PoshCode Archive  Artifact [bb30d25d8a]

Artifact bb30d25d8a22c09ae0ac97a5b53f11f646bcc810e7fc58f0dc07af0e1135159c:

  • File is-chat.ps1 — part of check-in [040392caf6] at 2018-06-10 13:42:04 on branch trunk — Twitch chat image scraper. (user: unknown size: 7799)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: 
# description: Twitch chat image scraper.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# license: CC0
# function: is-chat
# x-poshcode-id: 4506
# x-archived: 2013-10-11T21:06:08
# Specifically, this 
# * takes HexChat chat logs for your channel name
# * outputs a Reddit-friendly Markdown table listing images
# * also creates a simple, local HTML file that lets you preview all the images locally before posting the table
# * Supports a very crude, after-the-fact blacklist of banned usernames, but can’t detect IRC bans or timeouts
#Sample usage:
#1. run HexChat and turn on logging. Leave HexChat on forever.
#2. Copy this script file to a "clean" directory where the script can dump its output.
#3. Open PowerShell and cd to the directory containing this script, then run:
#   . .\log-chat.ps1 -channelname "itmejp" -startTimeUtc "Oct 06, 2013 6:34:33 PM"
#4. Wait while it completes (takes several minutes, expect no output or "logging" so to speak, but ALSO expect no red text/errors whatsoever.)
#(note: I like dot-including the script over &-running it so I can mess with the $chatObjects collection afterwards

param($channelName, [System.IO.FileInfo]$optionalChatLogFullPathAndFilename = $null,[datetime]$startTimeUtc)

if ($optionalChatLogFullPathAndFilename -ne $null) {
  $logFile = $optionalChatLogFullPathAndFilename
} else {
  $logFile = @(dir -path (join-path $env:AppData "HexChat\logs") -recurse -include "#$($channelname).log") | select -first 1
Write-Host "Scanning $($logFile.fullname)"

$bannedUsers = @(

$boilerPlate = @"
body {{
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
table tr td {{
  padding: 2px;
td.timestamp {{
  width: 190px;
tr.alternate-row {{
  background-color: #F5F5F5;
<table border=1>



 function is-chat($line) {
   $isFromABannedUser = $false
   $bannedUsers | foreach {
     if ($line -like "*<$($_)>*") {
       $isFromABannedUser = $true
       #return $false
       #i have no idea why return false doesn't work there. hmmmmmm
   return (-not $isFromABannedUser) -and [regex]::IsMatch($line, '<.*?>') -and ($line -notlike "*vine*4*u*")

 function get-chatline($line) {
   $o = new-object psobject
   add-member -membertype "NoteProperty"  -name "Timestamp" -inputobject $o -value (process-timestamp -timestamp ($line.Substring(0,15)))
   add-member -membertype "NoteProperty"  -name "TimeSinceStart" -inputobject $o -value (Get-Offset -timestamp $o.Timestamp)

   add-member -membertype "NoteProperty"  -name "Name" -inputobject $o -value (get-name -line $line)
   add-member -membertype "NoteProperty"  -name "Text" -inputobject $o -value (get-text -line $line)
   add-member -membertype "NoteProperty"  -name "ImageLink" -inputobject $o -value (get-imagelink -line $line)
   return $o
function get-imagelink($line) {
  $imageRegex = '(http\S+?(jpeg|jpg|png|gif))|(http://imgur.com/\S+)'
  if ($line -match $imageRegex) {
    return [regex]::Match($line, $imageRegex).Value
  } else { 
    return $null

[reflection.assembly]::LoadWIthPartialName("System.Web") | out-null
$script:alternateRow = $false

function format-html($o, [switch]$makeImgTags) {
  if ($script:alternateRow -eq $true) {
    $rowClass = "standard-row"
  } else {
    $rowClass = "alternate-row"
  $script:alternateRow = -not $script:alternateRow
  $additionalTextContent = ""
  if ($makeImgTags -eq $true) {
    $additionalTextContent = "<br /><img src=""" + $o.ImageLink + """ /><br /><a href=""" + $o.ImageLink + """>$($o.ImageLink)</a>"
  return @"
<tr class="$rowClass">
<td class="timestamp">$($o.Timestamp.ToString())</td>
<td class="time-since-start">$($o.TimeSinceStart)</td>
<td class="name">$($o.Name)</td>
<td class="text">$([System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlEncode($o.Text))$($additionalTextContent)</td>


