PoshCode Archive  Artifact [1a31c768f0]

Artifact 1a31c768f0bdaab90b6c72d09294705f84c23df11706ac20ef0575066b05c04a:

  • File Updated-CloneVM-from-CSV.ps1 — part of check-in [fbc07d08a9] at 2018-06-10 13:29:38 on branch trunk — Takes a fixed format CSV and pumps out clones from a template. Easily modified to do clones of a VM or create new VMs. Some of the restrictions mentioned in the notes appear to be fixed with VMware ESX v4.1. (user: monahancj size: 8050)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Updated CloneVM from CSV
# description: Takes a fixed format CSV and pumps out clones from a template.  Easily modified to do clones of a VM or create new VMs.  Some of the restrictions mentioned in the notes appear to be fixed with VMware ESX v4.1.
# version: 4.0
# type: script
# author: monahancj
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3701
# x-archived: 2014-06-22T09:41:40
# x-published: 2014-10-19T09:38:00
Param ($servercsv)

# $servercsv is the input file

Mass cloning of virtual machines
Mass cloning of virtual machines from a template using a CSV file as a source.
 1- Assumes template only has a C: drive and that only a D: will be added from the CSV file.  Additional drives will have to be done manually.
 2- Input CSV file format is at the bottom of this file.
 3- When testing use this command to mass delete the VMs created with the script.
 	 import-csv inputfile.csv | % { Remove-VM -DeleteFromDisk -VM $_.Name -RunAsync -Confirm:$false }
 4- Folder is not set due to the likelihood of duplicate folder names in large environment.  There's no good, consistent, and easy way that I could figure out to handle that.
 5- Creating the additional disk fails with PowerCLI 4.0 U1.  Reference URLs on the next two lines:
 6- Setting the guest network fails with PowerCLI 4.0 U1.  I've posted the issue.
	** UPDATE- Issue with dvSwitches not supported in PowerCli yet.  Workaround here- http://www.lucd.info/2010/03/04/dvswitch-scripting-part-8-get-and-set-network-adapters/

  1- Set the guest network config. with either Copy-VMGuestfile and Invoke-VMScript, or Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface.
  2- Check/update vmware tools.  (May not be advisable, my conflict with sysprep reboot(s).)
  3- Create script to validate CSV file.  Possibly to be run by Project Managers.
  4- Create Excel spreadsheet with dropdown lists of cluster locations and other info to assist Project Managers.

C:\Temp> C:\ops\posh\VMware\Clone_Template_fromCSV.ps1 inputfile.csv

Write-Output "`n++ $(Get-Date) - Starting Script."

# Prep
$OrginalVIServer = $global:DefaultVIServer  # Saving the Virtual Center that the shell session was connected to.
$ScriptDir = "\\vmscripthost201\repo"
$VMTargets = Import-CSV $servercsv

Write-Output "`n++ $(Get-Date) - Verifying server names are unique."

$DupeNames = $false
$AllVMs = Get-VM | Sort
$i = 0;
If ( ($VMTargets | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1) { # only one VM in the CSV to deploy
	$j = 0
   	while ($AllVMs[$j]) {
		If ($VMTargets.Name -eq $AllVMs[$j].Name) {
			$DupeNames = $true
			Write-Host "Requested VM name" $VMTargets.Name "is in use. `n"
		} # end If
	} # end while
Else { # more than one VM in the CSV to deploy
	while ($VMTargets[$i]) {
		$j = 0
   		while ($AllVMs[$j]) {
			If ($VMTargets[$i].Name -eq $AllVMs[$j].Name) {
				$DupeNames = $true
				Write-Host "Requested VM name" $VMTargets[$i].Name "is in use. `n"
			} # end If
		} # end while
	} # end while

If ($dupenames -eq $false) {
	Write-Output "`n++ $(Get-Date) - Starting deploying."
	$serverlist = Import-CSV $servercsv
	# ** Clone new VM
	$serverlist | % { 
    Connect-VIServer $_.VC | Select-Object Name
	If ($_.VC -match "ukvcenter101") {
		If ($_.Template -match "std") {
			$GuestIDs_mapto_OSCustSpec = Import-Csv $ScriptDir\StaticInfo\guestids_list_UK_Win2K8Std.csv }
		ElseIf ($_.Template -match "ent") {
			$GuestIDs_mapto_OSCustSpec = Import-Csv $ScriptDir\StaticInfo\guestids_list_UK_Win2K8Ent.csv }
		Else { Write-Host "No matching UK template name to pick OSCustSpec"; break; }
	Else { $GuestIDs_mapto_OSCustSpec = Import-Csv $ScriptDir\StaticInfo\guestids_list.csv }

