PoshCode Archive  Artifact [331df07bfe]

Artifact 331df07bfe62f39434dab368d2fc8f55e47cdb8d03e913ed64578174ad1bd171:

  • File JScript-read-PE-headers.ps1 — part of check-in [fdf8580f8d] at 2018-06-10 13:49:03 on branch trunk — See original post at https://gist.github.com/gregzakharov/9877156 for examples. (user: greg zakharov size: 12032)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: JScript: read PE headers
# description: See original post at https://gist.github.com/gregzakharov/9877156 for examples.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: greg zakharov
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5030
# x-archived: 2014-04-03T07:48:43
# x-published: 2014-03-30T18:26:00
var pe = pe || {
  getRawData : function(fileName) {
    try {
      var xml = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM').createElement('Binary'),
          raw, e_magic, e_lfanew;
      xml.dataType = 'bin.hex';
      with (new ActiveXObject('ADODB.Stream')) {
        Type = 1;
        xml.nodeTypedValue = Read(1024);
      raw = xml.text.match(/.{2}/g);
      e_magic  = parseInt('0x' + raw.slice(0, 2).reverse().join(''));
      e_lfanew = 256 * parseInt('0x' + raw[0x3D]) + parseInt('0x' + raw[0x3C]);
      if (e_magic != 23117 || raw.slice(e_lfanew, (e_lfanew + 4)).join('') != 50450000) {
        WScript.echo('Invalid file format.');
    catch (e) {
    return [raw, e_lfanew];
  getDosHeader : function(fileName) {
    Array.prototype.getBytes = function(b) {
      return parseInt('0x' + this.slice(b, b + 2).reverse().join(''));
    var raw = this.getRawData(fileName)[0],
        IMAGE_DOS_HEADER = {
          'e_magic'    : raw.getBytes(0x00),
          'e_cblp'     : raw.getBytes(0x02),
          'e_cp'       : raw.getBytes(0x04),
          'e_crlc'     : raw.getBytes(0x06),
          'e_cparhdr'  : raw.getBytes(0x08),
          'e_minalloc' : raw.getBytes(0x0A),
          'e_maxalloc' : 256 * parseInt('0x' + raw[0x0D]) + parseInt('0x' + raw[0x0C]),
          'e_ss'       : raw.getBytes(0x0E),
          'e_sp'       : raw.getBytes(0x10),
          'e_csum'     : raw.getBytes(0x12),
          'e_ip'       : raw.getBytes(0x14),
          'e_cs'       : raw.getBytes(0x16),
          'e_lfarlc'   : raw.getBytes(0x18),
          'e_ovno'     : raw.getBytes(0x1A),
          'e_res'      : raw.slice(0x1C, 0x23),
          'e_oemid'    : raw.getBytes(0x24),
          'e_oeminfo'  : raw.getBytes(0x26),
          'e_res2'     : raw.slice(0x28, 0x3B),
          'e_lfanew'   : this.getRawData(fileName)[1]
    this.print(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, 11);
  getFileHeader : function(fileName) {
    var raw = this.getRawData(fileName),
        i, mac = {
          'I386'  : 0x014c,
          'IA64'  : 0x0200,
          'AMD64' : 0x8664
        ifc = {
          'RelocationsStripped'      : 0x0001,
          'Executable'               : 0x0002,
          'LineNumbersStripped'      : 0x0004,
          'SymbolsStripped'          : 0x0008,
          'AggressiveTrimWorkingSet' : 0x0010,
          'LargeAddressAware'        : 0x0020,
          'Supports16Bit'            : 0x0040,
          'ReservedBytesWo'          : 0x0080,
          'Supports32Bit'            : 0x0100,
          'DebugInfoStripped'        : 0x0200,
          'RunFromSwapIfInRmvbl'     : 0x0400,
          'RunFromSwapIfInNetwrk'    : 0x0800,
          'SystemFile'               : 0x1000,
          'Dll'                      : 0x2000,
          'OnlyFroSingleCoreProc'    : 0x4000,
          'BytesOfWordReserved'      : 0x8000
        IMAGE_FILE_HEADER = {};
    Array.prototype.getBytes = function(b, e) {
      return parseInt('0x' + this.slice(raw[1] + b, raw[1] + b + e).reverse().join(''));
    for (i in mac)
      if (raw[0].getBytes(0x04, 2) == mac[i]) IMAGE_FILE_HEADER['Machine'] = i;
    with (new Date(1970, 0, 1)) {
      IMAGE_FILE_HEADER['TimeDateStamp'] = new Date(
        setSeconds(getSeconds() + raw[0].getBytes(0x08, 4))
    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER['PointerToSymbolTable'] = raw[0].getBytes(0x0C, 2);
