PoshCode Archive  Artifact [2473534be5]

Artifact 2473534be50aa4ea4265668b6e31601d6f864b599cbb7aef792609ed4ba76b94:

  • File Select-ItemV2.ps1 — part of check-in [f206ab29fd] at 2018-06-10 13:39:39 on branch trunk — Dot Sourced PSISE Snippet Editor Form (user: unknown size: 42593)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: 
# description: Dot Sourced PSISE Snippet Editor Form
# version: 8.25
# type: function
# license: CC0
# function: Select-ItemV2
# x-poshcode-id: 4342
# x-archived: 2016-11-11T11:19:40
# PowershellISE form to easily select, create and modify PSISE snippet XML files stored in the standard location, while protecting the portions of the XML that should not be changed.
# Includes full control of the CaretOffset field for manipulating the insertion point when the snippet is loaded into the PSISE.
# Intended to be run as a .\DotSourced script that can be added to the PSISE AddOn menu for quick access.
# This is a complete working stand alone form, tested on V3 only.
# PSISE Snippet Editor
function Select-ItemV2 {
    PARAM (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Position=1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [string]$title="Select an item from the list",
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,
        HelpMessage='Form Size format is an Array of two interger values as: @(width, height)`nMinimum form width: 225, minimum form height: 250!')]
    # Create the popup form and all controls              
    [Windows.Forms.form]$PopupForm = new-object Windows.Forms.form
    [System.Windows.Forms.ListBox]$lstOptions = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
    [System.Windows.Forms.Button]$btnOK = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button 
    [System.Windows.Forms.Button]$btnCancel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    Add-Member -InputObject $PopupForm -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_ReturnItem -Value $null
    $PopupForm.StartPosition = "CenterParent" #"CenterScreen"
    $PopupForm.ControlBox = $False
    $PopupForm.KeyPreview = $True
    $PopupForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter") {if (($btnOk.Enabled)) {& $btnOkClick}}})
    $PopupForm.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape") {& $btnCancelClick}})
    # form control scripts              	
    $btnOkClick = {if ($lstOptions.SelectedIndex -lt 0) {
            $PopupForm.gv_ReturnItem = $null
        } else {
            $PopupForm.gv_ReturnItem = $options[$lstOptions.SelectedIndex]
    $btnCancelClick = {$PopupForm.gv_ReturnItem = $null;$PopupForm.Close()}
    $lstOptionsChanged = {if ($lstOptions.SelectedIndex -ge 0) {$btnOk.Enabled = $true} else {$btnOk.Enabled = $false} }
    # form initialize code
    if ($PopupFormSize) {
        if ($PopupFormsize[0] -lt 225) {$PopupFormsize[0] = 225}
        if ($PopupFormsize[1] -lt 250) {$PopupFormsize[1] = 250}
    } else {
        $PopupFormsize = @(225,250)
    $lstsize = @(($PopupFormsize[0]-25),($PopupFormsize[1]-70))
    $btnOksize = @([int](($PopupFormsize[0]/2)-100),($PopupFormsize[1]-65))
    $btnCancelsize = @([int](($PopupFormsize[0]/2)+5),($PopupFormsize[1]-65))
    $PopupForm.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size @($PopupFormsize[0],$PopupFormsize[1])   
    $PopupForm.text = $title
    $lstOptions.Name = "lstOptions"
    $lstOptions.Width = $lstsize[0]
    $lstOptions.Height = $lstsize[1]
    $lstOptions.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(5,5)
    $btnOK.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($btnOksize[0], $btnOksize[1])
    $btnOK.Text = "OK"
    $btnOk.Enabled = $false
    $btnCancel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($btnCancelsize[0], $btnCancelsize[1])
    $btnCancel.Text = "Cancel"
    #Populate ListBox
    foreach ($option in $options) {
        $lstOptions.Items.Add($option.$displayProperty) | Out-Null
    $PopupForm.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    return ($PopupForm.gv_ReturnItem)

#Create the main form
[Windows.Forms.form]$form = new-object Windows.Forms.form
$form.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size (933, 575)
$form.StartPosition = "CenterParent" #"CenterScreen"  
$form.text = "PowerShellISE Snippet Editor: by "
$form.BackColor = "lightgray"
$form.MinimizeBox = $False
$form.MaximizeBox = $False
$form.WindowState = "Normal"

$lblTitle = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtTitle = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblAuthor = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtAuthor = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblDescription = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtDescription = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblScriptCode = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtScriptCode = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblLanguage = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtLanguage = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblExpansion = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtSnippetType = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblCursorOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtCursorOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblVarOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtVarOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblCaretOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtCaretOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblCodeEndOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtCodeEndOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblFilePath = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txtFilePath = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$lblStatus = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$ckbAutoEdit = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$ckbNoBlanks = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$btnPsIse = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$btnOpen = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$btnNew = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$btnEdit = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$btnFixOffset = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$rdbFirstVar = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$rdbCodeEnd = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$rdbCursorPos = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$rdbFirstElipsis = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton
$btnSave = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button

Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_ProgramAuthor -Value 'Larry Coffey' -TypeName [string]
Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_SnippetAuthor -Value 'Larry Coffey'  -TypeName [string]
Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_FileElipsisOffset -Value 0 -TypeName [int32]
Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_FileVariableOffset -Value 0 -TypeName [int32]
Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_FileCursorOffset -Value 0  -TypeName [int32]
Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_FileCodeEndOffset -Value 1 -TypeName [int32]
Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_FileLastWriteTime -Value $null
Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_SnippetModified -Value $false -TypeName [bool]
Add-Member -InputObject $form -MemberType NoteProperty -Name gv_SaveSnippetFlag -Value $false -TypeName [bool]

# Script function code
$scriptFldr = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$configPath = join-path -Path $scriptFldr -ChildPath "SnippetEditorConfig.txt"

$LoadAuthor = {
  if (!(Test-Path $configPath)) {
    out-file -FilePath $configPath -InputObject $form.gv_SnippetAuthor -Encoding string
  [array]$configs =  Get-Content -Path $configPath
  $form.gv_SnippetAuthor = $configs[0]

$SaveAuthor = {
 Set-Content -Path $configPath -Value $form.gv_SnippetAuthor -Encoding String -Force

$ValidateAuthor = {
  if (!($txtAuthor.ReadOnly) -and ($txtAuthor.TabStop)) {
    $form.KeyPreview = $false
    $txtAuthor.ReadOnly = $true
    $txtAuthor.TabStop = $false
    if (($txtAuthor.Text.Trim()) -match "^\w*\s+\w*" ) {
      $form.gv_SnippetAuthor = ($txtAuthor.Text.Trim())
      & $SaveAuthor
      $lblStatus.Text = (($form.gv_SnippetAuthor) + ", your name has been permanently saved for future use!`n")
    } else {$lblStatus.Text = ("Your name was NOT entered correctly, and has reverted to the previous entry!`nAuthor: " + ($form.gv_SnippetAuthor))}
    $txtAuthor.Text = ($txtAuthor.TempAuthor)

$ChangeDefaultAuthor = {
  $txtAuthor.TempAuthor = ($txtAuthor.Text)
  $lblStatus.Text = "Enter your first and last name into the Author TextBox.`nPress the Enter ot Tab key to Save your name or Escape to cancel Saving your name!"
  $txtAuthor.Text = $null
  $txtAuthor.ReadOnly = $false
  $txtAuthor.BackColor = 0xffC0ffC0
  $txtAuthor.TabStop = $true
  $form.KeyPreview = $true

& $LoadAuthor

$Paths = $env:PSModulePath.Split(";")
$Path = $paths[0]
$parentArray = $Path.Split("\")
$parentPath = "" 
for($i=0;$i -lt (($parentArray.Count)-1);$i++) {$parentPath = $parentPath + $parentArray[($i)] + "\"}
$snippetPath = Join-Path -Path $parentPath -ChildPath Snippets
$snippetWild = Join-Path -Path $parentPath -ChildPath Snippets\*.ps1xml
Write-Warning ("Hi " + ($form.gv_SnippetAuthor) + ", your snippet path is...`n '" + $snippetPath + "'")
$form.gv_SnippetModified = $false
$form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag = $false
$form.Tag = $null 

function Check_UnsavedSnippet($form) {
  if (($form.gv_SnippetModified) -and ($txtTitle.Text)) {
    $FileName = ($txtFilePath.Text).Split("\")[-1] 
    $msg = ("Save your changes to this snippet file?`n`nTitle: " + ($txtTitle.Text) + "`n`nFileName: " + $FileName)
    $answ = [windows.forms.messagebox]::show($msg,"SAVE SNIPPET CHANGES:",[system.windows.forms.messageboxbuttons]::yesno,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Question)
    if ($answ -eq "Yes") {& $btnSaveClick}

function RadioButton_CheckedChanged( $rdbObject ){ 
 if (($rdbObject.Checked)) {
   switch ($rdbObject.Name) {
     ($rdbFirstElipsis.Name) {
       if (($txtScriptCode.Elipsis1Pos) -gt 0) {
         $lblStatus.Text = ("First Elipsis found at position " + ($form.gv_FileElipsisOffset) + ".")
         $lblVarOffset.Text = "1st Elipsis:"
         $txtVarOffset.Text = ($form.gv_FileElipsisOffset)
         $txtScriptCode.SelectionStart = ($txtScriptCode.Elipsis1Pos)
       } else {
         $lblStatus.Text = "Elipsis not found in snippet code."
     ($rdbFirstVar.Name) {
       if (($txtScriptCode.Variable1Pos) -gt 0) {
         $lblStatus.Text = ("First Variable found at position " + ($form.gv_FileVariableOffset) + ".")
         $lblVarOffset.Text = "1st Variable:"
         $txtVarOffset.Text = ($form.gv_FileVariableOffset)
         $txtScriptCode.SelectionStart = ($txtScriptCode.Variable1Pos)
       } else {
        $lblStatus.Text = "Variable not found in snippet code."
     ($rdbCursorPos.Name) {
       if (($txtScriptCode.CursorPos) -gt 0) {
         $lblStatus.Text = ("Cursor position to be set at location " + ($form.gv_FileCursorOffset) + ".")
         $txtScriptCode.SelectionStart = ($txtScriptCode.CursorPos)
       } else {
         $lblStatus.Text = "Cursor Offset at start of snippet code."
     ($rdbCodeEnd.Name) {
       if (($txtScriptCode.CodeEndPos) -gt 0) {
         $lblStatus.Text = ("Cursor position to be set at end of script code, at location " + ($txtCodeEndOffset.Text) + ".")
         $txtScriptCode.SelectionStart = ($txtScriptCode.CodeEndPos)
       } else {
         $lblStatus.Text = "Cursor Offset at end of snippet script code."

