
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
PARAM ($ifname = "")

# Windows Vista/2008/7
if  ((gwmi win32_operatingsystem).Version.Split(".")[0] -lt 6) {
	throw "This script works on Windows Vista or higher."
if ((gsv "wlansvc").Status -ne "Running" ) {
	throw "WLAN AutoConfig service must be running."
$GLOBAL:ActiveNetworks = @();
$CurrentIfName = "";	
$n = -1;
$iftest = $false;

netsh wlan show network mode=bssid | % {
	if ( $_ -match "Interface") {
		$CurrentIfName = [regex]::match($_.Replace("Interface name : ","")
	    if (($CurrentIfName.ToLower() -eq $ifname.ToLower()) -or ($ifname.length -eq 0)) {
		} else { $iftest=$false }
	$buf = [regex]::replace($_,"[ ]","");
	if ([regex]::IsMatch($buf,"^SSID\d{1,}(.)*") -and $iftest) {
	   	$item = "" | Select-Object SSID,NetType,Auth,Encryption,BSSID,Signal,Radiotype,Channel;
       	$item.SSID = [regex]::Replace($buf,"^SSID\d{1,}:","");
  	if ([regex]::IsMatch($buf,"Networktype") -and $iftest) {
	if ([regex]::IsMatch($buf,"Authentication") -and $iftest) {
	if ([regex]::IsMatch($buf,"Encryption") -and $iftest) {
        if ([regex]::IsMatch($buf,"BSSID1") -and $iftest) {
	if ([regex]::IsMatch($buf,"Signal") -and $iftest) {
	if ([regex]::IsMatch($buf,"Radiotype") -and $iftest) {
	if ([regex]::IsMatch($buf,"Channel") -and $iftest) {
if ( ($CurrentIfName.ToLower() -eq $ifname.ToLower()) -or ($ifname.length -eq 0) ) {
	write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nInterface: "$CurrentIfName;
	if (($GLOBAL:ActiveNetworks.length -gt 0)) {
   		$GLOBAL:ActiveNetworks | Sort-Object Signal -Descending | 
			ft @{Label = "BSSID"; Expression={$_.BSSID };width=18},
               @{Label = "Channel"; Expression={$_.Channel};width=8},
			   @{Label = "Signal"; Expression={$_.Signal};width=7},
			   @{Label = "Encryption"; Expression={$_.Encryption};width=11},
   			   @{Label = "Authentication"; Expression={$_.Auth};width=15},
	} else {
	   Write-host "`n No active networks found.`n";
} else {
  Write-host -ForegroundColor Red "`n Could not find interface: "$ifname"`n";