    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER['NumberOfSymbols']      = raw[0].getBytes(0x10, 2);
    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER['SizeOfOptionalHeader'] = raw[0].getBytes(0x14, 2).toString(16);
    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER['Characteristics']      = '';
    for (i in ifc) {
      if ((raw[0].getBytes(0x16, 4) & ifc[i]) == ifc[i])
        IMAGE_FILE_HEADER['Characteristics'] += i + '; ';
    this.print(IMAGE_FILE_HEADER, 21);
  getOptionalHeader : function(fileName) {
    var raw = this.getRawData(fileName),
        i, iss = {
          'Unknown'           : 0x00,
          'Native'            : 0x01,
          'WindowsGUI'        : 0x02,
          'WindowsCUI'        : 0x03,
          'OS2_CUI'           : 0x04,
          'POSIX_CUI'         : 0x05,
          'NativeWindows'     : 0x06,
          'WindowsCE_CUI'     : 0x07,
          'EFIApplication'    : 0x08,
          'EFIBootServiceDrv' : 0x09,
          'EFIRuntimeDrv'     : 0x0A,
          'EFIRom'            : 0x0B,
          'XBox'              : 0x0C,
          'WinBootApp'        : 0x10
        idc = {
          'Res0'             : 0x0001,
          'Res1'             : 0x0002,
          'Res2'             : 0x0004,
          'Res3'             : 0x0008,
          'DynamicBase'      : 0x0040,
          'ForceItegrity'    : 0x0080,
          'NxCompatible'     : 0x0100,
          'NoIsolation'      : 0x0200,
          'NoSEH'            : 0x0400,
          'NoBind'           : 0x0800,
          'Res4'             : 0x1000,
          'WDMDriver'        : 0x2000,
          'TerminalSrvAware' : 0x8000
    Array.prototype.getBytes = function(b, e) {
      return '0x' + this.slice(raw[1] + b, raw[1] + b + e).reverse().join('');
    var bit = (parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x16, 4)) & 0x0100) == 0x0100 ? 0 : 1;
      'Magic'               : raw[0].getBytes(0x18, 2) == 0x10B ? 'PE32' : 'PE32+',
      'Linker'              : [parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x1A, 1)), parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x1B, 2))],
      'SizeOfCode'          : raw[0].getBytes(0x1C, 4),
      'SizeOfInitData'      : raw[0].getBytes(0x20, 4),
      'SizeOfUnInitData'    : raw[0].getBytes(0x24, 4),
      'AddressOfEntryPoint' : raw[0].getBytes(0x28, 4),
      'BaseOfCode'          : raw[0].getBytes(0x2C, 4),
      'BaseOfData'          : bit == 0 ? raw[0].getBytes(0x30, 4) : 'n/a',
      'ImageBase'           : bit == 0 ? raw[0].getBytes(0x34, 4) : raw[0].getBytes(0x30, 8),
      'SectionAlignment'    : raw[0].getBytes(0x38, 4),
      'FileAlignment'       : raw[0].getBytes(0x3C, 4),
      'OSVersion'           : [parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x40, 2)), parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x42, 2))],
      'ImageVersion'        : [parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x44, 2)), parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x46, 2))],
      'SubsystemVersion'    : [parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x48, 2)), parseInt(raw[0].getBytes(0x4A, 2))],
      'Win32VersionValue'   : raw[0].getBytes(0x4C, 4),
      'SizeOfImage'         : raw[0].getBytes(0x50, 4),
      'SizeOfHeaders'       : raw[0].getBytes(0x54, 4),
      'Checksum'            : raw[0].getBytes(0x58, 4)
    for (i in iss) {
      if (raw[0].getBytes(0x5C, 2) == iss[i])
        IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['Subsystem'] = i;
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['DllCharacteristics'] = '';
    for (i in idc) {
      if ((raw[0].getBytes(0x5E, 4) & idc[i]) == idc[i])
        IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['DllCharacteristics'] += i + '; ';
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['SizeOfStackreserve']  =
      bit == 0 ? raw[0].getBytes(0x60, 4) : raw[0].getBytes(0x60, 8);
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['SizeOfStackCommit']   =
      bit == 0 ? raw[0].getBytes(0x64, 4) : raw[0].getBytes(0x68, 8);