function Get-CodeOffset ($selStart) {
  if ($selStart -eq 0) {
    $OF = 0
  } else {
    $OL = ($txtScriptCode.GetLineFromCharIndex($selStart))
    $OF = ($selStart - $OL)
  return $OF

function Get-CodeLine ($selStart) {
  if ($selStart -eq 0) {
    $OL = 0
  } else {
    $OL = ($txtScriptCode.GetLineFromCharIndex($selStart))
  return $OL

$form.Text = ($form.Text + $form.gv_ProgramAuthor)
# Open snippet in PsIse
$btnPsIseClick = {$lblStatus.Text="Select a snippet file to edit in the PowershellISE"
  $snippets = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $snippetWild
  $ht = @{options=$snippets;displayProperty="Name";title="Select one of the following PowershellISE Snippets";formSize=@(450,500)}
  $ReturnedItem = Select-ItemV2 @ht #SPLATTING the hashtable!
  if ($ReturnedItem) {
  Write-Warning "Opening: $ReturnedItem in PSISE"
  } else {$lblStatus.Text="No valid snippet file path provided for PowershellISE..."}
# Open snippet in Snippet Editor
$btnOpenClick = {$lblStatus.Text="Select a snippet file to edit in the Snippet Editer"
  $snippets = Get-ChildItem -File -Path $snippetWild
  $ht = @{options=$snippets;displayProperty="Name";title="Select one of the following PowershellISE Snippets";PopupFormSize=@(450,500)}
  $ReturnedItem = Select-ItemV2 @ht #SPLATTING the hashtable!
  if ($ReturnedItem) {$txtFilePath.Text = $ReturnedItem.FullName
    & $nullEdits
    & $loadXml
  } else {$lblStatus.Text="No valid snippet file path provided for editing..."}
# New Snippet
$do_btnNew = {
  if (!($txtTitle.Modified) -and !($txtDescription.Modified) -and !($txtScriptCode.Modified)) {
    $form.Tag  = "Only the Title, Description and ScriptCode fields are enabled for a new snippet! Filename generated upon leaving the Title field."
    $txtCaretOffset.Text = 1
    ($form.gv_FileCursorOffset) = 0
    $txtCursorOffset.Text = 0
    $form.gv_SnippetModified = $false
    & $nullEdits
    & $enableEdits
    $md = (Get-Date)
    $mds = "{0:MMM-dd-yyyy}" -f $md
    $form.gv_FileLastWriteTime = $mds
    $txtDescription.Text = ([char]27 + " ; Modified: " + $mds + [char]29)
  } else {
    $lblStatus.Text="Unable to clear fields for a new snippet as you have unsaved work in progress!"
# Get Snippet Fields
$loadXml = {[xml]$snippetXml = Get-Content ($txtFilePath.Text)
  $txtTitle.Text = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Header.Title
  $txtDescription.Text = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Header.Description
  $txtAuthor.Text = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Header.Author
  $txtSnippetType.Text = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Header.SnippetTypes.SnippetType
  $txtLanguage.Text = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.GetAttribute("Language")
  $txtCaretOffset.Text = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.GetAttribute("CaretOffset")
  $txtCursorOffset.Text = $txtCaretOffset.Text
  $form.gv_FileCursorOffset = $txtCursorOffset.Text
  $txtCodeEndOffset.Text = "0"
  $txtScriptCode.CursorPos = -1
  $form.gv_SnippetModified = $false
  if (($ckbNoBlanks.Checked)) {
    $tmptxt = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.InnerText
    if (($tmptxt.indexOf("`r`n`r`n") -ge 0)) {$tmptxt = ($tmptxt.Replace("`r`n`r`n","`r`n"))}
    if (($tmptxt.indexOf("`n`n") -ge 0)) {$tmptxt = ($tmptxt.Replace("`n`n","`n"))}
  } else {
    $tmptxt = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.InnerText
    if (($tmptxt.indexOf("`r`n") -ge 0)) {$tmptxt = ($tmptxt.Replace("`r`n","`n"))}
  $txtScriptCode.Text = $tmptxt.Replace("`n","`r`n")
  $btnFixOffset.Enabled = $false
  $form.gv_FileLastWriteTime = (Get-Item ($txtFilePath.Text)).LastWriteTime.DateTime
  & $UpdateDescription
  if ($ckbAutoEdit.Checked) {
    $lblStatus.Text=("CaretOffset fixing is only enabled before editing. (File CaretOffset: " + ($txtCaretOffset.Text) + ", Script CodeEndOffset: " + ($txtcodeEndOffset.Text) + ", " + ($lblVarOffset.Text) + " " + ($txtVarOffset.Text) +")`nDisable AutoEdit as the time to fix it is just after snippet opening, or use the save button when done editing!")
    & $enableEdits
    $txtScriptCode.SelectionStart = 0
  } else {
    & $disableEdits
    $btnFixOffset.Enabled = $true
    $txtScriptCode.SelectionStart = 0
    $lblStatus.Text="CarretOffset fixing is only enabled before editing!"
  $txtTitle.Modified = $false
  $txtDescription.Modified = $false
  $txtScriptcode.Modified = $false 
  $form.gv_SnippetModified = $false
  & $txtScriptCode_TextChanged
