PoshCode Archive  Artifact [7a3886a312]

Artifact 7a3886a312e0d7b6d269eb674444ae7b861c6b6c9962ea3b84bb2f772e2e003a:

  • File New-BulkMailboxMoveReq.ps1 — part of check-in [559665fd4e] at 2018-06-10 13:39:55 on branch trunk — Move mailboxes from one mailbox database to another mailbox database or balance them across a group of mailbox databases. (user: dethompson71 size: 16078)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: New-BulkMailboxMoveReq
# description: Move mailboxes from one mailbox database to another mailbox database or balance them across a group of mailbox databases.
# version: 1.5
# type: script
# author: dethompson71
# license: CC0
# function: Find-ArchiveDBUSers
# x-poshcode-id: 4365
# x-derived-from-id: 4470
# x-archived: 2016-01-30T14:41:33
# x-published: 2016-08-05T16:24:00
# Created by Dethompson71
# http://powershellatwork.blogspot.com/2013/08/new-bulk-mailbox-move-request.html
		Move mailboxes from one mailbox database to another mailbox database
		or balance them across a group of mailbox databases. 
		Requires Quest AD Tools: 

		Move mailboxes from one mailbox database to another mailbox database
		or balance them across a group of mailbox databases.

		Requires Quest AD Tools: 
		Options to move a subset of people based on size. Size is determined
		by adding TotalItemSize and TotalDeletedItemSize.

		All mailbox moves are created in a suspended state. If you'd like
		to have the process run, choose the -Monitor switch.
		You have the choice to work on Primary or Archive mailboxes.
		The mailbox database to used as a source of mailboxes to move.
		The mailbox database to use as a destination for mailboxes to move.
		If TargetDB is a collection of mailbox databases, 
		choose the smallest one in the set for each person moved. This takes
		into account the size of any mailboxes already added.
		Default is all mailbox databases.
		You can create a filter in the parameter section, for example:
		parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, Mandatory = $false)] 
		[array]$TargetDB = (get-mailboxdatabase | ?{$_.Recovery -eq $False -and $-Name -notmatch "Mailbox"})

		The mailboxes to move are Personal Archive mailboxes.
		The mailboxes to move are mailboxes for disabled accounts.
		A name to identify this group of moves. 
		Default: The name of the Source Mailbox Database
		How many mailboxes from the SourceDB to move. When using this
		parameter, the "select -first $NumberToMove" is used.
		Default: 1

		Specify a particular CAS server to use as this job's 'Mailbox 
		Replication Server.'
		This MRSServer will be used for all the moves specified.
		TargetDB and MRSServer should be in the same AD site.
.PARAMETER Descending
		Move the largest mailboxes first. Sorts the mailboxes by size,
		desending, before selecting the number of mailboxes to move. To
		move many mailboxes quick the sort is done with the smallest mailbox
		being the 1st mailbox to move.
		Default: False
		Select the mailbox less than <Number> in size. Number should be in MB
.PARAMETER RemoveCompletedMoves
		Before starting a new set of mailbox moves, clear the completed moves 
		for this batchname.
		After the moves have started, monitor their status until all have 
		completed for this BatchName.
.PARAMETER MonitorWaitTime
		Time in seconds to Pause before another monitor cycle.
		Default: 120

		Send a notice when the Monitor is finished.
		New-BulkMailboxMoveRequest -SourceDB 'MBX01A' -TargetDB (get-mailboxdatabase MBX02*)
		Moves the smallestprimary mailbox from MBX01A to the smallest Mailbox 
		Database returned in the results of get-mailboxdatabase MBX02*

		New-BulkMailboxMoveRequest -SourceDB 'Arch01A' -TargetDB (get-mailboxdatabase arch02*) -Desending -Archive
		Moves the largest archive mailbox from Arch01A to the smallest Mailbox 
		Database returned in the results of get-mailboxdatabase arch02*	
		New-BulkMailboxMoveRequest -SourceDB 'Arch01A' -TargetDB Arch10B -NumberToMove 25 -Archive
		Moves the smallest 25 archive mailboxes from Arch01A to the Arch10B 
		Mailbox Database 
		New-BulkMailboxMoveRequest -SourceDB 'MBX01A' -TargetDB (get-mailboxdatabase MBX02*) -NumberToMove 25 -SizeLessThan 1000
		Moves the smallest 25 archive mailboxes from MBX01A to the the collection,
		but only those under 1GB (1000MB)
		of mailbox databases returned by (get-mailboxdatabase MBX02*) 
		The mailboxes are balanced across all the mailbox databases based on Size.

