PoshCode Archive  Artifact [13d352dcac]

Artifact 13d352dcac62a511eff5e2c37e2348f784a5a65245311250cc5847079f2b19d2:

  • File Out-Voice.ps1 — part of check-in [e8b5b6c87f] at 2018-06-10 12:56:24 on branch trunk — Speaks text using the SAPI text-to-speech api (user: Joel Bennett size: 3156)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Out-Voice
# description: Speaks text using the SAPI text-to-speech api
# version: 1.2
# type: script
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 109
# x-archived: 2012-07-12T04:49:07
# x-published: 2008-01-11T16:02:00
# new version has a passthru parameter …
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## <Script>
## <Author>
## Joel "Jaykul" Bennett
## </Author>
## <Description>
## Outputs text as spoken words
## </Description>
## <Usage>
## Out-Speech "Hello World"
## </Usage>
## </Script>
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

param([array]$Collection, [switch]$wait, [switch]$purge, [switch]$readfiles, [switch]$readxml, [switch]$notxml, [switch]$passthru)

  if ($args -eq '-?') {
'Usage: Out-Speech [[-Collection] <array>]'
'    -Collection : A collection of items to speak.'
'    -?          : Display this usage information'
'  Switches:'
'    -wait       : Wait for the machine to read each item (NOT asynchronous).'
'    -purge      : Purge all other speech requests before making this call.'
'    -readfiles  : Read the contents of the text files indicated.'
'    -readxml    : Treat input as speech XML markup.'
'    -notxml     : Do NOT parse XML (if text starts with "<" but is not XML).'
'    -passthru   : Pass on the input as output.'
'    PS> Out-Speech "Hello World"'
'    PS> Select-RandomLine quotes.txt | Out-Speech -wait'
'    PS> Out-Speech -readfiles "Hitchhiker''s Guide To The Galaxy.txt"'
  # To override this default, use the other flag values given below.
  $SPF_DEFAULT = 0          # Specifies that the default settings should be used.  
    ## The defaults are:
    #~ * Speak the given text string synchronously
    #~ * Not purge pending speak requests
    #~ * Parse the text as XML only if the first character is a left-angle-bracket (<)
    #~ * Not persist global XML state changes across speak calls
    #~ * Not expand punctuation characters into words.
  $SPF_ASYNC = 1            # Specifies that the Speak call should be asynchronous.
  $SPF_PURGEBEFORESPEAK = 2 # Purges all pending speak requests prior to this speak call.
  $SPF_IS_FILENAME = 4      # The string passed is a file name, and the file text should be spoken.
  $SPF_IS_XML = 8           # The input text will be parsed for XML markup. 
  $SPF_IS_NOT_XML= 16       # The input text will not be parsed for XML markup.
  if(!$wait){ $SPF += $SPF_ASYNC }
  if($purge){ $SPF += $SPF_PURGEBEFORESPEAK }
  if($readfiles){ $SPF += $SPF_IS_FILENAME }
  if($readxml){ $SPF += $SPF_IS_XML }
  if($notxml){ $SPF += $SPF_IS_NOT_XML }
  $Voice = new-object -com SAPI.SpVoice
  if ($collection.count -gt 0) {
    foreach( $item in $collection ) {
      $exit = $Voice.Speak( ($item | out-string), $SPF )

  if ($_)
    $exit = $Voice.Speak( ($_ | out-string), $SPF )
    if($passthru) { $_ }