  if($rdbFirstElipsis.Checked -eq $true) { & RadioButton_CheckedChanged($rdbFirstElipsis)}
  if($rdbFirstVar.Checked -eq $true) { & RadioButton_CheckedChanged($rdbFirstVar)}
  if($rdbCursorPos.Checked -eq $true) { & RadioButton_CheckedChanged($rdbCursorPos)}
  if($rdbCodeEnd.Checked -eq $true) { & RadioButton_CheckedChanged($rdbCodeEnd)} 
# Erase field content
$nullEdits = {
  $txtTitle.Modified = $false
  $txtDescription.Modified = $false
  $txtScriptcode.Modified = $false 
# Toggle Edit Lock
$btnEditClick = {if($btnEdit.Text -eq "Edit") {
    $lblStatus.Text="Only the Title, Description and ScriptCode fields are enabled for edit!"
    & $enableEdits
    if (!($txtTitle.Text)) {
    } else {
      $txtScriptCode.SelectionStart = $txtCaretOffset.Text
  } else {
    $lblStatus.Text="All fields are view only. (Editing is disabled)"
    & $disableEdits
# Allow Edits
$enableEdits = {
  $btnFixOffset.Enabled = $false
  $btnEdit.Text = "Lock"
# Prevent edits
$disableEdits = {
  $btnEdit.Text = "Edit"
# Verify file ready for Saving
$btnSaveClick = {
  $form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag = $true
  if (($txtFilePath.text.Length) -lt 10) {
    $lblStatus.Text="No Title or File Name provided for snippet!"
    $form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag = $false
  if (($txtDescription.text.Length) -lt 10) {
    if ($form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag) {
      $lblStatus.Text="No snippet description provided yet, please add it!"
      $form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag = $false
    } else {
      $lblStatus.Text=($lblStatus.Text + "  No snippet description provided yet, please add it!")
  if (($txtScriptCode.text.Length) -lt 10) {
    if ($form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag) {
      $lblStatus.Text="No snippet script Code provided yet, please add it!"
      $form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag = $false
    } else {
      $lblStatus.Text=($lblStatus.Text + "  No snippet script Code provided yet, please add it!")
  if ($form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag -eq $true) {
    $oldFileName = ($txtFilePath.Text).Split("\")[-1]
    $msg = ("Confirm overwriting the existing file name:`r`n" + $oldFileName)
    $answ = [windows.forms.messagebox]::show($msg,"SAVE SNIPPET: Confirm Overwrite?",[system.windows.forms.messageboxbuttons]::yesno,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Question)
    if ($answ -eq "Yes") {
      $form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag = $true
      $lblStatus.Text=("File is to be overwritten (add save file code)`r`nsaveFlag: " + $form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag) 
    } else {
      $form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag = $false
      $lblStatus.Text=("File Exists. Overwrite denied. Change the Title to create a new filename...`r`nsaveFlag: " + $form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag) 
  } else {
    $lblStatus.Text=("New file Editing is incomplete, the new filename is generated by the Title entry...") 
  if ($form.gv_SaveSnippetFlag -eq $true) {& $saveSnippetXml}
# duh
$confirmFilenameChange = {
  $answ = $null
  $oldFileName = ($txtFilePath.Text).Split("\")[-1]        
  $tmp = $txtTitle.Text
  $t = '*,_,?,_,/,_,|,_,\,_,<,_,>,_,[,_,],_'
  $tmpFileName = Invoke-Expression ('$tmp' + -join $(foreach($e in $t.Split(',')) {'.Replace("{0}","{1}")' -f $e, $([void]$foreach.MoveNext();$foreach.Current)} ))
  $tmpFileName = ($tmpFileName + ".snippets.ps1xml")
  $msg = ("Confirm existing file name:`n" + $oldFileName + "`n`nIs to be replaced with new file name:`n" + $tmpFileName + "`n`nAnswering No changes the Title without changing the FileName!")
  if ($txtFilePath.Text) {
    $answ = [windows.forms.messagebox]::show($msg,"TITLE CHANGED: Confirm File Name Change?",[system.windows.forms.messageboxbuttons]::yesno,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Question)
  } else {
    $answ = "Yes"
  if ($answ -eq "Yes") {
    $txtFilePath.Text = Join-Path -Path $snippetPath -ChildPath $tmpFileName
    $md = "{0:y}" -f (Get-Date)
    $form.gv_FileLastWriteTime = $md
    & $UpdateDescription
# Update Filename on exit
$txtTitle_LostFocus = {
  if ($txtTitle.Modified) {
    if (($txtTitle.Text)) {
      & $confirmFilenameChange
    } else {
      $lblStatus.Text = (($form.Tag) + "`nA Title is required as Filename is generated by the Title entry...")

