PoshCode Archive  Artifact [7530bb550f]

Artifact 7530bb550f5a484ef1273aa851e3ac9bb3a8e6074b347dc37769bfd7ca8a8d9c:

  • File Logging-AD-logins.ps1 — part of check-in [4b663721ae] at 2018-06-10 13:25:55 on branch trunk — This will allow you to create a log to a file share of AD logins. This creates two files one based on logins to the computer, and the other is based on the username. (user: Alan Oakland size: 3920)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Logging AD logins
# description: This will allow you to create a log to a file share of AD logins.  This creates two files one based on logins to the computer, and the other is based on the username.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Alan Oakland
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3452
# x-archived: 2012-06-18T09:45:38
# x-published: 2012-06-12T14:35:00
#* FileName: loginTime.ps1
#* Created: [09/25/2009]
#* Author: Alan Oakland
#* Purpose: Create a log of login times.



#* Variable Configuration
$adsobj = [ADSI]"WinNT://$domain/$env:username"
$logpath = "\\server\share\path"

#Retrieve IP information
$global:ipinfo = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" `
| Where{($_.IpEnabled -Match "True") -And ($_.DNSDomain -Match $curDomain)}
if ($ipinfo)
  if (!($ip))
    $global:ip="IP could not be resolved"

$fullName = $adsobj.FullName.value.toString()
$logfile = "$($logpath)\USER-$fullname.ini" # this is the log file
$recordstokeep = 200 # set this to the number of user records to keep
#Create the logfile if it doesn't exist 
if (!(test-path -path "$logfile"))
  $null = new-item $logfile -Type file
# write the log entry
$logData = "$(get-date -Format M/dd/yyyy) - $(get-date -Format H:mm:ss) - Login  - $ip - $env:username - $env:clientname=$env:computername"
# read all the log entries into an array
[Array]$entries = Get-Content $logfile
#Add the data to the array
$entries += $logData
if (($entries.length-1) -gt $recordstokeep)
  #delete anything less than required number of days
  $entries = $entries[0],$entries[($entries.length-$recordstokeep)..($entries.length-1)]
#Write Output
$entries | Out-File $logfile

#Computer Log
$logfile = "$($logpath)\COMP-$env:computername.ini" #this is the log file 
$recordstokeep = 200 # set this to the number of computer records to keep
#Create the logfile if it doesn't exist 
if (!(test-path -path "$logfile"))
  $null = new-item $logfile -Type file
# write the log entry
$logData = "$(get-date -Format yyyy/M/dd) - $(get-date -Format H:mm:ss) - Login  - $ip - $env:username =$fullName"
# read all the log entries into an array
[Array]$entries = Get-Content $logfile
#Add the data to the array
$entries += $logData
if (($entries.length-1) -gt $recordstokeep)
  #delete anything less than required number of days
  $entries = $entries[0],$entries[($entries.length-$recordstokeep)..($entries.length-1)]
#Write Output
$entries | Out-File $logfile