PoshCode Archive  Artifact [d755e964a9]

Artifact d755e964a9b2a5f00aa3cb7270e67ad9d7413f0f3ae2e11d95f961426e2210bc:

  • File Home-Automation-Module.ps1 — part of check-in [e7aa61dd3d] at 2018-06-10 13:42:11 on branch trunk — This module can control a Tellstick Net with powershell. (user: DollarUnderscore size: 16695)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Home Automation Module
# description: This module can control a Tellstick Net with powershell.
# version: 1.1
# type: function
# author: DollarUnderscore
# license: CC0
# function: Get-TDDevice
# x-poshcode-id: 4510
# x-archived: 2014-11-12T15:42:56
# x-published: 2014-10-07T21:54:00
function Get-TDDevice
    Retrieves all devices associated with a Telldus Live! account.

    This command will list all devices associated with an Telldus Live!-account and their current status and other information.

    Get-TDDevice -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword

    Get-TDDevice -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword | Format-Table

    .PARAMETER Username
    The username (e-mail) used to log into Telldus Live!

    .PARAMETER Password
    The password used to log into Telldus Live!


      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Username,
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Password

    $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest $turnOffURI -SessionVariable Telldus

    $form = $TelldusWEB.Forms[0]
    $form.Fields["email"] = $Username
    $form.Fields["password"] = $Password

    $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LoginPostURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $form.Fields

    $request = @{'group'='devices';'method'= $Action;'param[supportedMethods]'= $SupportedMethods;'responseAsXml'='xml'}

    [xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $request


    foreach ($Result in $Results)
        $PropertiesToOutput = @{
                             'Name' = $Result.name;
                             'State' = switch ($Result.state)
                                             1 { "On" }
                                             2 { "Off" }
                                            16 { "Dimmed" }
                                            default { "Unknown" }
                             'DeviceID' = $Result.id;

                             'Statevalue' = $Result.statevalue
                             'Methods' = switch ($Result.methods)
                                             3 { "On/Off" }
                                            19 { "On/Off/Dim" }
                                            default { "Unknown" }
                             'Type' = $Result.type;
                             'Client' = $Result.client;
                             'ClientName' = $Result.clientName;
                             'Online' = switch ($Result.online)
                                            0 { $false }
                                            1 { $true }

        $returnObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $PropertiesToOutput
        Write-Output $returnObject | Select-Object Name, DeviceID, State, Statevalue, Methods, Type, ClientName, Client, Online

function Set-TDDevice

    Turns a device on or off.

    This command can set the state of a device to on or off through the Telldus Live! service.

    Set-TDDevice -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword -DeviceID 123456 -Action turnOff

    Set-TDDevice -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword -DeviceID 123456 -Action turnOn

    .PARAMETER Username
    The username (e-mail) used to log into Telldus Live!

    .PARAMETER Password
    The password used to log into Telldus Live!

    The DeviceID of the device to turn off or on. (Pipelining possible)

    .PARAMETER Action
    What to do with that device. Possible values are "turnOff" or "turnOn".



      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
      [string] $DeviceID,
      [string] $Action,
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Username,
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Password

    BEGIN {

        $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest $turnOffURI -SessionVariable Telldus

        $form = $TelldusWEB.Forms[0]
        $form.Fields["email"] = $Username
        $form.Fields["password"] = $Password

        $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LoginPostURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $form.Fields

        $request = @{'group'='device';'method'= $Action;'param[id]'= $DeviceID;'responseAsXml'='xml'}

        [xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $request

        $Results=$ActionResults.device.status -replace "\s"

        $returnObject = New-Object System.Object
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DeviceID -Value $DeviceID
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Action -Value $Action
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Results -Value $Results

        Write-Output $returnObject

function Get-TDSensor
    Retrieves all sensors associated with a Telldus Live! account.

    This command will list all sensors associated with an Telldus Live!-account and their current status and other information.