function get-offset([datetime]$timestamp) {
  if ($timeStamp -lt $startTimeUtc) {
    return ""
  } else {
    $diff = $timestamp - $startTimeUtc
    if ($diff.Hours -gt 0 -or $diff.Days -gt 0) {
      $hoursPart = "$($diff.Days*24 + $diff.Hours)h"
    } else {
      $hoursPart = ""
    return "$($hoursPart)$($diff.Minutes)m$($diff.Seconds)s"

function get-text($line) {
  [Regex]::Match($line, '<.*?>.(?<text>.*?)$').Groups['text'].Value

function get-name($line) {
  [Regex]::Match($line, '<(?<name>.*?)>').Groups['name'].Value

 function process-timestamp($timestamp) {
   $year = [DateTime]::Today.Year.ToString()
   $monthString = $timestamp.Substring(0,3)
   $month = [DateTime]::Parse("1.$($monthString) 2010").Month.ToString()
   $day = $timestamp.Substring(4,2)
   $hour = $timestamp.Substring(7,2)
   $minute = $timestamp.Substring(10,2)
   $second = $timestamp.Substring(13,2)
   ([DateTime]"$year-$month-$day $($hour):$($minute):$($second)").ToUniversalTime()

function Make-HtmlChatLog($chatObjects, $filename, [switch]$makeImgTags) {
  $chatTableRows = $chatObjects | foreach { format-html $_ -makeImgTags $makeImgTags }
  $allHtml = [string]::Format($boilerPlate, [string]::Join("`n", $chatTableRows))
  $allHtml > $filename
  ii $filename

function format-column($content, [int]$length, [string]$fillCharacter) {
  $spacesToAdd = [math]::Max(0,$length - $content.Length)
  return "|" + $content + ($fillCharacter * $spacesToAdd) 

function format-redditrow($o, [switch]$useDashesForFillCharacter) {
  $fillCharacter = " "
  if ($useDashesForFillCharacter -eq $true) {
    $fillCharacter = "-"
  $line = format-column -content ($o.TimeStamp.ToString()) -length 22 -fillCharacter $fillCharacter
  $line += format-column -content $o.TimeSinceStart -length 10 -fillCharacter $fillCharacter
  $line += format-column -content $o.Name -length 20 -fillCharacter $fillCharacter
  $line += format-column -content $o.Text -length 100 -fillCharacter $fillCharacter
  return $line

function Make-RedditTable($chatObjects, $filename) {
  $header = @{"Timestamp" = "Timestamp (UTC)"; "TimeSinceStart" = "~offset"; "Name" = "twitch chat name"; "Text" = "text"}
  $dividerLineObject = @{"Timestamp" = ":"; "TimeSinceStart" = ":"; "Name" = ":"; "Text" = ":"}
  $chatTableHeader = format-redditRow $header
  $dividerLine = "`r`n" + (format-redditRow -o $dividerLineObject -useDashesForFillCharacter) + "`r`n"
  $chatTableRows = $chatObjects | foreach { format-RedditRow $_ -makeImgTags $makeImgTags }
  $allText = $chatTableHeader + $dividerLine + ([string]::Join("`r`n", $chatTableRows))
  $allText > $filename
  ii $filename

function Does-NoBetterImageExist($image, $fullList) {
  $betterImage = $fullList | select -expand ImageLink | where { $_ -like "$($image.ImageLink)*" -and $_ -ne $image.ImageLink }
  if ($betterImage -ne $null) {
    return $false
  } else {
    return $true

$chatLog = cat $logFile
$chatObjects = $chatlog | where { is-chat $_ } | foreach { get-chatline $_ }

$imageLinks = $chatObjects | where { $_.imagelink -ne $null } | group imagelink | foreach { $_.group | sort timestamp | select -first 1 } | sort timestamp
$curatedImageLinks = $imageLinks | where { Does-NoBetterImageExist -image $_ -fullList $imageLinks }

Make-RedditTable -chatObjects $curatedImageLinks -filename "$($channelName)-linked-images.txt"
Make-htmlChatLog -chatObjects $curatedImageLinks -filename "$($channelName)-linked-images-preview.html" -makeImgTags
#Make-htmlChatLog -chatObjects $chatObjects -filename "$($channelName)-full-chatlog.html"