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['SizeOfHeapReserve']   =
      bit == 0 ? raw[0].getBytes(0x68, 4) : raw[0].getBytes(0x70, 8);
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['SizeOfHeapCommit']    =
      bit == 0 ? raw[0].getBytes(0x6C, 4) : raw[0].getBytes(0x78, 8);
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['LoaderFlags']         =
      bit == 0 ? raw[0].getBytes(0x70, 4) : raw[0].getBytes(0x80, 4);
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER['NumberOfRvaAndSizes'] =
      bit == 0 ? raw[0].getBytes(0x74, 4) : raw[0].getBytes(0x84, 4);
    this.print(IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER, 20);
  getSectionHeaders : function(fileName) {
    var raw = this.getRawData(fileName),
        ptr = raw[1] + parseInt('0x' + raw[0].slice(raw[1] + 0x14, raw[1] + 0x16)) + 0x18,
        sec, i, isc = {
          'TypeDsect'             : 0x00000001,
          'TypeNoLoad'            : 0x00000002,
          'TypeGroup'             : 0x00000004,
          'TypeNoPadded'          : 0x00000008,
          'TypeCopy'              : 0x00000010,
          'Code'                  : 0x00000020,
          'InitializedData'       : 0x00000040,
          'UninitializedData'     : 0x00000080,
          'LinkOther'             : 0x00000100,
          'LinkInfo'              : 0x00000200,
          'TypeOver'              : 0x00000400,
          'LinkRemove'            : 0x00000800,
          'LinkComDat'            : 0x00001000,
          'Reserved'              : 0x00002000,
          'NoDeferSpecExceptions' : 0x00004000,
          'RelativeGP'            : 0x00008000,
          'MemPurgeable'          : 0x00020000,
          'Memory16Bit'           : 0x00020000,
          'MemoryLocked'          : 0x00040000,
          'MemoryPreload'         : 0x00080000,
          'Align1Bytes'           : 0x00100000,
          'Align2Bytes'           : 0x00200000,
          'Align4Bytes'           : 0x00300000,
          'Align8Bytes'           : 0x00400000,
          'Align16Bytes'          : 0x00500000,
          'Align32Bytes'          : 0x00600000,
          'Align64Bytes'          : 0x00700000,
          'Align128Bytes'         : 0x00800000,
          'Align256Bytes'         : 0x00900000,
          'Align512Bytes'         : 0x00A00000,
          'Align1024Bytes'        : 0x00B00000,
          'Align2048Bytes'        : 0x00C00000,
          'Align4096Bytes'        : 0x00D00000,
          'Align8192Bytes'        : 0x00E00000,
          'AlignMask'             : 0x00F00000,
          'LinkExRelocOverflow'   : 0x01000000,
          'MemoryDiscardable'     : 0x02000000,
          'MemoryNotCached'       : 0x04000000,
          'MemoryNotPaged'        : 0x08000000,
          'MemoryShared'          : 0x10000000,
          'MemoryExecute'         : 0x20000000,
          'MemoryRead'            : 0x40000000,
          'MemoryWrite'           : 0x80000000
    Array.prototype.getDetail = function(b) {
      return '0x' + this.slice(ptr + b, ptr + b + 4).reverse().join('');
    WScript.echo('Name   VirtSize    VirtAddr    SzRawData   PtrRawData  Characteristics');
    WScript.echo('-----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------------');
    for (i = 0; i < parseInt('0x' + raw[0].slice(raw[1] + 0x6, raw[1] + 0x8)); ++i) {
      sec = raw[0].slice(ptr, ptr + 0x07);
      for (var j = 0, cap = '', chr =''; j < sec.length; ++j) {
        cap += String.fromCharCode(parseInt('0x' + sec[j]));
      WScript.StdOut.Write(raw[0].getDetail(0x08) + '  ');
      WScript.StdOut.Write(raw[0].getDetail(0x0C) + '  ');
      WScript.StdOut.Write(raw[0].getDetail(0x10) + '  ');
      WScript.StdOut.Write(raw[0].getDetail(0x14) + '  ');
      for (var k in isc) {
        if (parseInt('0x' + raw[0].slice(
          ptr + 0x24, ptr + 0x28).reverse().join('')) & isc[k]) {
          chr += k + '; ';
      ptr += 0x28;
  print : function(o, v) {
    var i, j;
    for (i in o) {
      j = i;
      while (j.length != v) j += ' ';
      WScript.echo(j + ': ' + o[i]);