    Get-TDSensor -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword

    Get-TDSensor -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword | Format-Table

    .PARAMETER Username
    The username (e-mail) used to log into Telldus Live!

    .PARAMETER Password
    The password used to log into Telldus Live!


      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Username,
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Password


    $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest $turnOffURI -SessionVariable Telldus

    $form = $TelldusWEB.Forms[0]
    $form.Fields["email"] = $Username
    $form.Fields["password"] = $Password

    $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LoginPostURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $form.Fields

    $SensorList=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $sensorListURI -WebSession $Telldus


    [xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $SensorListForm.Fields
    [datetime] $TelldusDate="1970-01-01 00:00:00"


    foreach ($Result in $TheResults) {


        $returnObject = New-Object System.Object
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DeviceID -Value $DeviceID
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $SensorName
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LocationID -Value $clientid
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LocationName -Value $clientName
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LastUpdate -Value $SensorLastUpdatedDate
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Online -Value $sensoronline

        Write-Output $returnObject

function Get-TDSensorData
    Retrieves the sensordata of specified sensor.

    This command will retrieve the sensordata associated with the specified ID.

    Get-TDSensorData -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword -DeviceID 123456

    The DeviceID of the sensor which data you want to retrieve.

    .PARAMETER Username
    The username (e-mail) used to log into Telldus Live!

    .PARAMETER Password
    The password used to log into Telldus Live!



      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID,
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Username,
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Password

    BEGIN {

        $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest $turnOffURI -SessionVariable Telldus

        $form = $TelldusWEB.Forms[0]
        $form.Fields["email"] = $Username
        $form.Fields["password"] = $Password

        $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LoginPostURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $form.Fields

        $request = @{'group'='sensor';'method'= 'info';'param[id]'= $DeviceID;'responseAsXml'='xml'}

        [xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $request
        [datetime] $TelldusDate="1970-01-01 00:00:00"


        $SensorTemp=($SensorData | ? name -eq "temp").value | select -First 1
        $SensorHumidity=($SensorData | ? name -eq "humidity").value | select -First 1

        $returnObject = New-Object System.Object
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DeviceID -Value $DeviceID
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $SensorName
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LocationName -Value $clientName
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Temperature -Value $SensorTemp
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Humidity -Value $SensorHumidity
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name LastUpdate -Value $SensorLastUpdatedDate

        Write-Output $returnObject

function Set-TDDimmer
    Dims a device to a certain level.

    This command can set the dimming level of a device to through the Telldus Live! service.

    Set-TDDimmer -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword -DeviceID 123456 -Level 89

    Set-TDDimmer -Username myemail@telldus.com -Password MyTelldusPassword -DeviceID 123456 -Level 180

    .PARAMETER Username
    The username (e-mail) used to log into Telldus Live!

    .PARAMETER Password
    The password used to log into Telldus Live!

    The DeviceID of the device to dim. (Pipelining possible)

    .PARAMETER Level
    What level to dim to. Possible values are 0 - 255.



                 HelpMessage="Enter the DeviceID.")] [Alias('id')] [string] $DeviceID,

                 HelpMessage="Enter the level to dim to between 0 and 255.")]
      [int] $Level,

      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Username,
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $Password

    BEGIN {


        $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest $turnOffURI -SessionVariable Telldus

        $form = $TelldusWEB.Forms[0]
        $form.Fields["email"] = $Username
        $form.Fields["password"] = $Password

        $TelldusWEB = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $LoginPostURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $form.Fields



        $request = @{'group'='device';'method'= $Action;'param[id]'= $DeviceID;'param[level]'= $Level;'responseAsXml'='xml'}

        [xml] $ActionResults=Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PostActionURI -WebSession $Telldus -Method POST -Body $request

        $Results=$ActionResults.device.status -replace "\s"

        $returnObject = New-Object System.Object
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name DeviceID -Value $DeviceID
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Action -Value $Action
        $returnObject | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Results -Value $Results

        Write-Output $returnObject