PoshCode Archive  Artifact [809b25be76]

Artifact 809b25be76d09ed13e35d0862a137ea5673cdab3cefa9d371b0eecd47bd73525:

  • File Set-Encoding.ps1 — part of check-in [09359ed9d1] at 2018-06-10 13:08:13 on branch trunk — Provides an easy way to change the text encoding on a lot of scripts at once. (user: Jason Ferris size: 2553)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Set-Encoding
# description: Provides an easy way to change the text encoding on a lot of scripts at once.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Jason Ferris
# license: CC0
# function: Set-Encoding
# x-poshcode-id: 2288
# x-archived: 2017-05-16T03:34:57
# x-published: 2011-10-07T07:22:00
# It calls the Out-File command with the -Encoding parameter and the -Force switch. 
# Very useful for fixing problems when trying to sign non-ASCII format files.
# Note:  Don’t use on your MP3’s or other non-text files :)
function Set-Encoding{
   Takes a Script file or any other text file into memory and Re-Encodes it in the format specified.
.Parameter Source
   The path to the file to be re-encoded.
.Parameter Destination
   The path to write the corrected file to
.Parameter Encoding 
   The encoding to convert to
   Default  Uses the encoding of the system's current ANSI code page.
   OEM      Uses the current original equipment manufacturer code page identifier for the operating system.
  ls *.ps1 | Set-Encoding ASCII
  ls *.ps1 | Set-Encoding UTF8 -Destination { [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($_.FullName, ".utf8.ps1") }

   Provides an easy way to change the text encoding on a lot of scripts at once.
   Don't use on non-text files!
   The script just calls Out-File with the -Encoding parameter and the -Force switch, but it's very useful for making sure all your script files are correctly UTF8 or ASCII encoded so they can be signed.


   [ValidateSet("Unicode","UTF7","UTF8","UTF32","ASCII", "BigEndianUnicode","Default", "OEM")]
   [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
      if((resolve-path $_).Provider.Name -ne "FileSystem") {
         throw "Specified Path is not in the FileSystem: '$_'" 
      return $true
   [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
   [string]$Destination = $Source
   Write-Verbose "Encoding content from '$Source' into '$Destination' with $Encoding encoding."
   (Get-Content $Source) | Out-File -FilePath $Destination -Encoding $Encoding -Force
   if($Passthru){ Get-Item $Destination }