PoshCode Archive  Artifact [3f0056bcda]

Artifact 3f0056bcdaea67f7498ac4f47e87480eff5ba0ec4fbb7f05324ba02090a812f2:

  • File VCenter-Reporting.ps1 — part of check-in [c30f3885d4] at 2018-06-10 13:50:57 on branch trunk — where it can generate final out put excel file? (user: Steve Jarvi size: 9526)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: VCenter Reporting
# description: where it can generate final out put excel file?
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Steve Jarvi
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5153
# x-archived: 2014-05-15T04:57:53
# x-published: 2014-05-07T12:34:00
<# 	   .SYNOPSIS
        Collects statistics and settings for Hosts, Datastores, and Virtual Machines
		from multiple VCenters.
		Creates Excel spreadsheet report with separate worksheets for Hosts, Datastores, and 
		Virtual Machines by VCenter.
        Name: Get-SCE_VCenterStatisticsAndSettings.ps1
        Author: Steve Jarvi
        DateCreated: 10 Jan 2013

#Load PowerCLI snap-ins
Add-PSSnapin Vmware.VIMAutomation.Core

Write-Host "Getting first and last days of previous months..."
#Get the first and last days for the previous months.
$startdate = (($currentdate = get-date).addmonths(-1) | % {$_.AddDays(-($_.day -1))}).ToString("d")
$enddate = (($currentdate = get-date) | % {$_.adddays(-($_.day))}).ToString("d")

Write-Host "Start date is $startdate."
Write-Host "End date is $enddate."

#VCenters list:
$VCenters = "vcenter1","vcenter2","vcenter3"

#New Excel ComObject, add workbook:
$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excel.Visible = $true
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()

