PoshCode Archive  Artifact [aa3f60174d]

Artifact aa3f60174d2f78a252652c1a94594a184a3cfdc0a5987aa55d38e570875c8ef1:

  • File docx2txt-wi-out-MSOffice.ps1 — part of check-in [f6a0f5492c] at 2018-06-10 14:08:43 on branch trunk — Original post found at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8436749.html (user: govnyakha size: 4161)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: docx2txt wi'out MSOffice
# description: Original post found at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8436749.html
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: govnyakha
# license: CC0
# function: Convert-Docx2Text
# x-poshcode-id: 6131
# x-archived: 2016-03-18T21:47:08
# x-published: 2016-12-04T10:20:00
#requires -version 2
function Convert-Docx2Text {
        Converts DOCX to TXT file without MS Office.
        Creates text file in the same directory where original document
        is placed. This demo function does not use third party tools or
        PS C:\Users\Admin\Documents> Convert-Docx2Text pecoff_v83.docx
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
  begin {
    # MIME of DOCX is application/x-zip-compressed
    $FindMimeFromData = {
      Add-Type -AssemblyName ($$ = 'PresentationCore')
      try {
        $fs = [IO.File]::OpenRead($FileName)
        if (($len = $fs.Length) -gt 4096) { $len = 4096 }
        $buf = New-Object "Byte[]" $len
        [void]$fs.Read($buf, 0, $buf.Length)
        $gch = [Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle]::Alloc($buf, 'Pinned')
        $ptr = $gch.AddrOfPinnedObject()
        if (([AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | ? {
          'FindMimeFromData', [Reflection.BindingFlags]40
        ).Invoke($null, (
          $$ = [Object[]]($null, $FileName, $ptr, [Int32]$len, $null, 0, $mime, 0)
        )) -ne 0) {
          throw New-Object Exception('Could not get MIME type.')
      catch { $_.Exception }
      finally {
        if ($gch -ne $null) { $gch.Free() }
        if ($fs -ne $null) { $fs.Close() }
      $$[6] # MIME
    $FileName = Convert-Path $FileName
  process {
    # check MIME and extension of input file
    if (($ext = (Get-Item $FileName).Extension) -ne '.docx'-and
        $FindMimeFromData.Invoke($FileName) -ne 'application/x-zip-compressed'
    ) {
      Write-Warning 'unsupported file format.'
    # locate word/document.xml deflated data
    try {
      $fs = [IO.File]::OpenRead($FileName)
      $br = New-Object IO.BinaryReader($fs)
      while ($true) {
        if ($br.ReadUInt32() -ne 67324752) {break} # no more local headers
        $fs.Position += 14
        $csz = $br.ReadUInt32() # compressed size of data (can be skipped?)
        $fs.Position += 4
        $fnl = $br.ReadUInt16() # file name length
        $efl = $br.ReadUInt16() # extra field length
        if ((-join $br.ReadChars($fnl)) -eq 'word/document.xml') {
          $fs.Position += $efl # skip extra field data
          try { # extract compressed data (xml)
            $ds = New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream($fs, 'Decompress')
            $of = [IO.File]::Create(($$ = $FileName -replace $ext, '.txt'))
            while ($true) {
              $buf = New-Object "Byte[]" 100
              $get = $ds.Read($buf, 0, $buf.Length)
              $of.Write($buf, 0, $get)
              if ($get -ne $buf.Length) {break}
          catch { $_.Exception }
          finally {
            if ($of -ne $null) { $of.Close() }
            if ($ds -ne $null) { $ds.Close() }
        $fs.Position += $efl + $csz
    catch { $_.Exception }
    finally {
      if ($br -ne $null) { $br.Close() }
      if ($fs -ne $null) { $fs.Close() }
  end {
    if (Test-Path $$) { # convert xml to text
      $xml = [xml](Get-Content $$)
      Out-File $$ -InputObject $xml.document.InnerText -Encoding Default