PoshCode Archive  Artifact [104ad3af45]

Artifact 104ad3af458f6cf48d2a73f75eb896a9083d363ea8b425dfa60b1794b4baac5a:

  • File Get-TV-Show-Airdates.ps1 — part of check-in [91d821909d] at 2018-06-10 14:17:45 on branch trunk — These functions retrieve information about tv show airdates. They are used as a part of my “home automation with powershell”-project. (user: DollarUnderscore size: 7000)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get TV Show Airdates
# description: These functions retrieve information about tv show airdates. They are used as a part of my “home automation with powershell”-project.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: DollarUnderscore
# license: CC0
# function: Get-TVShowNextAirDate
# x-poshcode-id: 6551
# x-archived: 2017-03-31T03:13:45
# x-published: 2017-10-06T08:57:00
# It’s mostly just for fun but it’s currently used to order snacks (See “Buy groceries with PowerShell”-post) when a TV Show I follow starts/ends soon.
# A short post about these functions are available at:
# https://p0wershell.com/?p=2911
# If these doesn’t work, feel free to post a comment on the blog and I’ll try to fix them!
# Edit: Site changed so these functions needed to be updated accordingly.
function Get-TVShowNextAirDate
       Retrieves information about tv shows next air date
       This cmdlet parses pogdesign's tv calendar for tv show air dates
       Get-TVShowNextAirDate | Format-Table
       Get-TVShowNextAirDate | Where-Object { $_.TVShow -eq "Family Guy" }


    Begin {
        # Get the site
        $URL = "http://www.pogdesign.co.uk/cat/next-airing"
        try {
            $CatTV = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to fetch TV Show data."

        $TVShows = $CatTV.Content -split "<div class=`"showlist" | Select-Object -Skip 1
    Process {
        foreach ($TVShow in $TVShows) {

                $TVShowName = ((($TVShow -split "<a href")[1] -split "</a>")[0] -split ">")[1] -replace "&amp;","&"
                $EpisodeName = ((($TVShow -split "<a href")[2] -split "</a>")[0] -split ">")[1] -replace "&amp;","&"
                $Season = (((((($TVShow -split "<a href")[2] -split "</a>")[0] -split ">")[0] -split "season-")[1]) -split "/Episode-")[0]
                $Episode = (((((($TVShow -split "<a href")[2] -split "</a>")[0] -split ">")[0] -split "season-")[1]) -split "/Episode-")[1] -replace '"$'
                $AirDateString = (($TVShow -split "epdate`">")[1] -split "</span>")[0]
                $Year = "20" + (($AirDateString -split " ")[2] -replace "^'")
                $MonthString = ($AirDateString -split " ")[1]
                $Day = ($AirDateString -split " ")[0] -replace "[^\d]"

                $Month = switch ($MonthString)
                                    "Jan" {  "1" }
                                    "Feb" {  "2" }
                                    "Mar" {  "3" }
                                    "Apr" {  "4" }
                                    "May" {  "5" }
                                    "Jun" {  "6" }
                                    "Jul" {  "7" }
                                    "Aug" {  "8" }
                                    "Sep" {  "9" }
                                    "Oct" { "10" }
                                    "Nov" { "11" }
                                    "Dec" { "12" }

                $AirTime = ((($TVShow -split "eptime`">")[1] -split "</span>")[0] -split " ")[0]
                $AirTimeAndDate = Get-Date "$Year-$Month-$Day $AirTime"

                $returnObject = New-Object System.Object
                $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name TVShow -Value $TVShowName
                $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name EpisodeName -Value $EpisodeName
                $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Season -Value $Season
                $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Episode -Value $Episode
                $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name AirDate -Value $AirTimeAndDate

                Write-Output $returnObject

                # Cleanup
                Remove-Variable TVShowName, EpisodeName, Season, Episode, AirTimeAndDate, AirDateString, Year, MonthString, Month, Day, AirTime, returnObject

    End { }

function Get-TVShowAirDate
       Retrieves information about a specific tv show's air dates
       This cmdlet parses pogdesign's tv calendar for a specific tv show's air dates
       Get-TVShowAirDate | Format-Table
       Get-TVShowNextAirDate | Get-TVShowAirDate | ft


    param([Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
          [string] $TVShow)

    Begin { }

    Process {

        $URL = "http://www.pogdesign.co.uk/cat/$($TVShow -replace ' ','-' -replace "&","and" -replace '[^a-zA-Z\d-]')-summary"

        try {
            $TVShowInfo = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -UseBasicParsing
        catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to fetch TV Show data."

        #$TVShowEpisodeSpans = (($TVShowInfo.Content -split "Next Airing Episode Dates")[1] -split "Back to the TV Calendar")[0] -split "<div class=`"" | select -Skip 1
        $TVShowEpisodeSpans = ($TVShowInfo.Content -split '<li class="ep info "' | select -Skip 1) | %{ ($_ -split '<span class="punaired">UNAIRED</span>')[0] }

        foreach ($TVShowEpisodeSpan in $TVShowEpisodeSpans) {
            $EpisodeName = (($TVShowEpisodeSpan -split '</a></strong')[0] -split "`">")[5] -replace "&amp;","&"
            $Season = (($TVShowEpisodeSpan -split 'itemprop="seasonNumber" >')[1] -split "</span>")[0]
            $Episode = ((($TVShowEpisodeSpan -split 'itemprop="episodeNumber"')[1] -split "`">")[1] -split "</span>")[0]
            $AirDate = (($TVShowEpisodeSpan -split 'itemprop="releasedEvent" content="')[1] -split '"')[0]
            $AirTime = (((($TVShowEpisodeSpan -split 'itemprop="releasedEvent" content="')[1] -split '">')[1] -split "- ")[1] -split "</span>")[0]
            $AirDateTime = Get-Date "$AirDate $AirTime"

            $returnObject = New-Object System.Object
            $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name TVShow -Value $TVShow
            $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name EpisodeName -Value $EpisodeName
            $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Season -Value $Season
            $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Episode -Value $Episode
            $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name AirDate -Value $AirDateTime

            Write-Output $returnObject

            # Cleanup
            Remove-Variable EpisodeName, Season, Episode, AirDateTime

    End {  }