.Notes		Created by Dethompson71 ar gmail dot com
		Search for <mydomain> and make your changes, also smtpserver


Param (
		[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="No Source Mailbox Database name specified")]
		[parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $false, Mandatory = $false)] 
		[array]$TargetDB = (get-mailboxdatabase | ?{$_.Recovery -eq $False -and $_.Name -notmatch "Mailbox"}),
		[string]$BatchName = $SourceDB,
		[int]$NumberToMove	= 1,
		[int]$MonitorWaitTime = 120,
Function Find-ArchiveDBUSers {
	param (
	# this took less than 1.5 seconds on 25000 mailboxes and 2000 archives
	# Get-QADUser -IncludedProperties msexcharchivedatabaselink -SizeLimit 0 -LdapFilter "(msexcharchivedatabaselink=CN=Arch104D,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=<mydomain>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<mydomain>,DC=com)"

	# this took 46 second on 25000 mailboxes, and 2000 archives
	# get-mailbox -Archive -ResultSize Unlimited | ?{$_.ArchiveDatabase -match "^$SourceDB$"}	

	$FilteredDB = "(msexcharchivedatabaselink=CN=" + $SourceDB + ",CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=<mydomain>,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=<mydomain>,DC=com)"
	$user = Get-QADUser -IncludedProperties msexcharchivedatabaselink -SizeLimit 0 -LdapFilter "$FilteredDB"
	if($Statistics) {
		$user | %{get-mailboxstatistics $_.mail -archive}
	} Else {
		$user | %{get-mailbox $_.mail -archive}
# -Notify implies -Monitor
if(($Notify) -and (-not ($Monitor))){
	Write-Verbose "-Notify implies -Monitor; Setting -Monitor..."

# get source mailbox database information
Write-Verbose "Collecting Mailbox Information in Source Mailbox Database..."
if ($Archive) {
	Write-Verbose "Collecting Personal Archive Mailboxes"
	$SrcMBX = Find-ArchiveDBUSers $SourceDB

		If ($SrcMBX.Count) {
			"Found {0} Personal Archive mailboxes in {1} database." -f ($SrcMBX.Count),($SourceDB)
		} Else {
			"Found 1 Personal Archive mailbox in {0} database." -f ($SourceDB)
	} Else {
		Write-Output "There are no Personal Archive mailboxes to move."
} Elseif  ($Disabled) {
	Write-Verbose "Collecting Disabled Mailboxes"
	# find all mailboxes in the source where account is disabled
	$SrcMBX = get-mailboxdatabase $SourceDB | get-mailbox | ?{$_.ExchangeUserAccountControl -match "AccountDisabled"}
	If ($SrcMBX.Count) {
		If ($SrcMBX.Count) {
			"Found {0} Disabled mailboxes in {1} database." -f ($SrcMBX.Count),($SourceDB)
		} Else {
			"Found 1 Disabled mailbox in {0} database." -f ($SourceDB)
	} Else {
		Write-Output "There are no Disabled mailboxes to move."
} Elseif  ($LitHold) {
	Write-Verbose "Collecting Disabled Mailboxes"
	# find all mailboxes in the source where account is on Litigation hold
	$SrcMBX = get-mailboxdatabase $SourceDB | get-mailbox | ?{$_.LitigationHoldEnabled}

	If ($SrcMBX.Count) {
		If ($SrcMBX.Count) {
			"Found {0} Disabled mailboxes in {1} database." -f ($SrcMBX.Count),($SourceDB)
		} Else {
			"Found 1 Disabled mailbox in {0} database." -f ($SourceDB)
	} Else {
		Write-Output "There are no Litigation Hold mailboxes to move."
} Else {
	Write-Verbose "Collecting Primary Mailboxes"
	$SrcMBX = get-mailbox -Database $SourceDB -ResultSize Unlimited
		If ($SrcMBX.Count) {
			"Found {0} Primary mailboxes in {1} database." -f ($SrcMBX.Count),($SourceDB)
		} Else {
			"Found 1 Primary mailbox in {0} database." -f ($SourceDB)
	} Else {
		Write-Output "There are no Primary mailboxes to move."