$txtTitle_TextChanged = {
  if ($btnEdit.Text -eq "Lock") {
    $form.gv_SnippetModified = $true

$txtDescription_TextChanged = {
  if ($btnEdit.Text -eq "Lock") {
    $form.gv_SnippetModified = $true

# Auto Calculate CaretOffset
$txtScriptCode_TextChanged = {
  if ($btnEdit.Text -eq "Lock") {$form.gv_SnippetModified = $true}
  $txtScriptCode.CodeEndPos = ($txtScriptCode.Text.Length)
  $txtCodeEndOffset.Text = (1 + ($txtScriptCode.CodeEndPos) - ($txtScriptCode.Lines.Count))
  if ($txtScriptCode.CursorPos -eq -1) { #just loaded snippet
    $txtScriptCode.CursorLine = Get-CodeLine(($txtCursorOffset.Text))
    $tempOffset = (($txtScriptCode.CursorLine) + ($txtCursorOffset.Text))
    $txtScriptCode.CursorPos = ($tempOffset)
  } elseif ($txtScriptCode.SelectionStart -gt 0) {
    $txtScriptCode.CursorPos = $txtScriptCode.SelectionStart
    $txtScriptCode.CursorLine = Get-CodeLine($txtScriptCode.CursorPos)
    if ($txtScriptCode.CursorPos -gt 0) {
      $form.gv_FileCursorOffset = Get-CodeOffset($txtScriptCode.CursorPos)
    $txtCursorOffset.Text = ($form.gv_FileCursorOffset)
  & $getCaretOffset
  $lblStatus.Text = (($form.Tag) + "`nLast insertion point Cursor Offset position: " + ($form.gv_FileCursorOffset) + ", Code End insertion point will be " + ($txtCodeEndOffset.Text) +  ".")

$UpdateDescription = {
  $tmpDesc = $txtDescription.Text
  $sFlag = $tmpDesc.IndexOf([char]27)
  $lFlag = $tmpDesc.LastIndexOf([char]27)
  $eFlag = $tmpDesc.IndexOf([char]29)
  $patterns = @("\s*\;\s*Filename:\s","\s*Filename:\s","\s*\;\s*Modified:\s","\s*Modified:\s","\;\s+")
  for ($i=0;$i -lt $patterns.Count;$i++) {
    $pattern = $patterns[($i)]
    $f = $tmpDesc | Select-String -Pattern $pattern
    if ($f.Matches.Index -ge 0) {
      $fFlag = $f.Matches.Index
      $i = $patterns.Count
  $regex = "\x1B.*\x1D"
  if (($form.gv_FileLastWriteTime)) {
    $dts = "{0:MMM-dd-yyyy}" -f (get-date ($form.gv_FileLastWriteTime))
  } else {  
    $dts = "{0:MMM-dd-yyyy}" -f (get-date)
  if ($c) {}
  $FileName = ($txtFilePath.Text).Split("\")[-1]
  if (!$FileName) {$FileName = "''"}
  $newd = ([char]27 + "; Filename: " + $FileName + "; Modified: " + $dts + [char]29)
  if (($eFlag -ge 0) -and ($sFlag -ge 0)) { # All present!
    $s =  $tmpDesc.Substring(0,$sFlag)
    $s = ($s.trim() + $newd)
    $txtDescription.Text = $s
  } else { # look for more signs
    if ($eFlag -ge 0) {
      if ($fFlag -ge 0) {
        $s =  $tmpDesc.Substring(0,$fFlag)
        $s = ($s.Trim() + $newd)
        $txtDescription.Text = $s
      } else {
        $s =  $tmpDesc.Replace([char]29,$null)
        $s = ($s.Trim() + $newd)
        $txtDescription.Text = $s
    } else { # No Sign, just add it
      $s = ($tmpDesc.Trim() + $newd)
      $txtDescription.Text = $s

