PoshCode Archive  Artifact [240925ae8a]

Artifact 240925ae8a2c073f6884dfd1ffb5c249e626d1be03e6c9a4cab4737041c12ddd:

  • File User-Entitlement-Auditor.ps1 — part of check-in [43874edbfc] at 2018-06-10 13:19:55 on branch trunk — Script used to perform user entitlement audits based on an XML report containing local groups, members of the local groups and systems that house the local groups. The script joins that data to data containing users and global groups grabbed directly from AD using the Quest AD Cmdlets and outputs the final report in CSV. Sorry that not everything is documented as I’d like it to be. (user: Alex Scoble size: 10827)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: User Entitlement Auditor
# description: Script used to perform user entitlement audits based on an XML report containing local groups, members of the local groups and systems that house the local groups. The script joins that data to data containing users and global groups grabbed directly from AD using the Quest AD Cmdlets and outputs the final report in CSV. Sorry that not everything is documented as I’d like it to be.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Alex Scoble
# license: CC0
# function: Is-ValidMember
# x-poshcode-id: 3068
# x-archived: 2016-04-27T15:46:47
# x-published: 2012-11-22T16:10:00
$date = ( get-date ).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm')

$inpath = "C:\InputDir\"

$outpath = "C:\Archive\"

$FileList = @(Get-Childitem $inpath)

# Output CSV formatted report with members properly split up and unwanted domains/users removed:
$ResultFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()

$ADMembersOutfile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()

$ReportFile = "C:\EntitlementsAuditProject\$date-UserEntitlementAuditTripWireFINALresult.csv"

# Wanted Local Groups
$WantedLocals = @("Administrators","Users")

# List of unwanted users to filter out:
$BadUsers = @("(null)", "") 

# List of unwanted domains and system accounts to remove:
$BadDomains = @("NT AUTHORITY","NT SERVICE") 

# Master function that calls all other functions in order
Function Main {

	# Runs Split-Member function against Landesk output report and saves results to output file
	Parse-XMLtoCSV $ResultFile
	# Runs function that joins the two CSV files based on commonalities in the domain members field
	JoinCSVs $ResultFile $ADMembersOutfile $ReportFile

# Ends Main function

# Function used to filter out unwanted Members. Function is called by Split-Member function
Function Is-ValidMember([string] $membername) {

	# Creates array based on splitting resultant Members field data further where backslashes "\" exist 
    $parts = $membername.Split("\\")

    # Logic operators used to filter out unwanted users and domains
    $BadDomains -notcontains $parts[0] -and $BadUsers -notcontains $parts[$parts.Length - 1]
# Ends Is-ValidMember function

Function Is-ValidLocalGroup([string] $localgroupname) {

	$WantedLocals -contains $localgroupname

Function Parse-XMLtoCSV ([string] $outfile) {

	$FileList | ForEach-Object {
		Foreach ($file in $FileList) {

			[xml]$xml = Get-Content $inpath$file

			$xml.ReportOutput.ReportBody.ReportSection | 

			Foreach-Object { 

				$system = $_.Name
				$_.ReportSection | 
				Foreach-Object {
					$group = $_.name
					$_.ReportSection.ReportSection.ReportSection | 
					Foreach-Object { 
						$_.String | 
						Foreach-Object {

							If ($_."#TEXT" -ne $null) {
								New-Object Object |
								Add-Member NoteProperty "System" $system -PassThru |
								Add-Member NoteProperty "LocalGroup" $group -PassThru |
								Add-Member NoteProperty "LocalMembers" $_."#TEXT" -PassThru |


			} | Where-Object { Is-ValidMember $_.LocalMembers } | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $outfile


	Move-Item $inpath$file $outpath$file



# Function that pulls AD user and group data from domain controllers and outputs the data to a temp file. Function is called by JoinCSVs function
Function GetADMembersofGroups ([string] $outfile2) {

	# Quest AD cmdlet is used here to get all Global Security groups in AD and pipes out results to next part
	Get-QADGroup -SearchRoot "DC=dsl,DC=dittdsh,DC=org" -GroupType "Security" `
	-GroupScope "Global" | 
	# Starts ForEach-Object loop
	ForEach-Object {
		# Sets up $NTAccount variable
		$NTAccount = $_.NTAccountName
		# Sets up $Domain variable
		$Domain = $_.Domain
		# Sets up GroupName variable
		$GroupName =$_.Name
		# Sets up CatGroupName variable which concatenates $Domain and $GroupName system strings into one string for later use
		$CatGroupName = [System.String]::Concat($Domain,$GroupName)
		# Quest AD cmdlet is used here to get all members of AD groups that were pulled above
		Get-QADGroupMember -Identity $NTAccount -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties -IncludedProperties `
	# Ends ForEach-Object loop, pipes results to next process and starts another ForEach-Object loop			
	} | ForEach-Object {
		# Variable used to equate $curr to current point in CSV array. This is necessary for processing items in a class as "$_" is not allowed
		$curr = $_
		# Uses New-Object to create a new class named Object and pipes results out for further processing so that properties can be added to the class
   	 	New-Object Object |

