PoshCode Archive  Artifact [1a6d3f90f3]

Artifact 1a6d3f90f3218e79f4c1f08a60871840a14577d48d1a7cfa8fe7735c55c7762c:

  • File Manual-DNS-Scavenging.ps1 — part of check-in [dddc967069] at 2018-06-10 13:04:45 on branch trunk — COMMENT: (user: Stephen Wheet size: 3719)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Manual DNS Scavenging
# description: COMMENT: 
# version: 1.2
# type: script
# author: Stephen Wheet
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2079
# x-archived: 2017-02-16T15:00:18
# x-published: 2011-08-17T16:09:00
# This script was created to manually scavenge DNS records for a given 
# period. Specify the date/domain/DNS server/Subnet .  It will create log files for each subnet
# v1.1 – Added Network Range to filter based on network range (good for 
# doing one site/floor at a time)
# v1.2 – Added the ability to do multiple ranges at the same time.
# PowerShell Source File 
# AUTHOR: Stephen Wheet
# NAME: dnsscavenge.ps1
# Version: 1.2
# Date: 8/12/10
#	This script was created to manually scavenge DNS records for a given 
#   period. Specify the date of last registration and everything older
#   than that will be deleted.
#   v1.1 - Added Network Range to filter based on network range (good for 
#          doing one site/floor at a time)
#   v1.2 - Added the ability to do multiple ranges at the same time.
$DeleteKey = 0 #change to 0 for only a report, 1 to delete the records
#Define network range to filter on
$NetworkRange = "192.168.1.*","192.168.2.*"

# No-Refresh + Refresh (in Days)
$TotalAgingInterval = 60

$ServerName = "DNSSERVER" #DC to connect to
$ContainerName = "Domain.local" #domain name to scavenge from

#Place Headers on out-put file
ForEach ($Network in $NetworkRange){
    $filename = "DC-" + $ServerName + "--DOMAIN-" + $ContainerName + "--AGE-" + $TotalAgingInterval + `
"--RANGE-" + $Network.Replace("*","") + ".csv"
    $logfile = "D:\reports\DNSscavenge\$filename"
    $list = "Ownername,TimeStamp,Deleted"
    $list | format-table | Out-File "$logfile"
} #end for each

$MinTimeStamp = [Int](New-TimeSpan `
  -Start $(Get-Date("01/01/1601 00:00")) `
  -End $((Get-Date).AddDays(-$TotalAgingInterval))).TotalHours

$records = Get-WMIObject -Computer $ServerName `
  -Namespace "root\MicrosoftDNS" -Class "MicrosoftDNS_AType" `
  -Filter `
  "ContainerName='$ContainerName' AND TimeStamp<$MinTimeStamp AND TimeStamp<>0 " 

ForEach ($record in $records){
    $IPA = $record.IPAddress
    ForEach ($Network in $NetworkRange){
        If ( $IPA -like $Network ){
            $Ownername = $record.Ownername
            $TimeStamp = (Get-Date("01/01/1601")).AddHours($record.TimeStamp)
            Write-host "$Ownername,$IPA,$TimeStamp"
            $filename = "DC-" + $ServerName + "--DOMAIN-" + $ContainerName + "--AGE-" + $TotalAgingInterval + `
"--RANGE-" + $Network.Replace("*","") + ".csv"
            $logfile = "D:\reports\DNSscavenge\$filename" # Logfile location
            If ($DeleteKey){
                If($?) { 
                    Write-host "Successfully deleted A record: $Ownername"
                }Else { 
                    Write-host "Could not delete A record: $Ownername, error: $($error[0])"
            $list = ("$Ownername,$TimeStamp,$?")
            $list | format-table | Out-File -append "$logfile"
            $list = ("$Ownername,$TimeStamp,No")
            $list | format-table | Out-File -append "$logfile" 
            } #end if/else
        } #end if
    } #end for each
} #end for each