# Save snippet (Template required for New)
$saveSnippetXml = {
$template = @"
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
    <Snippets  xmlns='http://schemas.microsoft.com/PowerShell/Snippets'>
        <Snippet Version='1.0.0'>
                <Script Language='PowerShell' CaretOffset='1'>
  if (!(Test-Path ($txtFilePath.Text))) {
    Out-File -InputObject $template -FilePath ($txtFilePath.Text) -Encoding utf8 -NoClobber
  $caretOffset = $txtCodeEndOffset.Text
  if (($rdbFirstElipsis.Checked)) {$caretOffset = $txtVarOffset.Text}
  if (($rdbFirstVar.Checked)) {$caretOffset = $txtVarOffset.Text}
  if (($rdbCursorPos.Checked)) {$caretOffset = $txtCursorOffset.Text}
  [xml]$snippetXml = Get-Content ($txtFilePath.Text)
  $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Header.Title = $txtTitle.Text
  $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Header.Description = $txtDescription.Text
  $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Header.Author = $txtAuthor.Text
  $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Header.SnippetTypes.SnippetType = $txtSnippetType.Text
  $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.SetAttribute('Language', $txtLanguage.Text)
  $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.SetAttribute('CaretOffset', $CaretOffset)
  [array]$codeLines = $txtScriptCode.Lines
  [string]$codeText = ""
  $max = ($codeLines.Count - 1)
  for ($i=0;$i -lt $max;$i++) {
    $codeText = ($codeText + $codeLines[($i)] + "`n")
  $codeText = ($codeText + $codeLines[($i)])
  $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.FirstChild.InnerText = ($codeText)
  $lblStatus.Text = ("Snippet: " + $txtTitle.Text + " saved.")
  Write-Warning $snippetXml.InnerXml
  $txtCaretOffset.text = $CaretOffset
  & $loadXml

# Get CaretOffset based on preference
$getCaretOffset = {
  $txtScriptCode.Elipsis1Pos = (1 + ($txtScriptCode.Text.IndexOf('{')))
  $form.gv_FileElipsisOffset = Get-CodeOffset($txtScriptCode.Elipsis1Pos)
  $lblVarOffset.Text = "1st Elipsis:"
  $txtVarOffset.Text = ($form.gv_FileElipsisOffset)
  $txtScriptCode.Variable1Pos = (1 + ($txtScriptCode.Text.IndexOf('$')))
  $form.gv_FileVariableOffset = Get-CodeOffset($txtScriptCode.Variable1Pos)
  if (($form.gv_FileVariableOffset) -gt 0) {$form.Tag = (($form.Tag) + "Variable found at position " + ($form.gv_FileVariableOffset) + ".")} else {$form.Tag = (($form.Tag) + "Variable not found in snippet code.")}
  if (!($rdbFirstElipsis.Checked)) {
    $lblVarOffset.Text = "1st Variable:"
    $txtVarOffset.Text = ($form.gv_FileVariableOffset)

# Update just the CaretOffset field
$fixCaretOffset = {
  $caretOffset = $txtCodeEndOffset.Text
  if (($rdbFirstElipsis.Checked)) {$caretOffset = $txtVarOffset.Text}
  if (($rdbFirstVar.Checked)) {$caretOffset = $txtVarOffset.Text}
  if (($rdbCursorPos.Checked)) {$caretOffset = $txtCursorOffset.Text}
  if (!($txtTitle.Modified) -and !($txtDescription.Modified) -and !($txtScriptCode.Modified) -and (($txtFilePath.Text) -ne "") ) {
    if (($txtFilePath.Text) -ne $null) {
      $msg = ("Confirm saving changes to ONLY the CaretOffset Field?`n`nNew CaretOffset value: $caretOffset`n`nNote: Offset based on your RadioButton selection below!")
      $answ = [windows.forms.messagebox]::show($msg,"CHANGE CARET OFFSET:",[system.windows.forms.messageboxbuttons]::yesno,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Question)
      if ($answ -eq "Yes") {
        [xml]$snippetXml = Get-Content ($txtFilePath.Text)
        $oldOffset = $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.GetAttribute('CaretOffset')
        $snippetXml.Snippets.Snippet.Code.Script.SetAttribute('CaretOffset', $caretOffset)
        $txtCaretOffset.Text = $caretOffset
        $lblStatus.Text=("Old CaretOffset value: " + $oldOffset + " replaced with current (" + ($txtCaretOffset.Text) + ")")
        & $enableEdits

$AutoEditHelp = {$lblStatus.Text = "A check here Opens snippets directly in Edit mode (not locked), in the future."}

$RemoveBlankLines = {
  $lines = @($txtScriptCode.Lines)
  $txtScriptCode.Text = $null
  for($i=0;$i -lt $lines.Count;$i++) {
    if ($lines[($i)] -notmatch '^\s*$') {
      $txtScriptCode.Text = ($txtScriptCode.Text + $lines[($i)] + "`r`n")

$NoBlanksHelp = {
  $lblStatus.Text = "A check here removes all blank lines from snippets opened in the future too."
  if ($ckbNoBlanks.Checked -eq $true) {& $RemoveBlankLines}

$lblFont = new-object System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold)

$lblTitle.AutoSize = $true
$lblTitle.Font = $lblFont
$lblTitle.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(35, 9)
$lblTitle.Name = "lblTitle"
$lblTitle.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(32, 13)
$lblTitle.Text = "Title:"
$txtTitle.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(12, 27)
$txtTitle.Name = "txtTitle"
$txtTitle.ReadOnly = $true
$txtTitle.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(473, 20)
$txtTitle.TabIndex = 0 