# get destination mailbox database information
Write-Verbose "Collecting Destination Mailbox Database Information..."
$MBDBStats = @()
$TargetDB | %{
	$tmp = $null
	$tmp = Get-Mailboxdatabase ($_) -Status
		#Write-Verbose "`tWorking on Database $($tmp.Identity.ToString())"
		#$tmp | fl
		$tmpobj = New-Object PSObject
		$tmpObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Name -value ($($tmp.AdminDisplayName))
		#$tmpObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Size -value ($tmp.DatabaseSize.ToMB() - $tmp.AvailableNewMailboxSpace.ToMB())
		$tmpObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Size -value ($tmp.DatabaseSize.ToMB())
		$MBDBStats += $tmpobj

If(-not $MBDBStats) {
	Write-Error "Destination Mailbox Database not found."

# get mailbox database information to move
Write-Verbose "Collecting Mailbox Statistics..."
$MBXStats = @()
if($Archive) {
	$MBX = $SrcMBX | Get-MailboxStatistics -Archive -EA 0
} Else {
	$MBX = $SrcMBX | Get-MailboxStatistics -EA 0

# get all the mailbox data 
$MBX | %{

	$tmpobj = New-Object PSObject
	$tmpObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name DisplayName -value ((get-mailbox $_.LegacyDN).DisplayName)
	$tmpObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name TotalSize -value ($($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB() + $_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB()))
	$tmpObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name TargetDB -value ("TBD")
	$MBXStats += $tmpobj

# and reduce size of the collection of need be
if($SizeLessThan){$MBXStats = $MBXStats | ?{$_.TotalSize -lt $SizeLessThan}}
$MBXStats = $MBXStats | select -First $NumberToMove

# calculate the Target mailbox:
Write-Host "There are $(cc $MBXStats) mailboxes selected."
if($MBXStats.Count) {
	for($i=0;$i -lt $MBXStats.Count; ++$i) {
		$MBDBStats = $MBDBStats | Sort Size	
		#$MBDBStats | ft
		$MBXStats[$i].TargetDB = $(($MBDBStats | Select -First 1).Name)
		#$MBXStats  | ft
		($MBDBStats | Select -First 1).Size +=  $MBXStats[$i].TotalSize
} Else {
	if ($MBXStats) {
		$MBDBStats = $MBDBStats | Sort Size	
		$MBXStats.TargetDB = $(($MBDBStats | Select -First 1).Name)	

#sort if we need to
If($Descending) {
	$MBXStats = $MBXStats | sort TotalSize -Descending
} Else {
	$MBXStats = $MBXStats | sort TotalSize

If($MBXStats) {
	Write-Output "Mailboxes to move..."
	$TotalMoveSize = ($MBXStats | measure -Property TotalSize -Sum).Sum
	$MBXStats | ft -AutoSize

	Write-Output "`tTotal size of moves: $($TotalMoveSize)`n"
	# pause here if you will please - ask for confirmation?
	$ans = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)" 
	If( -not ($ans.ToUpper() -eq "Y" -or $ans.toUpper() -eq "YES")) { Exit }
	$StartTime = Get-Date
} Else {
	Write-Output "The commandline options did not select any mailboxes for moving."