	#Loop through VCenters.
	foreach ($VC in $VCenters){
	#Connect to VCenter.
	connect-viserver $VC
	#Add worksheet named Guest by VCenter.
	$currentsheet = $workbook.worksheets.add()
	$currentsheet.name = "Guest - " + "$VC"
	#Get virtual machines in current VCenter.
	$VMs = Get-VM | ?{$_.powerstate -eq "PoweredOn"}
	#Create multidimensional array sized by number of VMs, plus 1 for header, and number of columns:
	$MDArray = New-Object 'object[,]' ($vms.count+1),14
	$row = 1
	$col = 0
	#Enter column names for first row:
	$MDArray[0,0] = "VM Name"
	$MDArray[0,1] = "Resource Pool"
	$MDArray[0,2] = "Allocated CPU"
	$MDArray[0,3] = "Avg. CPU (MHz)"
	$MDArray[0,4] = "Allocated Mem (MB)"
	$MDArray[0,5] = "Avg. Mem Usage (%)"
	$MDArray[0,6] = "Mem Usage (MB)"
	$MDArray[0,7] = "VMDK(s) / Capacity / Type"
	$MDArray[0,8] = "VMDK Avg. (KBps)"
	$MDArray[0,9] = "Nic Type"
	$MDArray[0,10] = "Network Avg. (KBps)"
	$MDArray[0,11] = "Hrdwr Ver."
	$MDArray[0,12] = "VMTools Ver."
	$MDArray[0,13] = "VM Operating System"
	$vmnumber = 1
	$vmcount = $vms.count
		#Loop through VMs in current VCenter:
		foreach ($vm in $VMs){
		#Progress update:
		Write-Host "Currently building $vm's statistics into table."
		Write-Host "Working $vmnumber of $vmcount VMs."
		#Use PowerCLI's "Get-Stat" to pull VM statistics for the previous month.
		$vmstats = Get-Stat -Entity $vm.name -Start $startdate -Finish $enddate -EA SilentlyContinue
		#Set variables for statistics by type used:
		$cpuuse = $vmstats | ?{$_.metricid -eq "cpu.usagemhz.average"}
		$memuse = $vmstats | ?{$_.metricid -eq "mem.usage.average"}
		$dskuse = $vmstats | ?{$_.metricid -eq "disk.usage.average"}
		$netuse = $vmstats | ?{$_.metricid -eq "net.usage.average"}
		#Build table of VMs' statistics and settings into multidimensional array:
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]($vm.name)
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]($vm.resourcepool.name)
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]($vm.NumCpu)
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([Math]::Round((($cpuuse | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2))
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$vm.MemoryMB
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([Math]::Round((($memuse | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2))
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$([math]::round((([Math]::Round((($memuse | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2))/100*($vm.memoryMB)),2))
			$HDDSize = Get-HardDisk $vm.name | Sort Name
			$HDDList = $null
				foreach ($HD in $HDDSize) { 
					$DiskType = $HD.StorageFormat
					$DiskName = $HD.Name
					$DiskSize = $HD.CapacityKB / 1048576
					$DiskSize = "{0:N2}" -f $DiskSize
					$HDDList += "$DiskName"+"/ "+ "$DiskSize" + "/ " + "$DiskType`r`n"
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$HDDList
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([Math]::Round((($dskuse | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2))
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$vm.NetworkAdapters.type
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([Math]::Round((($netuse | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2))
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$vm.version
			Try {
				$MDArray[$row,$col] = ($vm.ExtensionData.guest.ToolsVersion.tostring())
			Catch {
				$MDArray[$row,$col] = "Not Installed"
		$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$vm.ExtensionData.guest.GuestFullName
		$col = 0
	#Create Excel interop object for aligning cell content:
	[reflection.assembly]::loadWithPartialname("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel") | out-Null
	$xlConstants = "microsoft.office.interop.excel.Constants" -as [type]
	#Create range of Excel cells to match multidimensional array
	#and add array to sheet:
	$cells = "A1:N" + ($vms.count+1)
	$sheetname = "Guest - " + "$VC"
	$worksheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item("$sheetname")
	$range = $worksheet.Range("$cells")
	$range.Value2 = $MDArray
	#Align and autofit cells:
	$range.HorizontalAlignment = $xlConstants::xlCenter
	$range.VerticalAlignment = $xlConstants::xlCenter
	$range.Rows.AutoFit() | Out-Null
	$range.Columns.AutoFit() | Out-Null
	#Get Hosts for current VCenter:
	$VMHosts = Get-VMHost
	#New worksheet for Hosts at current VCenter:
	$currentsheet = $workbook.worksheets.add()
	$currentsheet.name = "Host - " + "$VC"
	#Create multidimensional array sized by number of Hosts, plus 1 for header, and number of columns:
	$MDArray = New-Object 'object[,]' ($vms.count+1),7
	$row = 1
	$col = 0
	$MDArray[0,0] = "Host Name"
	$MDArray[0,1] = "CPU (MHz)"
	$MDArray[0,2] = "CPU Used (MHz)"
	$MDArray[0,3] = "% CPU Used"
	$MDArray[0,4] = "Mem (GB)"
	$MDArray[0,5] = "Host Memory(GB)"
	$MDArray[0,6] = "% Mem Used"
	$vmhostnum = $vmhosts.count
	$count = 1
		#Loop through Hosts at current VCenter:
		foreach ($vmhost in $vmhosts){
			$name = $vmhost.name.split(".")[0]
			#Progress update:
			Write-Host "Currently building $name's statistics into table."
			Write-Host "Working $count of $vmhostnum Hosts."
			$hoststats = Get-Stat -Entity $vmhost -Start $startdate -Finish $enddate -EA SilentlyContinue
			$cpuuse = $hoststats | ?{$_.metricid -eq "cpu.usagemhz.average"}
			$cpupcnt = $hoststats | ?{$_.metricid -eq "cpu.usage.average"}
			$memuse = $hoststats | ?{$_.metricid -eq "mem.usage.average"}
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$vmhost.name.split(".")[0]
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$vmhost.cputotalmhz
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$vmhost.cpuusagemhz
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([Math]::Round((($cpuuse | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2))
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([math]::Round((($vmhost.MemoryUsageMB)/1024),2))
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([math]::Round((($vmhost.MemoryTotalMB)/1024),2))
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([Math]::Round((($memuse | Measure-Object Value -Average).Average),2))
			$col = 0
		[reflection.assembly]::loadWithPartialname("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel") | out-Null
		$xlConstants = "microsoft.office.interop.excel.Constants" -as [type]
		$cells = "A1:G" + ($vmhosts.count+1)
		$sheetname = "Host - " + "$VC"
		$worksheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item("$sheetname")
		$range = $worksheet.Range("$cells")
		$range.Value2 = $MDArray
		$range.HorizontalAlignment = $xlConstants::xlCenter
		$range.VerticalAlignment = $xlConstants::xlCenter
		$range.Rows.AutoFit() | Out-Null
		$range.Columns.AutoFit() | Out-Null	
		$datastores = get-datastore
		$currentsheet = $workbook.worksheets.add()
		$currentsheet.name = "Datastores - " + "$VC"
		$MDArray = New-Object 'object[,]' ($datastores.count+1),4
		$row = 1
		$col = 0
		$MDArray[0,0] = "Datastore"
		$MDArray[0,1] = "Total Space (GB)"
		$MDArray[0,2] = "Free Space (GB)"
		$MDArray[0,3] = "% Free"
			foreach ($DS in $datastores){
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]$DS.name
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([math]::round((($DS.capacitymb)/1024),2))
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([math]::round((($DS.freespacemb)/1024),2))
			$MDArray[$row,$col] = [string]([math]::round(($DS.freespacemb/$DS.capacitymb),2)*100) + " %"
			$col = 0
		[reflection.assembly]::loadWithPartialname("Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel") | out-Null
		$xlConstants = "microsoft.office.interop.excel.Constants" -as [type]
		$cells = "A1:D" + ($datastores.count+1)
		$sheetname = "Datastores - " + "$VC"
		$worksheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item("$sheetname")
		$range = $worksheet.Range("$cells")
		$range.Value2 = $MDArray
		$range.HorizontalAlignment = $xlConstants::xlCenter
		$range.VerticalAlignment = $xlConstants::xlCenter
		$range.Rows.AutoFit() | Out-Null
		$range.Columns.AutoFit() | Out-Null
	Disconnect-VIServer $VC -Confirm:$false