$lblAuthor.AutoSize = $true
$lblAuthor.Font = $lblFont
$lblAuthor.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(567, 9)
$lblAuthor.Name = "lblAuthor"
$lblAuthor.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(44, 13)
$lblAuthor.Text = "Author:"
$lblAuthor.Add_Click({$lblStatus.Text = ("A DoubleClick in the Author Label will allow you to enter your name...`nA DoubleClick on the Author TextBox below it will replace the current Author with " + ($form.gv_SnippetAuthor))})
$txtAuthor.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(555, 27)
$txtAuthor.Name = "txtAuthor"
$txtAuthor.ReadOnly = $true
$txtAuthor.AcceptsReturn = $false
$txtAuthor.AcceptsTab = $false
$txtAuthor.Multiline = $false
$txtAuthor.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(145, 20)
$txtAuthor.Text = $form.gv_SnippetAuthor
$txtAuthor.TabStop = $false
$txtAuthor.Add_MouseDoubleClick({$this.Text = ($form.gv_SnippetAuthor)})
$txtAuthor.Add_Click({$lblStatus.Text = ("A DoubleClick in the Author TextBox will replace the current Author with " + ($form.gv_SnippetAuthor) + "`nA DoubleClick on the Author Label above it will allow you to enter your name...")})
Add-Member -InputObject $txtAuthor -MemberType NoteProperty -Name TempAuthor -Value "" -TypeName [string]
$lblDescription.AutoSize = $true
$lblDescription.Font = $lblFont
$lblDescription.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(35, 58)
$lblDescription.Name = "lblDescription"
$lblDescription.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(71, 13)
$lblDescription.Text = "Description:"
$txtDescription.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(12, 76)
$txtDescription.Name = "txtDescription"
$txtDescription.ReadOnly = $true
$txtDescription.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(886, 20)
$txtDescription.TabIndex = 1
$lblExpansion.Font = $lblFont
$lblExpansion.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(765, 9)
$lblExpansion.Name = "lblExpansion"
$lblExpansion.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(82, 13)
$lblExpansion.Text = "Snippet Type:"
$txtSnippetType.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(753, 27)
$txtSnippetType.Name = "txtSnippetType"
$txtSnippetType.ReadOnly = $true
$txtSnippetType.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(145, 20)
$txtSnippetType.Text = "Expansion"
$txtSnippetType.TabStop = $false
$lblLanguage.Font = $lblFont
$lblLanguage.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(230, 119)
$lblLanguage.Name = "lblLanguage"
$lblLanguage.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(63, 13)
$lblLanguage.Text = "Language:"
#$lblLanguage.Click += new-object System.EventHandler($label2_Click_1)
$txtLanguage.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(300, 116)
$txtLanguage.Name = "txtLanguage"
$txtLanguage.ReadOnly = $true
$txtLanguage.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(145, 20)
$txtLanguage.Text = "Powershell"
$txtLanguage.TabStop = $false
$lblCursorOffset.Font = $lblFont
$lblCursorOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(600, 119)
$lblCursorOffset.Name = "lblCursorOffset"
$lblCursorOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(80, 13)
$lblCursorOffset.Text = "Cursor Offset:"
$txtCursorOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(685, 116)
$txtCursorOffset.Name = "txtCursorOffset"
$txtCursorOffset.ReadOnly = $true
$txtCursorOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(55, 20)
$txtCursorOffset.Text = "0"
$txtCursorOffset.TabStop = $false

$lblVarOffset.Font = $lblFont
$lblVarOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(600, 100)
$lblVarOffset.Name = "lblVarOffset"
$lblVarOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 13)
$lblVarOffset.Text = "1st Variable:"

$txtVarOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(685, 97)
$txtVarOffset.Name = "txtVarOffset"
$txtVarOffset.ReadOnly = $true
$txtVarOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(55, 20)
$txtVarOffset.Text = "0"
$txtVarOffset.TabStop = $false
$lblCaretOffset.Font = $lblFont
$lblCaretOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(762, 119)
$lblCaretOffset.Name = "lblCaretOffset"
$lblCaretOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 13)
$lblCaretOffset.Text = "Caret Offset:"
$txtCaretOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(843, 116)
$txtCaretOffset.Name = "txtCaretOffset"
$txtCaretOffset.ReadOnly = $true
$txtCaretOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(55, 20)
$txtCaretOffset.Text = "1"
$txtCaretOffset.TabStop = $false

$lblCodeEndOffset.Font = $lblFont
$lblCodeEndOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(761, 100)
$lblCodeEndOffset.Name = "lblCodeEndOffset"
$lblCodeEndOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 13)
$lblCodeEndOffset.Text = "Code End:"

$txtCodeEndOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(843, 97)
$txtCodeEndOffset.Name = "txtCodeEndOffset"
$txtCodeEndOffset.ReadOnly = $true
$txtCodeEndOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(55, 20)
$txtCodeEndOffset.Text = "1"
$txtCodeEndOffset.TabStop = $false

