PoshCode Archive  Artifact [cfded42a25]

Artifact cfded42a25dd68a8e787f87aaa78b4e008aeaba18ffd6534007352a791b15d1e:

  • File Server-Inventory.ps1 — part of check-in [95765d4934] at 2018-06-10 14:27:06 on branch trunk — This script will create an inventory of your server environment. (user: unknown size: 4845)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Server Inventory
# description: This script will create an inventory of your server environment.
# version: 1.0
# type: script
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 930
# x-archived: 2009-03-15T01:17:22
#This script requires:
#Windows Powershell 1.0 = http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2003/technologies/management/powershell/download.mspx
#PowerGui = http://www.powergui.org/downloads.jspa
#Quest ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory = http://www.quest.com/powershell/activeroles-server.aspx
#VMware Infrastructure Toolkit (for Windows) = http://www.vmware.com/sdk/vitk_win/index.html

#Uncomment the next line to creat a server list
#Change "OU=Servers,DC=company,DC=net" to match your OU structure
#Change .\sp2list.csv to match the path and file name of your output
#Get-QADComputer -SearchRoot "OU=Servers,DC=company,DC=net" | Sort Name | Select Name | Export-Csv .\sp2list.csv -NoTypeInformation

$ListFile = Read-Host "Please Enter full path to Server list"
$FileLocation = Read-Host "Please Enter Complete Path and file name to save the output.  Must end in .csv or .txt"

#Comment out the next two lines if you do not use VMware
$VCServer = Read-Host "Please Enter Name/IP of Virtual Center Server"
Connect-VIServer $VCServer

$stats = @()

Get-Content $ListFile | % {
$OS = get-wmiobject Win32_OperatingSystem -computername $_
$drive = get-wmiobject win32_logicaldisk -ComputerName $_
$Computer = Get-QADComputer -Name $_
$IP = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PingStatus -filter "address='$_'"
#Comment out the next line if you do not use VMware
$VMSession = Get-VM $_*

$row= "" | Select "Date of Report","Server Name","IP Address","Operating System","Service Pack","Description","OU","ESX Host","RAM (GB)","Drive 1","Drive 1 Description","Drive 1 Free Space","Drive 1 Total Size","Drive 2","Drive 2 Description","Drive 2 Free Space","Drive 2 Total Size","Drive 3","Drive 3 Description","Drive 3 Free Space","Drive 3 Total Size","Drive 4","Drive 4 Description","Drive 4 Free Space","Drive 4 Total Size","Drive 5","Drive 5 Description","Drive 5 Free Space","Drive 5 Total Size","Drive 6","Drive 6 Description","Drive 6 Free Space","Drive 6 Total Size","Drive 7","Drive 7 Description","Drive 7 Free Space","Drive 7 Total Size","Drive 8","Drive 8 Description","Drive 8 Free Space","Drive 8 Total Size"

$row."Date of Report" = Get-date
$row."Server Name" = $_
$row."IP Address" = $IP.ProtocolAddress
$row."Operating System" = $OS.Caption
$row."Service Pack" = $OS.CSDVersion
$row."Description" = $Computer.Description
$row."OU" = $Computer.DN
#Comment out the next line if you do not use VMware
$row."ESX Host" = $VMSession.Host.Name
$row."RAM (GB)" = [math]::Round($VMSession.MemoryMB/1024,3)
$row."Drive 1" = $drive[0].Caption
$row."Drive 1 Description" = $drive[0].Description
$row."Drive 1 Free Space" = [math]::Round($drive[0].Freespace/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 1 Total Size" = [math]::Round($drive[0].Size/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 2" = $drive[1].Caption
$row."Drive 2 Description" = $drive[1].Description
$row."Drive 2 Free Space" = [math]::Round($drive[1].Freespace/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 2 Total Size" = [math]::Round($drive[1].Size/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 3" = $drive[2].Caption
$row."Drive 3 Description" = $drive[2].Description
$row."Drive 3 Free Space" = [math]::Round($drive[2].Freespace/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 3 Total Size" = [math]::Round($drive[2].Size/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 4" = $drive[3].Caption
$row."Drive 4 Description" = $drive[3].Description
$row."Drive 4 Free Space" = [math]::Round($drive[3].Freespace/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 4 Total Size" = [math]::Round($drive[3].Size/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 5" = $drive[4].Caption
$row."Drive 5 Description" = $drive[4].Description
$row."Drive 5 Free Space" = [math]::Round($drive[4].Freespace/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 5 Total Size" = [math]::Round($drive[4].Size/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 6" = $drive[5].Caption
$row."Drive 6 Description" = $drive[5].Description
$row."Drive 6 Free Space" = [math]::Round($drive[5].Freespace/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 6 Total Size" = [math]::Round($drive[5].Size/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 7" = $drive[6].Caption
$row."Drive 7 Description" = $drive[6].Description
$row."Drive 7 Free Space" = [math]::Round($drive[6].Freespace/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 7 Total Size" = [math]::Round($drive[6].Size/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 8" = $drive[7].Caption
$row."Drive 8 Description" = $drive[7].Description
$row."Drive 8 Free Space" = [math]::Round($drive[7].Freespace/1024/1024/1024,2)
$row."Drive 8 Total Size" = [math]::Round($drive[7].Size/1024/1024/1024,2)
$stats += $row

$stats | Export-Csv $FileLocation -NoTypeInformation