PoshCode Archive  Artifact [0a081541fe]

Artifact 0a081541fe2a53e914e814206a0b941aca1d431c225aa2e27bc277cb2ed6ec1c:

  • File Highlight-Syntax.ps1 — part of check-in [5986a9d5a8] at 2018-06-10 12:56:15 on branch trunk — This script uses regular expressions to highlight PowerShell syntax with HTML. (user: Jeff Hillman size: 8433)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Highlight-Syntax
# description: This script uses regular expressions to highlight PowerShell syntax with HTML.
# version: 1.0
# type: script
# author: Jeff Hillman
# license: CC0
# function: Highlight-Other
# x-poshcode-id: 100
# x-derived-from-id: 101
# x-archived: 2011-08-10T01:16:53
# x-published: 2008-01-07T02:55:00
# Highlight-Syntax.ps1
# version 1.0
# by Jeff Hillman
# this script uses regular expressions to highlight PowerShell
# syntax with HTML.

param( [string] $code, [switch] $LineNumbers )

if ( Test-Path $code -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )
    $code = Get-Content $code | Out-String

$backgroundColor = "#DDDDDD"
$foregroundColor = "#000000"
$stringColor     = "#800000"
$commentColor    = "#008000"
$operatorColor   = "#C86400"
$numberColor     = "#800000"
$keywordColor    = "#C86400"
$typeColor       = "#404040"
$variableColor   = "#000080"
$cmdletColor     = "#C86400"
$lineNumberColor = "#404040"

filter Html-Encode( [switch] $Regex )
    # some regular expressions operate on strings that have already
    # been through this filter, so the patterns need to be updated
    # to look for the encoded characters instead of the literal ones.
    # we do it with this filter instead of directly in the regular 
    # expression so the expressions can be a bit more readable (ha!)

    $_ = $_ -replace "&", "&"
    if ( $Regex )
        $_ = $_ -replace "(?<!\(\?)<", "&lt;"
        $_ = $_ -replace "(?<!\(\?)>", "&gt;"
        $_ = $_ -replace "\t", "    "
        $_ = $_ -replace " ", "&nbsp;"
        $_ = $_ -replace "<", "&lt;"
        $_ = $_ -replace ">", "&gt;"

# regular expressions

$operatorRegex =  @"
 (?# assignment operators)
 (?# arithmatic operators)
 (?# unary operators)
 (?# logical operators)
 (?# bitwise operators)
 (?# redirection and pipeline operators)
 (?# comparison operators)
  -[ci]? (?# case and case-insensitive variants)
 (?# type operators)
 (?# range and miscellaneous operators)
 (?# string formatting operator)
"@ | Html-Encode -Regex

$numberRegex = @"
  (?# hexadecimal numbers)
  (?# regular numbers)
  (?# scientific notation)
  (?# type specifiers)
  (?# size shorthand)
"@ | Html-Encode -Regex

$keyWordRegex = @"
 (?# don't match anything that looks like a variable or a parameter)
  (?# condition keywords)
  (?# loop keywords)
  (?# scope keywords)
  (?# block keywords)
  (?# other keywords)

$typeRegex = @"
  (?# primitive types and arrays of those types)
  (?# other types)

$cmdletNames = Get-Command -Type Cmdlet | Foreach-Object { $_.Name }

function Highlight-Other( [string] $code )
    $highlightedCode = $code | Html-Encode
    # operators
    $highlightedCode = $highlightedCode -replace 
        $operatorRegex, "<span style='color: $operatorColor'>`$1</span>"

    # numbers
    $highlightedCode = $highlightedCode -replace 
        $numberRegex, "<span style='color: $numberColor'>`$1</span>"

    # keywords
    $highlightedCode = $highlightedCode -replace 
        $keyWordRegex, "<span style='color: $keywordColor'>`$1</span>"

    # types
    $highlightedCode = $highlightedCode -replace 
        $typeRegex, "<span style='color: $typeColor'>`$1</span>"

    # Cmdlets
    $cmdletNames | Foreach-Object {
        $highlightedCode = $highlightedCode -replace 
            "\b($_)\b", "<span style='color: $cmdletColor'>`$1</span>"


$RegexOptions = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]

$highlightedCode = ""

# we treat variables, strings, and comments differently because we don't 
# want anything inside them to be highlighted.  we combine the regular 
# expressions so they are mutually exclusive

$variableRegex = '(\$(\w+|{[^}`]*(`.[^}`]*)*}))'

$stringRegex = @"
 (?# here strings)
 (?# double-quoted strings)
 (?# single-quoted strings)

$commentRegex = "#[^\r\n]*"

[regex]::Matches( $code, 
                  "(?<before>(.|\n)*?)" + 
                  "((?<variable>$variableRegex)|" + 
                  "(?<string>$stringRegex)|" + 
                  $RegexOptions::MultiLine ) | Foreach-Object {
    # highlight everything before the variable, string, or comment    
    $highlightedCode += Highlight-Other $_.Groups[ "before" ].Value

    if ( $_.Groups[ "variable" ].Value )
        $highlightedCode += 
            "<span style='color: $variableColor'>" + 
            ( $_.Groups[ 'variable' ].Value | Html-Encode ) + 
    elseif ( $_.Groups[ "string" ].Value )
        $string = $_.Groups[ 'string' ].Value | Html-Encode
        $string = "<span style='color: $stringColor'>$string</span>"

        # we have to highlight each piece of multi-line strings
        if ( $string -match "\r\n" )
            # highlight any line continuation characters as operators
            $string = $string -replace 
                "(``)(?=\r\n)", "<span style='color: $operatorColor'>``</span>"

            $string = $string -replace 
                "\r\n", "</span>`r`n<span style='color: $stringColor'>"

        $highlightedCode += $string
        $highlightedCode += 
            "<span style='color: $commentColor'>" + 
            $( $_.Groups[ 'comment' ].Value | Html-Encode ) + 

    # we need to keep track of the last position of a variable, string, 
    # or comment, so we can highlight everything after it
    $lastMatch = $_

if ( $lastMatch )
    # highlight everything after the last variable, string, or comment   
    $highlightedCode += Highlight-Other $code.SubString( $lastMatch.Index + $lastMatch.Length )
    $highlightedCode = Highlight-Other $code

# add line breaks
$highlightedCode = 
    [regex]::Replace( $highlightedCode, '(?=\r\n)', '<br />', $RegexOptions::MultiLine )

# put the highlighted code in the pipeline
"<div style='width: 100%; " + 
            "/*height: 100%;*/ " +
            "overflow: auto; " +
            "font-family: Consolas, `"Courier New`", Courier, mono; " +
            "font-size: 12px; " +
            "background-color: $backgroundColor; " +
            "color: $foregroundColor; " + 
            "padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px; white-space: nowrap'>"

if ( $LineNumbers )
    $digitCount = 
        ( [regex]::Matches( $highlightedCode, "^", $RegexOptions::MultiLine ) ).Count.ToString().Length

    $highlightedCode = [regex]::Replace( $highlightedCode, "^", 
        "<li style='color: $lineNumberColor; padding-left: 5px'><span style='color: $foregroundColor'>",
        $RegexOptions::MultiLine )

    $highlightedCode = [regex]::Replace( $highlightedCode, "<br />", "</span><br />",
        $RegexOptions::MultiLine )
    "<ol start='1' style='border-left: " +
                         "solid 1px $lineNumberColor; " +
                         "margin-left: $( ( $digitCount * 10 ) + 15 )px; " +
                         "padding: 0px;'>"


if ( $LineNumbers )
