PoshCode Archive  Artifact [670ca7c9b8]

Artifact 670ca7c9b85dff46fc1be8181875fdec9510ecd0df7dfec2bc1ee04a8088f13f:

  • File pslauncher.ps1 — part of check-in [3071e99444] at 2018-06-10 12:56:18 on branch trunk — Requires V2 (user: unknown size: 7013)

# encoding: ascii
# api: csharp
# title: pslauncher
# description: Requires V2
# version: 1.0
# type: script
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1042
# x-derived-from-id: 1043
# x-archived: 2009-06-07T06:00:26
 * Compile this program by simply doing:
 * csc.exe PSLauncher.cs

// Requires powershell V2

 * The Problem:
 *      .ps1 scripts do not integrate with the shell nicely.  You cannot
 *      simply associate powershell.exe with .ps1 and have them run when u
 *      double click them.  Also, the execution of script you click on may
 *      be blocked by security policies.  Thirdly, some powershell scripts
 *      require ps to be launched with some command line arguments, to frequently
 *      run such a script then requires keyboard entry or awkward batch files.
 * The Solution:
 *      Compile this program, and associate it as the default launcher for .ps1.
 *      follow the usage details below, and you will be able to launch .ps1 scripts
 *      from the shell with mouse alone, and as added benafit you get to put
 *      ps cmd line options in your script, and you can run scripts invisible.
 *      Put the first two characters of your script as "#!"
 *      Follow that with the full path to powershell.exe (incl fname) or
 *      if powershell.exe is in the path you can just put #!powershell.exe
 *      The remainder part of that line will be passed to powershell.exe as
 *      arguments.  For example, -STA.  The filename of the script is also
 *      passed as "-file %1" along with "-ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted".
 *      The second line of the file, if it is prefixed by "#-" can contain "meta arguments"
 *      for powershell.  Currently the only one allowed is "Hidden" which will supress the
 *      powershell window and discard any output from the script.
 *      If a .ps1 script without these magics #! is encountered, it will be passed
 *      to powershell.exe as above, if powershell.exe is in the path or default location.
 * Example:
 *      #!powershell.exe -STA
 *      #-Hidden
 *      ...rest of script...
 *  or
 *      #!C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit
 *      ...rest of a script you don't want to exit when it ends...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace PSLauncher
    static class PSLauncher
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main(string [] args)
            if (args.Length != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong number of arguments, there must be exactly one.");
            if (!(new Regex(".ps1$")).Match(args[0]).Success)
                psl_err("Must have extension of ps1 or powershell.exe will error.");
            StreamReader fs;
            string line_1;
            string line_2;
            string exe_path;
            string cmd_line;
            string ps_args;
            Regex r;
            Match m;
            bool hidden = false;
            Process ps_proc;

                fs = new StreamReader(args[0]);
            catch (FileNotFoundException)
                psl_err("File Not Found.");
            catch (FileLoadException)
                psl_err("File found but could not be loaded.");
                line_1 = fs.ReadLine();
                line_2 = fs.ReadLine();
            catch (IOException)
                psl_err("File may not have enough lines.");
            r        = new Regex(@"^#!(.*)powershell\.exe");
            exe_path = "";
            if ((m = r.Match(line_1)).Success) 
                line_1   = r.Replace(line_1, "");
                exe_path = m.Groups[1].Value;
                if (exe_path  != "")
                    if (!File.Exists(exe_path + "powershell.exe"))
                        psl_err("specified powershell.exe file not exist.");
                    exe_path = find_powershell();
                    if (exe_path == "")
                        psl_err("powershell.exe is not found.");
            }   }   }
                line_1   = "";
                exe_path = find_powershell();
                if (exe_path == "")
                    psl_err("powershell.exe is not found.");
            }   }
            cmd_line = exe_path + "\\" + "powershell.exe";
            ps_args  = line_1 + " -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File \"" + args[0] + "\"";
            r        = new Regex("^#-");
            if ((m = r.Match(line_2)).Success)
                line_2 = r.Replace(line_2, "");
                if ((new Regex("Hidden")).Match(line_2).Success)
                    hidden = true;
            }   }
            ps_proc = new Process();

            if (hidden)
                ps_proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                ps_proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput  = true;
                ps_proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                ps_proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
                ps_proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            ps_proc.StartInfo.Arguments = ps_args;
            ps_proc.StartInfo.FileName = cmd_line;
        private static void psl_err(string msg)
            MessageBox.Show(msg, "PSLauncher Critical Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, 
        private static string find_powershell()
            string exe_path = "";
            foreach (string test_path in
                if (File.Exists(test_path + "\\" + "powershell.exe"))
                    exe_path = test_path;
            if (exe_path == "" && File.Exists(
                exe_path = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\windowspowershell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe";

            return exe_path;
}   }   }