$lblScriptCode.Font = $lblFont
$lblScriptCode.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(35, 116)
$lblScriptCode.Name = "lblScriptCode"
$lblScriptCode.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(73, 13)
$lblScriptCode.Text = "Script Code:"
$txtScriptCode.AcceptsReturn = $true
$txtScriptCode.AcceptsTab = $true
$txtScriptCode.AllowDrop = $true
$txtScriptCode.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(12, 142)
$txtScriptCode.Multiline = $true
$txtScriptCode.ScrollBars = [System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars]::Both
$txtScriptCode.Name = "txtScriptCode"
$txtScriptCode.ReadOnly = $true
$txtScriptCode.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(886, 294)
$txtScriptCode.TabIndex = 2
$txtScriptCode.WordWrap = $false
Add-Member -InputObject $txtScriptCode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Elipsis1Pos -Value 0
Add-Member -InputObject $txtScriptCode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Variable1Pos -Value 0
Add-Member -InputObject $txtScriptCode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CursorPos -Value 0
Add-Member -InputObject $txtScriptCode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CursorLine -Value 0
Add-Member -InputObject $txtScriptCode -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CodeEndPos -Value 1

$lblFilePath.Font = $lblFont
$lblFilePath.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(35, 455)
$lblFilePath.Name = "lblFilePath"
$lblFilePath.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(65, 13)
$lblFilePath.Text = "File Path:"
$txtFilePath.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(105, 450)
$txtFilePath.Name = "txtFilePath"
$txtFilePath.ReadOnly = $true
$txtFilePath.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(791, 20)
$txtFilePath.Text = ""
$lblStatus.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(12, 505)
$lblStatus.Name = "lblStatus"
$lblStatus.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(886, 30)
$lblStatus.Text = ""
$lblStatus.TextAlign = [System.Drawing.ContentAlignment]::MiddleCenter

$btnPsIse.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(25, 480)
$btnPsIse.Name = "btnPsIse"
$btnPsIse.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
$btnPsIse.TabIndex = 3
$btnPsIse.Text = "In PsIse"
$btnPsIse.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true

$btnOpen.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(125, 480)
$btnOpen.Name = "btnOpen"
$btnOpen.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
$btnOpen.TabIndex = 4
$btnOpen.Text = "Open"
$btnOpen.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true

$ckbAutoEdit.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(215, 472)
$ckbAutoEdit.Name = "ckbAutoEdit"
$ckbAutoEdit.TabIndex = 5
$ckbAutoEdit.Text = "Auto Edit"
$ckbAutoEdit.AutoSize = $true

$ckbNoBlanks.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(215, 490)
$ckbNoBlanks.Name = "ckbNoBlanks"
$ckbNoBlanks.TabIndex = 5
$ckbNoBlanks.Text = "No Blanks"
$ckbNoBlanks.AutoSize = $true

$btnNew.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(300, 480)
$btnNew.Name = "btnNew"
$btnNew.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
$btnNew.TabIndex = 6
$btnNew.Text = "New"
$btnNew.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true
$btnEdit.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(400, 480)
$btnEdit.Name = "btnEdit"
$btnEdit.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
$btnEdit.TabIndex = 7
$btnEdit.Text = "Edit"
$btnEdit.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true

$btnFixOffset.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(500, 480)
$btnFixOffset.Name = "btnFixOffset"
$btnFixOffset.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
$btnFixOffset.TabIndex = 8
$btnFixOffset.Text = "Fix Offset"
$btnFixOffset.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true
$btnFixOffset.Enabled = $false

$rdbFirstElipsis.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(600, 472)
$rdbFirstElipsis.Name = "rdbFirstElipsis"
$rdbFirstElipsis.TabIndex = 10
$rdbFirstElipsis.Text = "1st Elipsis"
$rdbFirstElipsis.AutoSize = $true

$rdbFirstVar.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(600, 490)
$rdbFirstVar.Name = "rdbFirstVar"
$rdbFirstVar.TabIndex = 9
$rdbFirstVar.Text = "1st Variable"
$rdbFirstVar.AutoSize = $true

$rdbCursorPos.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(685, 472)
$rdbCursorPos.Name = "rdbCursorPos"
$rdbCursorPos.TabIndex = 10
$rdbCursorPos.Text = "Cursor Pos"
$rdbCursorPos.AutoSize = $true
$rdbCursorPos.Checked = $true

$rdbCodeEnd.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(685, 490)
$rdbCodeEnd.Name = "rdbCodeEnd"
$rdbCodeEnd.TabIndex = 10
$rdbCodeEnd.Text = "Code End"
$rdbCodeEnd.AutoSize = $true

$btnSave.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Point(800, 480)
$btnSave.Name = "btnSave"
$btnSave.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(75, 23)
$btnSave.TabIndex = 11
$btnSave.Text = "Save"
$btnSave.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $true

$form.KeyPreview = $false #only enabled on demand
$form.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Enter") {if (($txtAuthor.TabStop)) {& $ValidateAuthor}}})
$form.Add_KeyDown({if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape") {if (($txtAuthor.TabStop)) {$txtAuthor.Text = $null; & $ValidateAuthor}}})

$form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null