PoshCode Archive  Artifact [3f32326f38]

Artifact 3f32326f381839da5c2c7b1a48a8ea9bb218e815c7cdec3b9b9ddf512fda7ea9:

  • File Start-AtomToJabber.ps1 — part of check-in [95cc05ce74] at 2018-06-10 13:01:14 on branch trunk — A simpler version of http://powershellcentral.com/scripts/178 which just bridges atom to a jabber chat (user: unknown size: 2448)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Start-AtomToJabber
# description: A simpler version of http://powershellcentral.com/scripts/178 which just bridges atom to a jabber chat 
# version: 0.1
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 179
# x-archived: 2009-11-28T08:35:54
# “Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it” — D. Knuth
## Depends on PoshXmpp.dll from http://CodePlex.com/PowerXmpp
#requires -pssnapin PoshXmpp
# Start-AtomToChat PowerBot@im.flosoft.biz SuperBot -ChatNick PowerBot
param (
    $JabberId = $( Read-Host "Bot's Jabber ID" )
   ,$Password = $( Read-Host "Bot's Password" -asSecure)
   ,$AtomFeeds[] = @("http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.windows.powershell/feed/atom_v1_0_topics.xml")
   ,$Chat = "PowerShell%irc.FreeNode.net@irc.im.flosoft.biz"     # An IRC channel to join!
   ,$ChatNick = $("PowerBot$((new-object Random).Next(0,9999))") # Your nickname in IRC
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

$global:PoshXmppClient = 
PoshXmpp\New-Client $JabberId $Password # http://im.flosoft.biz:5280/http-poll/
PoshXmpp\Connect-Chat $Chat $ChatNick

$nnc = $global:LastNewsCheck = [DateTime]::Now.AddHours(-10) # start
$feedReader = new-object Xml.XmlDocument

while(!$Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) {
   "Checking feeds..."
   foreach($feed in $AtomFeeds) {
      for($i = $feedReader.feed.entry.count - 1; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
         $e = $feedReader.feed.entry[$i]
         if([datetime]$e.updated -gt $global:LastNewsCheck) {
            PoshXmpp\Send-Message $Chat $("{0} {1} (Posted at {2:hh:mm} by {3})" -f $e.title."#text",  $e.link.href,  [datetime]$e.updated, $e.author.name)
            [Threading.Thread]::Sleep( 1000 )
      if( [datetime]$feedReader.feed.entry[0].updated -gt $nnc ) {
         $nnc = [datetime]$feedReader.feed.entry[0].updated
   $global:LastNewsCheck = $nnc # the most recent item in any feed
   $counter = 0
   "PRESS ANY KEY TO STOP" # we're going to wait 10 * 60 seconds 
   while(!$Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ($counter++ -lt 600)) {
      [Threading.Thread]::Sleep( 1000 )