		# Adds property to Object class based on concatenated $Domain and $GroupName strings, changes column name to GlobalMembers and pipes results 
		# out for further processing "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
		Add-Member NoteProperty "GlobalMembers" $CatGroupName -PassThru |

		# Adds property to Object class based on Name column in input file, renames to Username and pipes results out for further processing 
		# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
		Add-Member NoteProperty "Username" $curr.Name -PassThru |
		# Adds property to Object class based on SamAccountName column in input file, renames to LogonID and pipes results out for further processing 
		# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
		Add-Member NoteProperty "LogonID" $curr.SamAccountName -PassThru |

	# Ends Object class processing loop, sorts objects by GlobalMembers colum and exports out to another temp CSV file
  	}  | Sort-Object {$_.GlobalMembers} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $outfile2

# Ends GetADMembersofGroups function

# Starts JoinCSVs function which joins the two temp files together based on the Domain Member columns in each file
Function JoinCSVs ([string] $infile2, [string] $infile3, [string] $outfile3) {

	# Sets up $csv1 variable to hold all of the CSV data from the first temp file
	$csv1 = Import-Csv $infile2
	# Calls the GetADMembersofGroups function
	GetADMembersofGroups $infile3
	# Sets up $csv2 variable to hold all of the CSV data from the second temp file
	$csv2 = Import-Csv $infile3
	# Pipes data from first temp file into ForEach-Object loop
	$csv1 | ForEach-Object { 
		# Variable used to equate $record to current point in CSV array. This is necessary for processing items in a class as "$_" is generally not allowed 
		$record = $_ 
		# Sets up $matches variable which contains contents of second temp file ran through filter grabbing all matches of Domain Groups in both files
		$matches = $csv2 | Where-Object {$_.GlobalMembers -eq $record.LocalMembers} 

		# Starts if loop to process $matches variable where there are matches between the two files. Where no match is found, process is moved to else loop
		if ($matches){ 
			# Pushes output of $matches variable through pipe and into a ForEach-Object loop
			$matches | ForEach-Object{ 
				# Uses New-Object to create a new class named Object and pipes results out for further processing so that properties can be added to the class
				New-Object Object |

				# Adds property to Object class based on Username column from 2nd file and pipes results out for further processing 
				# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
				Add-Member noteproperty Username $_.Username -PassThru |

		   		# Adds property to Object class based on LogonID column from 2nd file and pipes results out for further processing 
				# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
				Add-Member noteproperty LogonID $_.LogonID -PassThru |

				# Adds property to Object class based on LocalMembers column from 1st file and pipes results out for further processing 
				# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
				Add-Member noteproperty Members $record.LocalMembers -PassThru |

				# Adds property to Object class based on Localgroup column from 1st file and pipes results out for further processing 
				# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
				Add-Member noteproperty Localgroup $record.Localgroup -PassThru |

				# Adds property to Object class based on System column from 1st file and pipes results out for further processing 
				# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
				Add-Member noteproperty System $record.System -PassThru |
			# Ends ForEach-Object loop
		# Ends if loop

		# starts else loop for lines in the files that don't match
		else { 

			# Uses New-Object to create a new class named Object and pipes results out for further processing so that properties can be added to the class
			New-Object Object | 

			# Adds property to Object class for Username column and pipes out a null result as a placeholder for the CSV file 
			# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
			Add-Member noteproperty Username $null -PassThru |

			# Adds property to Object class for LogonID column and pipes out a null result as a placeholder for the CSV file 
			# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
			Add-Member noteproperty LogonID $null -PassThru |
			# Adds property to Object class based on LocalMembers column from first file and pipes out results
			# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
			Add-Member noteproperty Members $_.LocalMembers -PassThru |
			# Adds property to Object class based on Localgroup column from first file and pipes out results
			# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
			Add-Member noteproperty Localgroup $_.Localgroup -PassThru | 

			# Adds property to Object class based on System column from first file and pipes out results
			# "-PassThru" is necessary in order to get Add-Member to output results
			Add-Member noteproperty System $_.System -PassThru | 

		# Ends else loop

	# Ends ForEach-Object loop, pipes out results and exports them to the final result file
	} | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $outfile3 
	# Removes the first temp file
	Remove-Item -Force $infile2
	# Removes the second temp file
	Remove-Item -Force $infile3

# Ends JoinCSVs function

# Starts Main function, which is when the script runs completely
. Main