PoshCode Archive  Artifact [79697b4897]

Artifact 79697b4897c843c5899a04fd83a1bc2d2c3294e951048510a099e6ec5a4d7c99:

  • File hex2dec.ps1 — part of check-in [c19174e091] at 2018-06-10 13:33:56 on branch trunk — This script is analog of Sysinternals hex2dec but with additional feature interactive mode. At last it has been wrote on command language, no C\C++ (v2.03: moved some useless strings). (user: greg zakharov size: 3607)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: hex2dec
# description: This script is analog of Sysinternals hex2dec but with additional feature – interactive mode. At last it has been wrote on command language, no C\C++ (v2.03: moved some useless strings).
# version: 2.03
# author: greg zakharov
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3982
# x-archived: 2013-02-27T05:45:26
# x-published: 2013-02-21T13:56:00
@echo off
  ::interactive mode
  if "%1" equ "" (
    if not defined run goto:interactive
  ::null results
  for %%i in ("0" "x0" "0x0") do if "%1" equ "%%~i" goto:null
  ::parsing argument(s)
  setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    ::checking number of arguments
    set "arg=0"
    for %%i in (%*) do set /a "arg+=1"
    if "%arg%" neq "1" if not defined run goto:help
    if "%arg%" neq "1" if defined run goto:error
    ::get length of argument
    set "i=0"
    set "str=%1"
    for /l %%i in (0, 1, 255) do (
      set "chr=!str:~%%i!"
      if defined chr set /a "i+=1"
    ::is it prefix or hex number starts without him
    if !i! equ 2 (
      if "%str:~0,1%" equ "x" set "str=0%str%" & goto:check
    if !i! gtr 2 (
      if "%str:~0,1%" equ "0" if "%str:~1,1%" neq "x" goto:error
      if "%str:~0,1%" equ "0" if "%str:~1,1%" equ "x" goto:hex2dec
      if "%str:~0,1%" equ "x" set "str=0%str%" && goto:check
    for %%i in (a b c d e f) do if "%str:~0,1%" equ "%%i" set "str=0x%str%" & goto:hex2dec

    2>nul set /a "res=%str%"
    if "%errorlevel%" equ "0" (
      if "%str%" equ "%res%" goto:dec2hex
    echo "%str%" | findstr /r [0-9a-f] > nul
    if "%errorlevel%" equ "0" set "str=0x%str%" && goto:hex2dec

    set "map=0123456789ABCDEF"
    for /l %%i in (1, 1, 8) do (
      set /a "res=str & 15, str >>=4"
      for %%j in (!res!) do set "hex=!map:~%%j,1!!hex!"
    for /f "tokens=* delims=0" %%i in ("!hex!") do set "hex=0x%%i"
    echo %1 = !hex! & goto:eof

    2>nul set /a "res=%str%"
    if "%errorlevel%" gtr "0" goto:error
    for /f "tokens=2,3" %%i in ('findstr "# " "%~dpnx0"') do set "str=!str:%%i=%%j!"
    if "%res%" neq "" if "%res%" neq "0" (echo %str% = %res%) else goto:error
exit /b

  echo =^>err
exit /b 1

  echo =^>nil
exit /b 0

::Hex2dec v2.03 - converts hex to decimal and vice versa
::Copyright (C) 2012-2013 greg zakharov
::For bug reports - gregzakh@gmail.com
::Usage: hex2dec [decimal | hexademical]
::Example 1:
::  C:\>hex2dec 0x017a
::  0x017A = 378
::You'll got the same result with x17a or 17a.
::Example 2:
::  C:\>hex2dec 13550
::  13550 = 0x34EE
::Example 3:
::  C:\>hex2dec 23f
::  0x23F = 575
::Note: hex2dec starts with interactive mode if there is
::no argument.
for /f "tokens=* delims=:" %%i in ('findstr "^::" "%~dpnx0"') do echo.%%i
exit /b 0

rem :: Upper case chart ::
# a A
# b B
# c C
# d D
# e E
# f F
rem ::   End of chart   ::

  ::interactive mode on
  echo Hex2dec v2.03 - converts hex to decimal and vice versa
  echo Enter decimal or hexademical number and press Enter to
  echo take result. Use "exit" or "clear" commands to quit or
  echo to make host clear.
    ::already launched marker
    set "run=true"
    set /p "ask=>>> "
    cmd /c "%~dpnx0" %ask%
    if "%ask%" equ "clear" cls
    if "%ask%" equ "exit"  cls & goto:eof
exit /b