PoshCode Archive  Artifact [0fb15ec031]

Artifact 0fb15ec0314ecd95e2b60dcf6570140f0dad7385ae199d41cda6633c5d7cf08e:

  • File Start-rdp.ps1 — part of check-in [40444098bc] at 2018-06-10 13:44:18 on branch trunk — script to wrap arround mstsc.exe and start multiple rdp sesions in one command (user: AllanData size: 6641)

# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: Start-rdp.ps1
# description: script to wrap arround mstsc.exe and start multiple rdp sesions in one command
# version: 1.0
# type: function
# author: AllanData
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 4667
# x-archived: 2016-09-29T20:21:39
# x-published: 2016-12-05T13:33:00
Function Global:Start-RDP {
		This Cmdlet starts a microsoft terminal session against the hostname provided.
		it is possible to collect credential information from a PSCredential file saved on the disk
		This cmdlet starts a Microsoft terminal sesion against the hostname provided, by creating a rdp 
		file and calling the mstsc with the rdp file as data. it will be possible to save credentials into 
		the file in a semi secure way.
		Thsi script uses the pscredential type and the import-/export pscredential script from halr9000. These 
		scripts makes i possible to save encrypted username/password data as a file. These data are only decryptable 
		by the user encrypting it.
		When using the -LeaveRDPFile option is used then it is only a HASH of the password that is left in the file. 
		! This hash key can be decrypted by brute force attacks.
	.Parameter Hostname
		this is the hostname/ip of the server you want to connect to
	.Parameter Fullscreen
		Use this paramenter when wanting to connect rdp in fullscreen mode
	.Parameter Credentials
		Credentials can be both a path to a file 
		a pscredential type object
	.Parameter Console
		use this parameter when wanting to connect to the admin/console session.
	.Parameter Path
		use this path as temp/permanent place to store the .rdp files.
	.Parameter LeaveRDPFile
		use this parameter when you want to leave the rdp files after connect. 
		! Remember this might be a security risk.
		Start-Rdp -Hostname Server1.local.domain -credentials (get-credential) 
		This will prompt for username and password and subsequent connect to the specified server
		start-rdp -hostname Server1.local.domain -credentials credentials.enc.xml 
		This will prompt for username and password save the credentials to a file and subsequent connect 
		to the specified server using the user/password data from the file
		Get-content serverlist.txt | start-rdp -credentials credentials.enc.xml 
		This will prompt for username and password save the credentials to a file and subsequent connect 
		to the servers listed in the serverlist.txt file, using the user/password data from the file
		Import-pscredential cmdlet http://poshcode.org/501
		Allan Christiansen <christiansen.allan@Gmail.com>, http://doitsmarter.blogspot.com/
	Credits/Special thanks:
		Hal Rottenberg <hal@halr9000.com> for the Import/export-pscredential cmdlets. 
	Date:			2013-03-13
	Revision: 		1.0
	Output includes the following data
	Disclaimer: This script is written as best effort and provides no 
	warranty expressed or implied. Please contact the author(s) if you 
	have questions about this script before running or modifying
		[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=0,Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Enter the hostname to connect to")]
		[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$false,Position=1,Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Select to start in fullscreen mode")]
		[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$false,Position=2,Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="select to connect in admin mode")]
		[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$false,Position=3,Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Enter path to Credential store .xml or input pscredential")]
		[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$false,Position=4,Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Path for directory to store rdp files")]
		$Path = "$Home\Documents\RDP",
		[Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$false,Position=5,Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Remove .RDP file after start")]
Begin {	
	If (!(test-path $Path -erroraction silentlycontinue)) {
		mkdir $Path | Out-Null
	IF (($Credentials.gettype()).type -eq "PSCredential") {
		$cred = $Credentials
	} Else {
		If (test-path $Credentials -erroraction silentlycontinue) {
			$cred = Import-pscredential $Credentials
		} else {
			# Not Pscredential type object -
			# not a valid file path
			# lets ask the user
			$cred = get-credentials
		$Encrypted = $cred.password | ConvertFrom-SecureString
	#test screenmode and set to correct value
	If ($Fullscreen) {
		$ScreenMode = 2
Process {
	#run through all hosts pased to script
	Foreach ($Hosts in $hostname) {
		IF ($Hosts -ne "") {	
			$Filename = "$Path\$Hosts.rdp"
			$RDPFileData =			
�screen mode id:i:$ScreenMode
session bpp:i:16
full address:s:$Hosts
autoreconnection enabled:i:1
alternate shell:s:
shell working directory:s:
disable wallpaper:i:1
disable full window drag:i:1
disable menu anims:i:1
disable themes:i:0
disable cursor setting:i:0
password 51:b:$encrypted
			If (!(test-path $Filename -erroraction silentlycontinue)) {
				Set-Content -path $Filename -Value $RDPFileData -Force -erroraction silentlycontinue
			$param = ""
			If ($Console) {
				$Param += "/admin"
			IF ($Param -ne "") {
				Mstsc $Filename $Param
			} Else {
				Mstsc $Filename
			#Remove the .rdp files if requested
			If (!$LeaveRDPFile) {
				Sleep 1
				Remove-item $filename -force
End {
	# No cleanup needed
	New-Alias -name Global:RDP -Value Start-Rdp -Force
If ((get-command import-pscredential -erroraction silentlycontinue) -eq $False) {
	write-error "Import-/export-pscredential cmdlets from http://poshcode.org/473 are required for this cmdlet to have 100% functionality"
	Exit 1