PoshCode Archive  Artifact [2cdfa1bfe7]

Artifact 2cdfa1bfe70b3492baf5713226682db5837208d938d280239c226c1759cc10f4:

  • File New-Event.ps1 — part of check-in [3b7a1790a3] at 2018-06-10 12:58:57 on branch trunk — A PowerShell client for NaturalInputs.com to parse natural language dates… (user: unknown size: 2031)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: New-Event
# description: A PowerShell client for NaturalInputs.com to parse natural language dates…
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# license: CC0
# function: New-Event
# x-poshcode-id: 1597
# x-archived: 2010-01-26T13:32:17
#   Parse natural language descriptions of appointments or meetings ...
#  New-Event Lunch every other Friday at 11:45
#  day_of_week interval start_date start_time type   message
#  ----------- -------- ---------- ---------- ----   -------
#  fri         2        20100122   11:45:00   weekly Lunch  

function New-Event {
  $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode( "$args" )
  $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
  [xml]$event = $wc.DownloadString( "http://naturalinputs.com/query?q=$query" )
  $event.naturalinputsResponse | Join-Object {$_.occurrence} { $_ | select message }

## Depends on this http://poshcode.org/1596 (which I keep as a SCRIPT on my path):
function Join-Object {
   BEGIN {
      if($First -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
         $Out1 = $First
         [string[]] $p1 = $First | gm -type Properties | select -expand Name
   Process {
      if($First -is [ScriptBlock]){
         $Out1 = $InputObject | &$First
         [string[]] $p1 = $Out1 | gm -type Properties | select -expand Name
      $Output = $Out1 | Select $p1
      if($Second -is [ScriptBlock]) {
         $Out2 = $InputObject | &$Second
      } elseif(!$Second) {
         $Out2 = $InputObject
      } else {
         $Out2 = $Second
      foreach($p in $Out2 | gm -type Properties | Where { $p1 -notcontains $_.Name } | select -expand Name) {
         Add-Member -in $Output -type NoteProperty -name $p -value $Out2.($p)