PoshCode Archive  Artifact [09be5cd138]

Artifact 09be5cd138933ff902ca8f9b2d09c619dcd3bfee636a7aa342a03fc3d760c115:

  • File Reading-DNS-Debug-logs.ps1 — part of check-in [d7be450cbf] at 2018-06-10 13:42:09 on branch trunk — I wrote a small function for parsing a Windows DNS Debug log. You can pipe both log-lines and filenames to this cmdlet. I’ve added 3 different types of log formats for it to handle. (user: DollarUnderscore size: 5693)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Reading DNS Debug logs
# description: I wrote a small function for parsing a Windows DNS Debug log. You can pipe both log-lines and filenames to this cmdlet. I’ve added 3 different types of log formats for it to handle.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: DollarUnderscore
# license: CC0
# function: Get-DNSDebugLog
# x-poshcode-id: 4509
# x-archived: 2016-07-29T10:26:36
# x-published: 2016-10-07T21:06:00
function Get-DNSDebugLog
    This cmdlet parses a Windows DNS Debug log.

    When a DNS log is converted with this cmdlet it will be turned into objects for further parsing.

    Get-DNSDebugLog -DNSLog ".\Something.log" | Format-Table

    Outputs the contents of the dns debug file "Something.log" as a table.

    Get-DNSDebugLog -DNSLog ".\Something.log" | Export-Csv .\ProperlyFormatedLog.csv

    Turns the debug file into a csv-file.

    Path to the DNS log or DNS log data. Allows pipelining from for example Get-ChildItem for files, and supports pipelining DNS log data.


      [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
      [string] $DNSLog = "StringMode")

    BEGIN { }



        ReturnDNSLogLines -DNSLog $DNSLog | % {
                if ( $_ -match "^\d\d" -AND $_ -notlike "*EVENT*") {

                    $Date=($_ -split " ")[0]

                    # Check log time format and set properties
                    if ($_ -match ":\d\d AM|:\d\d  PM") {
                        $Time=($_ -split " ")[1,2] -join " "
                        $Protocol=($_ -split " ")[7]
                        $Client=($_ -split " ")[9]
                        $SendReceive=($_ -split " ")[8]
                        $RecordType=(($_ -split "]")[1] -split " ")[1]
                        $Query=($_.ToString().Substring(110)) -replace "\s" -replace "\(\d?\d\)","." -replace "^\." -replace "\.$"
                        $Result=(((($_ -split "\[")[1]).ToString().Substring(9)) -split "]")[0] -replace " "
                    elseif ($_ -match "^\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d \d\d:") {
                        $Date=$Date.Substring(0,4) + "-" + $Date.Substring(4,2) + "-" + $Date.Substring(6,2)
                        $Time=($_ -split " ")[1] -join " "
                        $Protocol=($_ -split " ")[6]
                        $Client=($_ -split " ")[8]
                        $SendReceive=($_ -split " ")[7]
                        $RecordType=(($_ -split "]")[1] -split " ")[1]
                        $Query=($_.ToString().Substring(110)) -replace "\s" -replace "\(\d?\d\)","." -replace "^\." -replace "\.$"
                        $Result=(((($_ -split "\[")[1]).ToString().Substring(9)) -split "]")[0] -replace " "
                    else {
                        $Time=($_ -split " ")[1]
                        $Protocol=($_ -split " ")[6]
                        $Client=($_ -split " ")[8]
                        $SendReceive=($_ -split " ")[7]
                        $RecordType=(($_ -split "]")[1] -split " ")[1]
                        $Query=($_.ToString().Substring(110)) -replace "\s" -replace "\(\d?\d\)","." -replace "^\." -replace "\.$"
                        $Result=(((($_ -split "\[")[1]).ToString().Substring(9)) -split "]")[0] -replace " "

                    $DateTime=Get-Date("$Date $Time") -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

                    if ($_ -match $TheReverseRegExString) {
                    else {

                    $returnObj = New-Object System.Object
                    $returnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Date -Value $DateTime
                    $returnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name QueryType -Value $QueryType
                    $returnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Client -Value $Client
                    $returnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name SendReceive -Value $SendReceive
                    $returnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Protocol -Value $Protocol
                    $returnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name RecordType -Value $RecordType
                    $returnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Query -Value $Query
                    $returnObj | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Results -Value $Result

                    if ($returnObj.Query -ne $null) {
                        Write-Output $returnObj


    END { }

function ReturnDNSLogLines

$PathCorrect=try { Test-Path $DNSLog -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $false }

    if ($DNSLog -match "^\d\d" -AND $DNSLog -notlike "*EVENT*" -AND $PathCorrect -ne $true) {
    elseif ($PathCorrect -eq $true) {
        Get-Content $DNSLog | % { $_ }