PoshCode Archive  Artifact [4dbf95ba61]

Artifact 4dbf95ba61e8c4d1f0cbfb80e969aa3dcde471ef117a02f7d5793b9dca96a532:

  • File Get-MacAddress.ps1 — part of check-in [0d5e172abf] at 2018-06-10 14:16:16 on branch trunk — Found at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-MacAddress.ps1 (user: terran size: 8500)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-MacAddress
# description: Found at https://github.com/gregzakh/alt-ps/blob/master/Get-MacAddress.ps1
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: terran
# license: CC0
# function: Get-MacAddress
# x-poshcode-id: 6458
# x-archived: 2016-09-07T05:22:31
# x-published: 2016-07-27T13:30:00
function Get-MacAddress {
        Gets MAC address.
        Alternative ways to do same.
        Example 1:
        $asm = Add-Type -MemberDefinition @'
          public static extern Int32 UuidCreateSequential(
              out Guid guid
        '@ -Name Uuid -NameSpace MacAddress -PassThru
        $guid = New-Object Guid
        if (($res = $asm::UuidCreateSequential([ref]$guid)) -ne 0) {
          (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception($res)).Message
          $guid.Guid.Split('-')[-1], '.{2}', '$0-'
        Example 2:
        Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {
        } | ForEach-Object {
          New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Description = $_.Description
            Service     = $_.ServiceName
            MACAddress  = $_.MACAddress
        } | Select-Object Description, Service, MACAddress
        Example 3:
        Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object {
        } | ForEach-Object {
          New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Description = $_.Description
            Id          = $_.SettingID
            MACAddress  = $_.MACAddress
        } | Select-Object Description, Id, MACAddress
        Example 4:
        $mac, $nic = (getmac /fo csv | Where-Object {
          ![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($_) -and $_ -match '\w{2}\-'
        }).Split(',') | ForEach-Object {$_.Trim('"')}
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
          Interface  = $nic.Substring(($$ = $nic.IndexOf('{')), $nic.Length - $$)
          MACAddress = $mac
        Example 5:
        $key = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\*'
        Get-ItemProperty $key | Where-Object {
          $_.DhcpIpAddress -and $_.DhcpIpAddress -ne ''
        } | Select-Object DhcpIpAddress | ForEach-Object {
          New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            IPAddress  = $_.DhcpIpAddress
            MACAddress = ([Regex]'(\w{2}\-){5}\w{2}').Match((
              nbtstat -a $_.DhcpIpAddress
        Example 6:
            ipconfig /all
        Example 7:
            route print
        )).Value.Trim().Replace([Char]32, '-')
  #there is no access denied error by path Global\.net clr networking
  #in CLR v4 for limited user, so...
  if (($clr = $PSVersionTable.CLRVersion.Major) -ge 4) {
    [Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface]::GetAllNetworkInterfaces() |
    Where-Object {
      $_.OperationalStatus -eq [Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus]::Up
    } | ForEach-Object {
      if (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty((
        $$ = $_.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString()
      ))) {
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
          Id         = $_.Id
          MACAddress = [Regex]::Replace($$, '.{2}', '$0-').TrimEnd('-')
    } | Select-Object Description, Id, MACAddress | Format-List
  elseif ($clr -eq 2) {
    ) | ForEach-Object {
      $keys = ($ta = [PSObject].Assembly.GetType(
      $collect = @()
      if ($keys -notcontains $_.Name) {
        $ta::Add($_.Name, $_)
      $collect += $_.Name
    function Get-LastError {
        [Int32]$ErrorCode = [Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
        'GetMessage', [BindingFlags]40
        $null, @($ErrorCode)
    function private:Invoke-FreeLibrary {
        'FreeLibrary', [BindingFlags]40
      ).Invoke($null, @($ModuleHandle))
    function private:Get-ProcAddress {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
      ) | Where-Object {
        $_.Name -cmatch '\AGet(ProcA|ModuleH)'
      } | ForEach-Object {
        Set-Variable $_.Name $_
      if (($ptr = $GetModuleHandle.Invoke(
        $null, @($Module)
      )) -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
        if (($mod = [Regex].Assembly.GetType(
          $null, @($Module)
        )) -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
          Write-Warning "$(Get-LastError)"
        $ptr = $GetModuleHandle.Invoke($null, @($Module))
      $GetProcAddress.Invoke($null, @($ptr, $Function)), $mod
    function private:Set-Delegate {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
        [ValidateScript({$_ -ne [IntPtr]::Zero})]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
      $proto = Invoke-Expression $Delegate
      $method = $proto.GetMethod('Invoke')
      $returntype = $method.ReturnType
      $paramtypes = $method.GetParameters() |
                                    Select-Object -ExpandProperty ParameterType
      $holder = New-Object Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod(
        'Invoke', $returntype, $paramtypes, $proto
      $il = $holder.GetILGenerator()
      0..($paramtypes.Length - 1) | ForEach-Object {
        $il.Emit([OpCodes]::Ldarg, $_)
      switch ([IntPtr]::Size) {
        4 { $il.Emit([OpCodes]::Ldc_I4, $ProcAddress.ToInt32()) }
        8 { $il.Emit([OpCodes]::Ldc_I8, $ProcAddress.ToInt64()) }
        [OpCodes]::Calli, [CallingConvention]::StdCall, $returntype, $paramtypes
    $ptr, $mod = Get-ProcAddress iphlpapi SendARP
    $SendARP = Set-Delegate $ptr `
                              '[Func[UInt32, UInt32, [Byte[]], [Byte[]], Int32]]'
    $key = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\*'
    Get-ItemProperty $key | Where-Object {
      $_.DhcpIpAddress -and $_.DhcpIpAddress -ne ''
    } | ForEach-Object {
      $inet_addr = [Regex].Assembly.GetType(
      ).GetMethod('inet_addr', [BindingFlags]40)
      $adr = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32(
          $inet_addr.Invoke($null, @($_.DhcpIpAddress)
        )), 0
      $mac = New-Object Byte[] 6
      $len = [BitConverter]::GetBytes($mac.Length)
      if (($ret = $SendARP.Invoke($adr, 0, $mac, $len)) -ne 0) {
        Write-Warning "$(Get-LastError $ret)"
      New-Object PSObject -Property @{
        Id         = $_.PSChildName
        MACAddress = ($mac | ForEach-Object {'{0:X2}' -f $_}) -join '-'
    if ($mod) { Invoke-FreeLibrary $mod }
    $collect | ForEach-Object { [void]$ta::Remove($_) }