	$TemplateGuestId = (((Get-Template $_.Template).ExtensionData).Guest).GuestId
	Write-Output "$($_.Template) and $($TemplateGuestId)"
	$OSCustSpec = ($GuestIDs_mapto_OSCustSpec | ? { $_.guestid -eq $TemplateGuestId }).OSCustSpec
	Write-Output "$($OSCustSpec)"
	$respool = $_.ResourcePool
	$RPTarget = (Get-ResourcePool -location $_.Cluster | Where { $_.Name -match $respool } | get-random)
	$VMHostTarget = (Get-VMHost -Location $_.Cluster | Where-Object { $_.ConnectionState -eq "Connected" } | Select Name,@{n="Lightest";e={ ( ($_.CpuUsageMhz/$_.CpuTotalMhz) + ($_.MemoryUsageMB/$_.MemoryTotalMB) )/2 }} | sort Lightest | select -first 1).Name
	$DSTTarget = (.$ScriptDir\Get-DatastoreMostFree.ps1 $_.Cluster).Name
	If ($DSTTarget -eq $null) { 
		Write-Output "No datatstore returned for cluster $($_.Cluster).  Exiting script."
	Write-Output "`n++ $(Get-Date) `t- Creating VM:`t $(($_.Name).ToLower())`t$($_.Cluster)`t$($VMHostTarget)`t$($DSTTarget)`t$($RPTarget)`t$($OSCustSpec)"

	New-VM -Confirm:$False `
           -Name ($_.Name).ToLower() `
           -Template $_.Template `
		   -OSCustomizationSpec $OSCustSpec `
		   -DiskStorageFormat Thin `
           -ResourcePool $RPTarget `
           -Description $_.Notes `
           -VMHost $VMHostTarget `
           -Datastore $DSTTarget
	Start-Sleep 5 # Giving the VM time to appear in the Virtual Center inventory.
	Set-VM -Confirm:$false `
           -VM $_.Name `
           -NumCpu $_.NumCpu `
           -MemoryMB ([int]$_.RAMSizeGB * 1024)
	If ( $_.Template -match "w2k8" ) { $SCSIControllerType = "VirtualLsiLogicSAS" } else { $SCSIControllerType = "VirtualLsiLogic" }
	(Get-VM -Name $_.Name).Guest.OSFullName
	New-HardDisk -VM $_.Name -CapacityKB ([int]$_.D_DriveSizeGB * 1024 * 1024) -DiskType Flat -StorageFormat Thin -Confirm:$false | New-ScsiController -Type $SCSIControllerType
	Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_.Name | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $_.VLAN -Confirm:$false

	Set-Annotation -Entity $_.Name -CustomAttribute Application -value $_.Application
	Set-Annotation -Entity $_.Name -CustomAttribute "Business Unit" -value $_.BusinessUnit
	Set-Annotation -Entity $_.Name -CustomAttribute Category -value $_.Category
	Set-Annotation -Entity $_.Name -CustomAttribute Support -value $_.Support

	Get-FloppyDrive -VM $_.Name | Remove-FloppyDrive -Confirm:$false
	Get-UsbDevice -VM $_.Name | Remove-UsbDevice -Confirm:$false
	Get-VM -Name $_.Name | Get-VMResourceConfiguration | Set-VMResourceConfiguration -CPUReservationMhz 0 -CPULimitMhz $null
	Get-VM -Name $_.Name | Get-VMResourceConfiguration | Set-VMResourceConfiguration -MemReservationMB  0 -MemLimitMB  $null

	If (Get-Folder $_.Description) { Move-VM -VM $_.Name -Destination $_.Description }
	ElseIf (Get-Folder Staging) { Move-VM -VM $_.Name -Destination Staging }
	Else { "`n++ $(Get-Date) - Folder ""Staging"" does not exist.  The VM will be in the Datacenter root folder." }
	} # end %
	Write-Output "`n++ $(Get-Date) - Finished deploying."
	# Dump list of VMs, check Resource Pool
	$serverlist | % { Get-VM $_.Name } | Select-Object @{n="Cluster";e={$_.VMHost.Parent.Name}},Name,ResourcePool,Folder,NumCpu,MemoryMB,@{n="ProvisionedSpaceGB";e={[int]$_.ProvisionedSpaceGB}},@{n="UsedSpaceGB";e={[int]$_.UsedSpaceGB}}

} #end If

# Reconnecting to the Virtual Center that the shell session was connected to before running the script.
Connect-VIServer $OrginalVIServer.Name

# Input file format
vcenterxxx.fqdn.com,Bed-QADevIntv35,QA-DBHYPESS201,w2k8_std_x64_r2_tmpl,Normal,1,3,50,VLAN350,ESS,Hyperion,QA,Finance,"DEV00nnnnnn- For testing blah blah"

Write-Output "`n++ $(Get-Date) - Finished Script."