PoshCode Archive  Artifact [9b572ac13d]

Artifact 9b572ac13d8f95cd3dbe69a9efe9ed92daceeb1fb9df68fb456907c9ec0d133a:

  • File Search-AD.ps1 — part of check-in [14f6e965be] at 2018-06-10 13:31:06 on branch trunk — Search-AD without need to install Quest Active Role commandlets or install Active Directory Management Gateway. (user: P Sczepanski size: 21903)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Search-AD
# description: Search-AD without need to install Quest Active Role commandlets or install Active Directory Management Gateway.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: P Sczepanski
# license: CC0
# function: Test-ObjectPath
# x-poshcode-id: 3788
# x-archived: 2016-03-25T09:39:00
# x-published: 2013-11-26T14:21:00
# You need to “load” the function using . sourcing.
# ie. Safe it as Search-AD.ps1 and load the functions into global using “. .\Search-Search-AD.ps1”. Then use get-help Search-AD for help

# add enumerations and types required for functions
Add-Type @'
using System;

namespace redtoo {
    namespace AD {
        public enum Provider : int {
    public class ADsPathPart {
            public string Provider;
            public string Server;
            public string BaseDN;
            public string RDN;
            public string DCComponent;
            public string Parent;
            public string DistinguishedName;

function Test-ObjectPath {
        Tests if an Object in AD exists.

        Tests if an Object in AD exists. Valid inputs are a DN or a DirectoryEntry object.
        With parameter you can force an imput type. Without a parameter the script figures out if an input was a string or directoryEntry object.

    .PARAMETER  DistinguishedName
        The distinguished name of the object to be tested. The DN may be specified using aDSPath or distinguished name.
        If an incorrect DN syntax is supplied, it will return $false

    .PARAMETER  DirectoryEntry
        A DirectoryEntry object to be tested. 
        If a string value is passed, it will be casted to a DirectoryEntry.

    .PARAMETER  isValid
        Verifies that the syntax of the DN is correct. 
        Returns $true if valid and otherwise $false

    .PARAMETER  PassThru
        Returns the [DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry] object if object exists, otherwise returns false
        Use together with -PassThru. Returns distinguished path as String

        Use together with -PassThru. Returns ADsPath as String

    .PARAMETER  $SplitParts
        Returns a PowerShell object with the different LDAP URI parts

        PS C:\> Test-ObjectPath  "CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra"
        Test if an object with the DN CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra exists.

        PS C:\> Test-ObjectPath  "CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra" -isValid
        Test if the DN CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra is correct.

        PS C:\> Test-ObjectPath -DirectoryEntry ([DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]"LDAP://CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra"
        Test if an object represented by the directoryEntry of CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra exists

        PS C:\> Test-ObjectPath "LDAP://CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra"
        Test if an object with the DN CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra exists.

        PS C:\> Test-ObjectPath ([DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]"LDAP://CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra"
        Test if an object represented by the directoryEntry of CN=myOU,DC=test,DC=intra exists



        NAME:      Test-ObjectPath
        AUTHOR:    Patrick Sczepanski (patrick@sczepanski.com)
        Version:   20120716
        #Requires -Version 2.0



        # A System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult object representing the group to list the members from
        # You may use Search-AD to find the group to be listed


