PoshCode Archive  Artifact [921cacb87c]

Artifact 921cacb87c208d40a4c12d15fb27b4201ccc7c44ce778e3d3ba6adc70076b054:

  • File Set-KeepAliveTime.ps1 — part of check-in [903dd8fc89] at 2018-06-10 13:31:36 on branch trunk — When moving very large mailboxes, the connection can time out. (user: dethompson71 size: 6425)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Set-KeepAliveTime.ps1
# description: When moving very large mailboxes, the connection can time out.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: dethompson71
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3817
# x-archived: 2016-10-21T08:01:30
# x-published: 2013-12-12T03:05:00
# Change the setting for TCPIP KeepAliveTime on a server or several servers.
              Change the setting for TCPIP KeepAliveTime on a server or several
              Change the setting for TCPIP KeepAliveTime on a server or several
              When moving mailboxes with large number of folders or very large number
              of items it can take a very long time to enumerate the items. Sometimes
              it takes over 2 hours and the connection times out.
              We set the TCOPIP KeepAliveTime to it's max for the move or we reset
              it back to normal after a move is complete.
       .PARAMETER Name
              A collection of servers to set, reset, or read the KeepAliveTime
              registry setting.
       .PARAMETER KeepAliveTime
              The value to set KeepAliveTime. (A decimal number can be used.)
              Default is '0x000dbba0' - 15 Minutes
              0x000dbba0 ( 900000 decimal) 15 mnutes
              0x006ddd00 (7200000 decimal) is the installed default setting of 2 hours
       .PARAMETER ReadOnly
              Read the KeepAliveTime setting for each server in the collection of
	      (should be a "get" but I am too lazy to write another script.)
       .PARAMETER Hours
              Set the collection of servers to TCPIP KeepAliveTime of <N> hours.
       .PARAMETER Max
              Set the collection of servers to the maximum TCPIP KeepAliveTime setting.
              Defined as 0xffffffff - essentially "Forever"
              $Servers = Get-MailboxServer | ?{$_.AdminDisplayVersion -match "^Version 14"}
              Set-KeepAliveTime -Name $Servers
              Sets the KeepAliveTime on all the Mailbox servers to the Default setting.
              $servers = get-mailboxserver | ?{$_.AdminDisplayVersion -match "^Version 14"}
              Set-KeepAliveTime -Name $Servers -Max
              Sets the KeepAliveTime on all the Mailbox servers to the Maximum setting.
              $servers = Get-ExchangeServer |?{$_.ServerRole -ne "Mailbox" -and $_.AdminDisplayVersion -match "^Version 14"}
              Set-KeepAliveTime -Name $Servers -Reset
              Sets the KeepAliveTime on all the Exchamge 2010 Servers servers (CAS, HUB,
              Mailbox)to the reset setting. Which can be different from default.
              Suppose you find a setting of 4 hours is fine for moving large mailboxes.
              Change the script to
              The 21600000 for 6 hours
       This script requires PSRemoteRegistry
       Explaination for TCPIP settings:
       Microsoft recomends is 5 Minutes for KeepAliveTime (2/17/2010)
       KeepAliveTime | Reg_DWORD | 0x000493e0 (300000) 
       Symantec recomends 15 minutes (July 15, 2011)
       KeepAliveTime | Reg_DWORD | 0x000dbba0 (900000) 
       We use Symantic's recomendation as our default.
Param (
       [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName=$true)]
       [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)]
       $KeepAliveTime = '0x000dbba0',
       [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false)]
       $Hours = 0,
       [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)]
       [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $false)]
#inorder to user PSRemoteRegistry Module you must be running from <server>
# this was to keep my helpers in check, of course, do whatever you need to do
if($(Hostname) -match '<server>') {
       Import-Module PSRemoteRegistry
} Else {
       Write-Warning "You must run this on <server> to work."
# Location of KeepAliveTime Value
$Key = 'System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\'
$Value = 'KeepAliveTime'
if ($Name){
       ForEach ($Server in $Name) {
              if (Test-Connection -Count 1 -Quiet -ComputerName $Server){
                     if ($ReadOnly){
                           Write-Verbose "Checking Server: $($Server)"
                           Get-RegValue -ComputerName $Server -Key $key -Value $Value
                     } ElseIf ($Max){
                           $KeepAliveTime = '0xffffffff'
                           Write-Verbose "Set Max Server: $($Server)"
                           Set-RegDWord -ComputerName $Server -Key $Key -Value $Value -Data $KeepAliveTime -Force
                     } Else {
                           If ($Hours -gt 0){
                                  $KeepAliveTime = 3600000*$Hours
                                  Write-Verbose "Set Server: $($Server) to $($Hours) hours"
                                  Set-RegDWord -ComputerName $Server -Key $Key -Value $Value -Data $KeepAliveTime -Force
                           } Else {
                                  Set-RegDWord -ComputerName $Server -Key $Key -Value $Value -Data $KeepAliveTime -Force
              }  Else {
                           Write-Warning "Server $($Server) is not responding to pings."
} Else {
       Write-Warning "Could not find any servers to process."