PoshCode Archive  Artifact [c70b9b7ee0]

Artifact c70b9b7ee0a91c0a3f0bf0a5f6d47d88db9b2acf5b0cce5009c3e5a227b86240:

  • File PowerBot.ps1 — part of check-in [553c13b114] at 2018-06-10 13:08:40 on branch trunk — PowerBot is my IRC bot written in PowerShell script using SmartIrc4Net There’s a bit more to it than this, but this is the basic script, and all you have to do is add your own commands! Of course, you could also add your own additional message handlers and make a chatter-bot or whatever you like. Please share your mods back here! (user: avianses size: 5863)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: PowerBot
# description: PowerBot is my IRC bot written in PowerShell script using SmartIrc4Net  There’s a bit more to it than this, but this is the basic script, and all you have to do is add your own commands!  Of course, you could also add your own additional message handlers and make a chatter-bot or whatever you like. Please share your mods back here!
# version: 2.0
# type: function
# author: avianses
# license: CC0
# function: Start-PowerBot
# x-poshcode-id: 2317
# x-archived: 2010-10-27T11:03:57
## PowerBot 2.0
## A simple framework to get you started writing your own IRC bots in PowerShell
## Requires Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll to be in your ...\WindowsPowerShell\Libraries\
## You can get Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll from 
## http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/smartirc4net/SmartIrc4net-0.4.0.bin.tar.bz2
## Add-Type -path $ProfileDir\Libraries\Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll
$null = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$ProfileDir\Libraries\Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll")

function Start-PowerBot {
PARAM( $server = "irc.freenode.net", [string[]]$channels = @("#PowerShell"), [string[]]$nick     = @(Read-Host 'You must provide a nickname'), [string]$password, $realname = "PowerShell Bot", $port               = 6667)
   if(!$global:irc) { 
      $global:irc = New-Object Meebey.SmartIrc4net.IrcClient
      $irc.ActiveChannelSyncing = $true # $irc will track channels for us
      # $irc.Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8
      # $irc.Add_OnError( {Write-Error $_.ErrorMessage} )
      $irc.Add_OnQueryMessage( {PrivateMessage} )
      $irc.Add_OnChannelMessage( {ChannelMessage} )
   $irc.Connect($server, $port)
   $irc.Login($nick, $realname, 0, $nick, $password)
   ## $channels | % { $irc.RfcJoin( $_ ) }
   foreach($channel in $channels) { $irc.RfcJoin( $channel ) }
   Resume-PowerBot # Shortcut so starting this thing up only takes one command

## Note that PowerBot stops listening if you press a key ...
## You'll have to re-run Resume-Powerbot to get him to listen again
function Resume-PowerBot {
   while(!$Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) { $irc.ListenOnce($false) }

function Stop-PowerBot {
   $irc.RfcQuit("If people listened to themselves more often, they would talk less.")

## Event Handlers
## Event handlers in powershell have TWO automatic variables: $This and $_
##   In the case of SmartIrc4Net:
##   $This  - usually the connection, and such ...
##   $_     - the IrcEventArgs, which just has the Data member:

function PrivateMessage { 
   $Data = $_.Data
   # Write-Verbose $Data.From   
   # Write-Verbose $Data.Message
   # Write-Verbose $($Data | Out-String)
   $command, $params = $Data.MessageArray
   if($PowerBotCommands.ContainsKey($command)) {
      &$PowerBotCommands[$command] $params $Data |  Out-String -width (510 - $Data.From.Length - $nick.Length - 3) | % { $_.Trim().Split("`n") | %{ $irc.SendMessage("Message", $Data.Channel, $_.Trim() ) }}

function ChannelMessage {
   $Data = $_.Data
   # Write-Verbose $Data.From
   # Write-Verbose $Data.Channel
   # Write-Verbose $Data.Message
   # Write-Verbose $($Data | Out-String)
   $command, $params = $Data.MessageArray
   if($PowerBotCommands.ContainsKey($command)) {
      &$PowerBotCommands[$command] $params $Data | Out-String -width (510 - $Data.Channel.Length - $nick.Length - 3) | % { $_.Trim().Split("`n") | %{ $irc.SendMessage("Message", $Data.Channel, $_.Trim() ) }}

## The PowerBotCommands hashtable is extremely simple ...
## You register a "command" which must be the FIRST WORD of a message (either private, or channel)
##   and you provide a scriptblock to process said message.  
## The handler scriptblock gets two parameters, for convenience:
##   $Params is the rest of the message text after the command word (which is probably all you need)
##   $Data is the Data propert of the IrcEventArgs, which has everything in it that you could want
## You may do whatever you want in the scriptblock (this runs on your PC, after all), but the 
##   simplest thing is to respond by returning "something" which will be sent to wherever the message
##   came from.  
## NOTE 1: Evrything you return is output to Out-String and then the channel or user.  Be careful!
## NOTE 2: 510 is the Max IRC Message Length, including the channel name etc.
##         http`://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1459.html

## A sample command to get you started
$PowerBotCommands."Hello" = {Param($Query,$Data)
   "Hello, $($Data.Nick)!"

##$PowerBotCommands."!Echo" = {Param($Query,$Data)
##   "$Query"

##$PowerBotCommands."!Get-Help" = {Param($Query)
##   $help = get-help $Query | Select Name,Synopsis,Syntax
##   if($?) {
##      if($help -is [array]) {
##         "You're going to need to be more specific, I know all about $((($help | % { $_.Name })[0..($help.Length-2)] -join ', ') + ' and even ' + $help[-1].Name)"
##      } else {
##         @($help.Synopsis,($help.Syntax | Out-String -width 1000).Trim().Split("`n",4,"RemoveEmptyEntries")[0..3])
##      }
##   } else {
##      "I couldn't find the help file for '$Query', sorry.  I probably don't have that snapin loaded."
##   }