    Begin {
        $ThisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        # the function uses different return points due to multiple decissions taken
        # it seemed easier to do it this way than try to collect all variations and evaluate again at the end
        if( ( $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AsDN") -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AsADsPath") -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SplitParts") ) -and (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Passthru") ) ) {
            Write-Warning "[$ThisFunctionName] :: You need to specify -Passthru if you want to use -AsDN and -AsADsPath"
        function Split-ADSPath ( $ADSPath ) {
            if ( $ADSPath -match '^(?:(?:(?<Provider>LDAP|GC)://)(?:(?<DC>(?:[\w\.-])+)/)*)+(?<Base>(?:(?:URI|CN|OU)=.*?,)*)(?<DCComponent>(?:DC=.*)+)$' ) {
                # Removed " else { $null }"
                New-Object redtoo.ADsPathPart -Property @{
                    "Provider"    = if ($Matches.Contains("Provider") )    { $Matches.Provider };
                    "Server"      = if ($Matches.Contains("DC") )          { $Matches.DC };
                    "BaseDN"      = if ($Matches.Contains("Base") )        { $Matches.base -replace ",$","" };
                    "RDN"         = if ($Matches.Contains("Base") )        { ($Matches.base.split(","))[0] };
                    "DCComponent" = if ($Matches.Contains("DCComponent") ) { $Matches.DCComponent };
                    "Parent"      = if ($Matches.Contains("Provider") )    { ($Matches.base.split(",", [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) | select -Skip 1) -join "," };
                    "DistinguishedName" = if ($Matches.Contains("Base") -and `
                                        $Matches.Contains("DCComponent") ) { "{0}{1}" -f $Matches.base, $Matches.DCComponent  };
            } else {
                Write-Warning "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Failed to match LDAP Path: '$LDAPPath'"
    Process {
        switch ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "String"    {
                if ( $connection ) {
                      $connection = $connection + "/"
                } else {
                    $connection = ""
                switch  -regex ( $DistinguishedName ) { 
                    '^(((LDAP|GC)://)(([\w\.-])+/)*)+((UID|CN|OU)=.*?,)*(DC=.*)+$' {
                        $LDAPpath = $DistinguishedName
                    '^(([\w\.-])+/)*((UID|CN|OU)=.*?,)*(DC=.*)+$' {
                        # matching dn without machine or domain. 
                        # Allows adding a machine name using -connection which is otherwise ignored
                        $LDAPpath = "LDAP://$connection$DistinguishedName"
                    '^WinNT://(?<Computer>\w.*|\.)/(?<Account>\w.*)$' {
                        # match WinNT provider such as "WinNT://mycomputer/jdoe,user"
                        $LDAPpath = $DistinguishedName
                    Default { return $false }
                if ( $isValid ) { 
                    # only verified syntax
                    return $true 
                $exists = try { [DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]::exists("$LDAPpath") } catch { $false }
                if ( $exists ) {
                    if ( $Passthru ) {
                        if ( $AsDN ) {
                            return ([regex]::Match($LDAPpath,".*/(.*)")).Groups[1].Value
                        } elseif ( $AsADsPath ) {
                            return $LDAPpath 
                        } elseif ( $SplitParts ) {
                            Split-ADSPath $LDAPpath 
                        } else {
                            return  [DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]"$LDAPpath"
                    } else {
                        return $true
                } else {
                    return $false
            "DirectoryEntry" {
                if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( ( $DirectoryEntry | Get-Member -MemberType Property ) ) ) {
                    return $false
                } else {
                    if ( $Passthru ) {
                        if ( $AsDN ) {
                            return ([regex]::Match($DirectoryEntry.adspath,".*/(.*)")).Groups[1].Value 
                        } elseif ( $AsADsPath ) {
                            return $DirectoryEntry.adspath 
                        } elseif ( $SplitParts ) {
                            Split-ADSPath $DirectoryEntry.adspath
                        } else {
                            return $DirectoryEntry
                    } else {
                        return $true
            "SearchResult" {
                if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $SearchResult ) ) {
                    return $false
                } else {
                    $DN = $SearchResult.Properties.adspath
                    if ( $Passthru ) {
                        if ( $AsDN ) {
                            return ([regex]::Match($SearchResult.Properties.adspath[0],".*/(.*)")).Groups[1].Value 
                        } elseif ( $AsADsPath ) {
                            return $SearchResult.Properties.adspath[0] 
                        } elseif ( $SplitParts ) {
                            Split-ADSPath ( $SearchResult.Properties.adspath[0] )
                        } else {
                            return  [DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]$SearchResult.Properties.adspath
                    } else {
                        return $true
    End {

function Search-AD  {
            Searching Active Directory
            Searching Active Directory

        .Parameter Provider
            Provider to use to connect. Allowed are GC and LDAP
            Default: LDAP
        .Parameter Connection
            Optional domain controller name used to connect to execute the search
            Default: Any (closest)
        .Parameter Forest
            Use forest root DN as default searchbase, GC as default provider 
            and set the default scope to subtree
        .Parameter Domain
            Use current domain root DN as default searchbase 
            and set the default scope to subtree
        .Parameter Searchbase
            Distinguished name of the searchbase to start the search from
            Default: Current Domain
        .Parameter Filter
            LDAP filter
            Default: (objectclass=*)
        .Parameter Attributes
            Attributes to be returned
            Default distinguishedname
        .Parameter Scope
            Search scope. Allowed scopes are base, onelevel, subtree
            Default: base
        .Parameter PageSize
            Number of objects returned per page. In standard AD user a number below 1000 which is the default maximum object returned in one step
            Default: 1000
        .Parameter SizeLimit
            Maximum number of objects returned. Enter 0 for unlimited numer
            Default: 1000
        .Parameter ChooseItem 
            Allows to choose a single item out of multiple items returned by the search
        .Parameter PropertyNamesOnly 
            Returns only the property names without values
        .Parameter FindOne 
            Returns the first object matching
            $Group = Search-AD -connection "DC1.mydomain.com" -filter "(&(objectcategory=group)(samaccountname=group51)))" -searchbase "DC=mydomain,DC=com" -scope "subtree"
            NAME:      Search-AD
            AUTHOR:    Patrick Sczepanski (patrick@sczepanski.com)
            Version:   20120709
            #Requires -Version 2.0
    Param (
        [redtoo.AD.Provider]$Provider   = [redtoo.AD.Provider]::LDAP, 