# get rid of any completed requests with the same batchname 
if($RemoveCompletedMoves) {
	Write-Verbose "Trying to remove Completed Requests..."
	if($BatchName) {
		Get-MoveRequest -BatchName $BatchName -MoveStatus Completed | 
		Remove-MoveRequest -Confirm:$false

# create the move requests 
ForEach ($MBXStat in $MBXStats) {
    # find current smallest database - after sort the topmost mailboxdatabase
	# will always be the smallest
	Write-Verbose "Destination Mailbox Database Count: $($MBDBStats.Count)"
	Write-Verbose "Working on $($MBXStat.DisplayName)"
	$mbx = get-mailbox $MBXStat.DisplayName
	Write-verbose "$($mbx.DisplayName) size $($MBXStat.TotalSize) moving to $($MBXStat.TargetDB)"
	if ($Archive) {
		if ($MRSServer) {
	    	$mbx | New-MoveRequest -ArchiveOnly -ArchiveTargetDatabase $MBXStat.TargetDB  -BatchName $BatchName -Suspend -MRSServer $MRSServer -BadItemLimit 49
		} Else {
			$mbx | New-MoveRequest -ArchiveOnly -ArchiveTargetDatabase $MBXStat.TargetDB -BatchName $BatchName -Suspend -BadItemLimit 49
	} else {
		if ($MRSServer) {
	    	$mbx | New-MoveRequest -PrimaryOnly -TargetDatabase $MBXStat.TargetDB -BatchName $BatchName -Suspend -MRSServer $MRSServer -BadItemLimit 49
		} Else {
			$mbx | New-MoveRequest -PrimaryOnly -TargetDatabase $MBXStat.TargetDB -BatchName $BatchName -Suspend -BadItemLimit 49

if($Monitor) {
	# Monitor -- loop until all jobs are complete
	# maybe send a notice?

	# Just because i am paranoid... ;) also to give the last New-MoveRequest time to breathe
	Write-Verbose "Resuming Mailbox Moves..."
	Sleep -seconds 10
	Get-MoveRequest -BatchName $BatchName -MoveStatus 'Suspended' | Resume-MoveRequest 
	Write-Verbose "Starting Mailbox Move Monitoring..."
	Do {
		# fl does not work correctly in a Do While loop for some reason
		# write-output seems to have issues too
		Write-Verbose "Collecting Move Stats..."
		$stats = Get-MoveRequest -BatchName $BatchName | Get-MoveRequestStatistics
		$stats = $stats | Sort DisplayName
		$out = "`n{0,-30}{1,16}{2,16}{3,10}" -f "DisplayName","TargetDB","PercentComplete","Size (MB)"
		Write-host $out
		$out = "{0,-30}{1,16}{2,16}{3,10}"   -f "-----------","-------------","---------------","---------"
		Write-Host $out
		foreach ($Stat in $stats) {
			$out = "{0,-30}{1,16}{2,16}{3,10}" -f ($stat.Displayname), ($stat.TargetArchiveDatabase),($stat.PercentComplete),($stat.TotalMailboxSize.ToMB())
			Write-Host $out
		Write-Host "`n"
		# point in time reference - in case this get 'hung'
		$CurTime = (Get-Date) - ($StartTime)
		$out = "{0}`tElasped Time: {1}h {2}m {3}s" -f (Get-Date -Format 'MMM dd yyyy HH:mm'), ($CurTime.Hours),($CurTime.Minutes),($CurTime.Seconds)
		Write-Host $out
		Write-Verbose "Time to snooze..."
	    sleep -seconds $MonitorWaitTime
		#Write-Output "`n"
	} While ((Get-MoveRequest -BatchName $BatchName | ?{$_.Status -ne 'Completed' -and $_.Status -ne 'Failed'}))
	if ($Notify) {
		$Subject  = "Mailbox Database Bulk Move Complete: $BatchName"
		$To       = 'admin@<mydomain>.com'
		$From	  = 'BulkMoveRequest@<mydomain>.com'
		$Body     =  $(Get-MoveRequest -BatchName $BatchName) | Out-String
		# Send a quick notice that the job is finished
		Send-MailMessage -Body $Body -To $To -From $From -SmtpServer 'smtpserver.<mydomain>.com' -Subject $Subject #-BodyAsHtml