PoshCode Archive  Artifact [c0cd47f70c]

Artifact c0cd47f70c2cad1e8eca2607f4b375bd66005e19de0daf879407ac932b70ca28:

  • File Out-LogFile-Module.ps1 — part of check-in [0d1faaff70] at 2018-06-10 13:22:37 on branch trunk — Log file managment advanced function/ module. Supports WriteHost, Pipleline, Encoding, BlankLines, Datestring formatting and others. (user: Mike Ling size: 6297)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Out-LogFile Module
# description: Log file managment advanced function/ module. Supports WriteHost, Pipleline, Encoding, BlankLines, Datestring formatting and others.
# version: 2.1
# type: function
# author: Mike Ling
# license: CC0
# function: Out-LogFile
# x-poshcode-id: 3232
# x-archived: 2012-02-15T00:07:06
# x-published: 2012-02-12T11:00:00
function Out-LogFile {
		Output to log file.
		Output to formatted log file.
		Default fomatting is:
		SEVERITY: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss: Message
		e.g. I: 25-06-2010 17:09:10: Started Processing
	.PARAMETER BackgroundColor
		Specifies the background colour when using -WriteHost. There is no default.
		Write 1 or more blank lines to the log file (default 0).
		When used with -Message the blank lines are written after the message.
	.PARAMETER DateFormat
		  Date formating string (default "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss").
		  See Get-Date -Format
	.PARAMETER DontFormat
		Don't format the message and write the input directly to the log file.
	.PARAMETER Encoding
		Specifies the type of character encoding used in the file (default Unicode).				
		Valid values are "Unicode", "UTF7", "UTF8", "UTF32", "ASCII", "BigEndianUnicode", "Default", and "OEM". 
		"Default" uses the encoding of the system's current ANSI code page.
		"OEM" uses the current original equipment manufacturer code page identifier for the operating system.
		Overwrite an existing read-only file.		
	.PARAMETER ForegroundColor
		Specifies the text colour when using -WriteHost. There is no default.
		Path to the log file (default $global:DefaultLogFile).
		Set the global variable $global:DefaultLogFile to use the default setting.
		Input object or text message to write to the log file.
	.PARAMETER Severity
		Message severity flag (default I).
		Any string can be used as a flag such as I, W, E or INFO, WARNING, ERROR etc.
		Write unformatted string to the log file with blank lines either side.
		This is the equivilent of:
		Out-LogFile -BlankLine 1
		Out-LogFile -Message "Message" -BlankLine 1 -DontFormat

		-Title is processed before -Message so the two can be combined in a single call:
		Out-LogFile -Title "Today's Report" -Message "Started Processing"
		Writes -Message or -Title to the host (default $global:WriteHostPreference).
		Set the global variable $global:WriteHostPreference to $true to enable -WriteHost by default.
		To override the default set -WriteHost or -WriteHost:$false.
		$global:WriteHostPreference = $true
		$global:DefaultLogFile = "C:\Logs\MyLog.LOG"
		Out-LogFile "Simple Example"
		I: 25-06-2010 18:07:00: Simple Example
		Write "Simple Example" to the default log specified by $global:DefaultLogPath and the host.
		Out-LogFile "Another Example" -WriteHost -ForgroundColor Green -LogFile C:\Logs\MyLog.LOG -Severity E
		E: 25-06-2010 18:10:00: Another Example
		Write "Another Example" to C:\Logs\MyLog.LOG and to the host with green text setting the severity flag to 'E'.
		Daily-Report | Out-LogFile -Title "Todays Report" -DontFormat -BlankLine 1
		Write the log title "Daily Report" followed by the output from Daily-Report to the default log file without formatting. A single blank line is added at the end.
		Author: Mike Ling
		v2.1 - 13/02/2012 - Added support for: $global:DefaultLogFile and $global:WriteHostPreference
		v2.0 - 07/02/2012 - Added support for: Pipleline, CmdletBinding, ParameterSets, Encoding, WriteHost Colour.
		v1.0 - 25/06/2010 - First release.		
		[string]$LogFile = $global:DefaultLogPath,
		[int]$BlankLine = 0,		
		[switch]$WriteHost = $global:WriteHostPreference,
		[string]$Severity = "I",
		[string]$DateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss",		
		[System.ConsoleColor]$ForegroundColor = $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor,		
		[System.ConsoleColor]$BackgroundColor = $host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor,
		[ValidateSet('unicode', 'utf7', 'utf8', 'utf32', 'ascii', 'bigendianunicode', 'default', 'oem')]		
		[string]$Encoding = 'Unicode',
	begin { 		
		Write-Verbose "Log File: $LogFile"
		if ( -not $LogFile ) { Write-Error "The -LogFile parameter must be defined or $global:LogFile must be set."; break}		
		if ( -not (Test-Path $LogFile) ) { New-Item -Path $LogFile -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null }
		if ( -not (Test-Path $LogFile) ) { Write-Error "Log file can not be found: $LogFile."; break}
		if ( $Title ) {			
			$text = $Title
			$Title = $null
			Out-LogFile -BlankLine 1 -LogFile $LogFile -WriteHost:$WriteHost -Force:$Force -Encoding $Encoding
			Out-LogFile -Message $text -BlankLine 1 -DontFormat -LogFile $LogFile -WriteHost:$WriteHost -Force:$Force -Encoding $Encoding 									
	process {
		if ( $Message ) { 	
			$text = $Message
			foreach ( $text in $Message ) {
				if ( -not $DontFormat ) { $text = "$(($Severity).ToUpper()): $(Get-Date -Format `"$DateFormat`")" + ": $text" }									
				if ($WriteHost) { Write-Host $text -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor}
				$text | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Force:$Force -Encoding $Encoding -Append
		if ( $BlankLine -gt 0 ){
			for ($i = 0; $i -lt $BlankLine; $i++ ) { 
				"" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Force:$Force -Encoding $Encoding -Append
				if ($WriteHost) { Write-Host "" -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor }
	end {