PoshCode Archive  Artifact [47b1b7c25a]

Artifact 47b1b7c25a2bef1e4e9de84c0caa7f651a9beac48e4c4e3a53b66f2e44fae1af:

  • File vProfile.ps1 — part of check-in [840116ae74] at 2018-06-10 12:56:51 on branch trunk — The script will export recursively all objects and properties of a VI/vSphere entity to a XML file. (user: LucD size: 6024)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: vProfile
# description: The script will export recursively all objects and properties of a VI/vSphere entity to a XML file.
# version: 1.0
# type: script
# author: LucD
# license: CC0
# function: New-XmlNode
# x-poshcode-id: 1312
# x-archived: 2009-09-16T23:32:21
# vProfiler.ps1	: vSphere profiling script
# This script will export recursively all objects and properties of a VI/vSphere entity to a XML file
# Parameters:
#	$entityName	: the name of the vSphere entity for which the properties should be written to the XML file
#	$childShow	: Boolean switch, export all children of $entityName, and their properties, to the XML file
#	$configShow	: Boolean switch, export the properties to the XML file
#	$vmDump		: Boolean switch, include VirtualMachines in the XML file
#	$profileDir	: directory where the XML file will be written
# Author:	LucD
# History:
#	v1.0 27/08/09	first version, handles Folder, VirtualMachine, Datacenter, HostSystem, ClusterComputeResource, ResourcePool

# Parameters
$entityName = "Clus1"
$childShow = $true
$configShow = $false
$vmDump = $true
$profileDir = "C:\"

# Root of the XML file
$vInventory = [xml]"<Inventory></Inventory>"

function New-XmlNode{
	param($node, $nodeName)

	$tmp = $global:vInventory.CreateElement($nodeName)

function Set-XmlAttribute{
	param($node, $name, $value)

	$node.SetAttribute($name, $value)

function Get-XmlNode{


function Get-Properties{
	param($BaseName, $Property, $XMLnode)

	if(-not($Property -match "DynamicProperty$|DynamicType$")){

		if($Property.Length -eq 0){
			$XMLnewnode = New-XmlNode $XMLnode $BaseName.Substring(1)
			$XMLnewnode = New-XmlNode $XMLnode $Property

		if((Invoke-Expression $BaseName) -ne $null){
			$result = Invoke-Expression $BaseName
			$type = Invoke-Expression ($BaseName + ".GetType()")
			Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Type" $type.Name
				$ArrCount = Invoke-Expression ($BaseName + ".Count")
				Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Count" $ArrCount
				for($i = 0; $i -lt $ArrCount; $i++){
					Get-Properties ($BaseName + "[" + $i + "]") ($Property + "-" + $i + "-") $XMLnewnode
			elseif($type.IsPrimitive -or $type.Name -eq "String" -or $type.Name -eq "DateTime"){
				Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Value" $result
				$props = $result | gm -memberType Property,NoteProperty
				foreach($prop in $props){
					Get-Properties ($BaseName + "." + $prop.Name) $prop.Name $XMLnewnode

function Get-Configuration{
	param($object, $XMLnode, $label)

	New-Variable -Name $label -Value $object
	$properties = Get-Properties ('$' + $label) '' $XMLnode

function Get-Children{
	param($entity, $path, $XMLnode, $recurse, $config)

	if("vm","host" -notcontains $entity.Name){
		$path += ("/" + $entity.Name)
	switch -regex ($entity.gettype().name){
		"Folder" {
			if("vm","host" -notcontains $entity.Name){
				$XMLnewnode = New-XmlNode $XMLnode "Folder" 
				Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Name" $entity.Name
			if($recurse -and $entity.ChildEntity -ne $null){
				foreach($childfld in (Get-View -Id $entity.ChildEntity)){
					Get-Children $childfld $path $XMLnewnode $recurse $config
				if($entity.Config.Template){$VMtype = "Template"} else {$VMtype = "VM"}
				$XMLnewnode = New-XmlNode $XMLnode $VMtype
				Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Name" $entity.Name
					Get-Configuration $entity.Config $XMLnewnode "Config"
			$XMLnewnode = New-XmlNode $XMLnode "Datacenter" 
			Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Name" $entity.Name
			if($recurse -and $entity.HostFolder -ne $null){
				foreach($childfld in (Get-View -Id $entity.HostFolder)){
					Get-Children $childfld $path $XMLnewnode $recurse $config
			$XMLnewnode = New-XmlNode $XMLnode "Host" 
			Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Name" $entity.Name
				Get-Configuration $entity.Config $XMLnewnode "Config"
			if($recurse -and $entity.ChildEntity -ne $null){
				foreach($childfld in (Get-View -Id $entity.ChildEntity)){
					Get-Children $childfld $path $XMLnewnode $recurse $config
		"ClusterComputeResource" {
			$XMLnewnode = New-XmlNode $XMLnode "Cluster" 
			Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Name" $entity.Name
				Get-Configuration $entity.ConfigurationEx $XMLnewnode "ConfigurationEx"
				foreach($esx in (Get-View -Id $entity.Host)){
					Get-Children $esx $path $XMLnewnode $recurse $config

				$resourcePoolparent = Get-View -Id $entity.ResourcePool
				if($resourcePoolParent.Vm -ne $null){
					foreach($vm in (Get-View -Id $resourcePoolParent.Vm)){
						Get-Children $vm $path $XMLnewnode $recurse $config
				if($resourcePoolParent.resourcePool -ne $null){
					foreach($respool in (Get-View -Id $resourcePoolParent.resourcePool)){
						Get-Children $respool $path $XMLnewnode $recurse $config
			$XMLnewnode = New-XmlNode $XMLnode "ResourcePool"
			Set-XmlAttribute $XMLnewnode "Name" $entity.Name
				Get-Configuration $entity.Config $XMLnewnode "Config"
			if($recurse -and $entity.Vm -ne $null){
				foreach($childfld in (Get-View -Id $entity.Vm)){
					Get-Children $childfld $path $XMLnewnode $recurse $config
			write-host "Unhandled type" $entity.gettype().name

# Main function
Get-Inventory -Name $entityName | Get-View | % {
	Get-Children $_ $path (Get-XmlNode "Inventory") $childShow $configShow

# Create vProfile XML file
$vInventory.Save($profileDir + "vProfile-" + $entityName + ".xml")