        [ValidateScript( {Test-ObjectPath $_ -IsValid} )]
        $Searchbase = ([DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]"LDAP://RootDSE").DefaultNamingContext,

        $Filter        = "(objectclass=*)",

        $Scope         = "base", 

        [int32]$PageSize = 1000,
        [int32]$SizeLimit = 1000,

        $ReferralChasing = [DirectoryServices.ReferralChasingOption]::None,
        $SecurityMasks = [DirectoryServices.SecurityMasks]::Dacl
    Begin {
        $ThisFunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        $RootDSE = [DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]"LDAP://RootDSE"
        if ( ! $RootDSE ) {
            Write-Warning "[$ThisFunctionName] :: You are not connected to AD. This function can only be used within an AD Forest."
            Return $null
    Process {
        switch ( $psCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
            "Forest" {  
                $SearchBase = $RootDSE.rootDomainNamingContext
                if ( ! $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Provider") ) {
                    $Provider = [redtoo.AD.Provider]::GC; 
                if ( ! $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Scope") ) {
                    $Scope = [DirectoryServices.SearchScope]::Subtree
            "Domain" { 
                $SearchBase = $RootDSE.defaultNamingContext
                if ( ! $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Scope") ) {
                    $Scope = [DirectoryServices.SearchScope]::Subtree
        # Normalize the searchbase
        # 1. Split it apart
        $SearchBaseParts = Test-ObjectPath $SearchBase -passthru -SplitParts
        # 2. Get the DC which could resolve the name to allow cross domain searches
        if ( $Connection ) {
            $SearchBaseParts.Server = $Connection
        } else {
            # get a DC of the domain on which the object is located
            # Taking the DN of the object, getting its parent domain, replacing DC= to make a DNS name which is then used to get the domain context
            $DomainDNS = ( $SearchBaseParts.DCComponent ) -replace "DC=","" -replace ",","."
            $SearchBaseParts.Server =  ( [adsi]"LDAP://$DomainDNS/RootDSE" ).dnsHostName
        if ( $Provider ) {
            $SearchBaseParts.Provider = $Provider
        # Finally merge information again
        $SearchBase = "{0}://{1}/{2}" -f $SearchBaseParts.Provider, $SearchBaseParts.Server, $SearchBaseParts.DistinguishedName
        if ( $attributes -notcontains "distinguishedname" ) {
            $attributes +=  "distinguishedname"
        if ( $CountOnly ) {
            $PropertyNamesOnly = $true
            $cacheResults = $false
        } else {
            $cacheResults = $true
        [DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]$searchbaseURI = $SearchBase
        [DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher]$Searcher = new-object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($searchbaseURI)
        if ( $attributes -match "NTSecurityDescriptor" ) {
            $Searcher.SecurityMasks = $SecurityMasks
        $Searcher.filter = $filter
        $Searcher.CacheResults = $cacheResults
        $Searcher.SearchScope = $scope
        $Searcher.PageSize = $PageSize
        $Searcher.PropertyNamesOnly = $PropertyNamesOnly
        $Searcher.ReferralChasing = $ReferralChasing
        try {
            if ( $FindOne ) {
                [System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult]$result = $searcher.FindOne()
            } else {
                [System.DirectoryServices.SearchResultCollection]$result = $searcher.FindAll()
        catch {
            Write-Warning "[$ThisFunctionName] :: $_`nBase:       $SearchBase`nFilter:      $filter`nSearchScope: $scope`nAttributes:  $Attributes " 
            return $null
        switch ( @(,$result) ) {
            { ($_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.SearchResultCollection]) -and ($_.count -lt 1) } { Write-Debug "[Search-AD] :: Cannot find an object in $searchbase using filter $filter"
                if (  $CountOnly ) {
                    return 0
                } else {
                    return $null
                break }
            { ($_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.SearchResult] -or ($_.count -eq 1)) } { Write-Debug "[Search-AD] :: Found 1 Object"
                if (  $CountOnly ) {
                    return 1
                } else {
                    return $result
                break }
            { ($_ -is [System.DirectoryServices.SearchResultCollection]) -and ($_.count -gt 1) } {
                if (  $CountOnly ) {
                    return $_.count
                } else {
                    if ( $chooseitem ) {
                        [int]$count = -1
                        foreach($object in $result) {
                            $count = $count + 1
                            Write-Host "[$count]: " $object.Properties.distinguishedname
                        $selection = Read-Host "Please select object"
                        if ( $($selection -lt 0) -or $($selection -gt $count) -or $($count -isnot [int])  ) { Write-Error "Selection '$selection' out of scope.`r`nPlease enter an integer value between 0 and $count."; exit(0)  }
                        return $result[$selection]
                    } else {
                        return $result
                break }
            default { Write-Error -message "[$ThisFunctionName] :: Issue with switch statement. Please check code. Unexpected Error."; }
    End {
