PoshCode Archive  Artifact [6feb0f1e10]

Artifact 6feb0f1e1082b08ec581248567cc5531c7f5bc821214b8e8efc92e1045cf5d2f:

  • File IP-Scan-Local-User-admin.ps1 — part of check-in [d4475e0099] at 2018-06-10 13:00:00 on branch trunk — Where I work, we don’t use AD for roughly 30-60 servers. There are multiple identical local windows accounts on various servers, and when a person leaves the company, those accounts need to be deleted by hand. This group of scripts performs the following tasks: (user: niklas size: 4433)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: IP Scan/Local User admin
# description: Where I work, we don’t use AD for roughly 30-60 servers. There are multiple identical local windows accounts on various servers, and when a person leaves the company, those accounts need to be deleted by hand. This group of scripts performs the following tasks:
# version: 10.1.1
# type: class
# author: niklas
# license: CC0
# function: AddRemove-LocalAccount
# x-poshcode-id: 1684
# x-archived: 2012-01-12T06:50:21
# x-published: 2012-03-05T07:16:00
# 1) Ping scans a range of IPs for responding hosts.
# 2) Takes those hosts and attempts to find the specified user
# 3) Optionally with the -delete flag, deletes the user
# There’s three parts to this script. The trigger which is run from the console in the same directory as the finduser.ps1 and set-localaccount.ps1 files. Note that set-localaccount.ps1 is from powershell.nu, with some minor changes that allow the computername to passed as a parameter.
# The trigger
$obj = New-Object system.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
100..200 | % { $ip = "10.1.1.$_"
$ping = $obj.send($ip,100)
write-host "." -noNewLine
if ($ping.status -eq "Success"){
   C:\Powershell\Finduser.ps1 $ping.address.ipaddresstostring


# Finduser.ps1
param (

  $computer = [ADSI]("WinNT://" + $strComputer + ",computer")
  $Users = $computer.psbase.children |where{$_.psbase.schemaclassname -eq "User"}
  foreach ($member in $Users.psbase.syncroot){
    if ($member.name -eq "username"){
      write-host Found user! $computer.name
      if ($delete){
        write-host Deleting...
        .\set-localaccount.ps1 -UserName username -remove -computerName $computer.name


# set-localaccount.ps1
#  Script name: Set-LocalAccount.ps1
#  Author:      niklas.goude@zipper.se
#  Homepage:    www.powershell.nu

param([string]$UserName, [string]$Password, [switch]$Add, [switch]$Remove, [switch]$ResetPassword, [switch]$help, [string]$computername)

function GetHelp() {
$HelpText = @"

NAME: Set-LocalAccount.ps1
Adds or Removes a Local Account


-UserName        Name of the User to Add or Remove (Required)
-Password        Sets Users Password (optional)
-Add             Adds Local User (Optional)
-Remove          Removes Local User (Optional)
-ResetPassword   Resets Local User Password (Optional)
-help            Prints the HelpFile (Optional)


.\Set-LocalAccount.ps1 -UserName nika -Password Password1 -Add
Adds Local User nika and sets Password to Password1

.\Set-LocalAccount.ps1 -UserName nika -Remove
Removes Local User nika

.\Set-LocalAccount.ps1 -UserName nika -Password Password1 -ResetPassword
Sets Local User nika's Password to Password1

.\Set-LocalAdmin.ps1 -help
Displays the helptext

function AddRemove-LocalAccount ([string]$UserName, [string]$Password, [switch]$Add, [switch]$Remove, [switch]$ResetPassword, [string]$computerName) {
    if($Add) {
        [string]$ConnectionString = "WinNT://$computerName"
        $ADSI = [adsi]$ConnectionString
        $User = $ADSI.Create("user",$UserName)

    if($Remove) {
        [string]$ConnectionString = "WinNT://$computerName"
        $ADSI = [adsi]$ConnectionString

    if($ResetPassword) {
        [string]$ConnectionString = "WinNT://" + $ComputerName + "/" + $UserName + ",user"
        $Account = [adsi]$ConnectionString
        $Account.psbase.invoke("SetPassword", $Password)

if($help) { GetHelp; Continue }
if($UserName -AND $Password -AND $Add -AND !$ResetPassword) { AddRemove-LocalAccount -UserName $UserName -Password $Password -Add -computerName $computerName}
if($UserName -AND $Password -AND $ResetPassword) { AddRemove-LocalAccount -UserName $UserName -Password $Password -ResetPassword -computerName $computerName}
if($UserName -AND $Remove) { AddRemove-LocalAccount -UserName $UserName -Remove -computerName $computerName}