PoshCode Archive  Artifact [dd533f4839]

Artifact dd533f48393a7c6f3ff785b6ca63aba9cd05a05dd655a2b021040f0a40c4a98b:

  • File UIAutomation.ps1 — part of check-in [e3c53922a5] at 2018-06-10 14:26:49 on branch trunk — This is just a preview of what you can do with System.Windows.UIAutomation — Really you’re going to want to use the WASP module for stuff like this. (user: unknown size: 6022)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: UIAutomation
# description: This is just a preview of what you can do with System.Windows.UIAutomation — Really you’re going to want to use the WASP module for stuff like this.
# version: 0.1
# type: module
# license: CC0
# function: New-UIAElement
# x-poshcode-id: 922
# x-archived: 2009-03-11T04:23:36
#                                                                                                   #
# Select-Window Notepad | Remove-Window -passthru                                                   #
# ## And later ...                                                                                  #
# Select-Window Notepad | Select-ChildWindow | Send-Keys "%N"                                       #
# ## OR ##                                                                                          #
# Select-Window Notepad | Select-ChildWindow |                                                      #
#    Select-Control -title "Do&n't Save" -recurse | Send-Click                                      #
#                                                                                                   #

#                                                                                                   #
# PS notepad | Select-Window | Select-ChildWindow | %{ New-Object Huddled.Wasp.Window $_ }          #
#                                                                                                   #

# cp C:\Users\Joel\Projects\PowerShell\Wasp\trunk\WASP\bin\Debug\Wasp.dll .\Modules\WASP\           #
# Import-Module WASP

# function formatter  { END {
#    $input | Format-Table @{l="Text";e={$_.Text.SubString(0,25)}}, ClassName, FrameworkId -Auto
# }}

Add-Type -AssemblyName UIAutomationClient
Add-Type -AssemblyName UIAutomationTypes

$SWA = "System.Windows.Automation"

Import-Module Accelerators
Add-Accelerator AutoElement        "$SWA.AutomationElement"            -EA SilentlyContinue
Add-Accelerator InvokePattern      "$SWA.InvokePattern"                -EA SilentlyContinue
Add-Accelerator ValuePattern       "$SWA.ValuePattern"                 -EA SilentlyContinue
Add-Accelerator TextPattern        "$SWA.TextPattern"                  -EA SilentlyContinue

Add-Accelerator Condition          "$SWA.Condition"                    -EA SilentlyContinue
Add-Accelerator AndCondition       "$SWA.TextPattern"                  -EA SilentlyContinue
Add-Accelerator OrCondition        "$SWA.TextPattern"                  -EA SilentlyContinue
Add-Accelerator NotCondition       "$SWA.TextPattern"                  -EA SilentlyContinue
Add-Accelerator PropertyCondition  "$SWA.PropertyCondition"            -EA SilentlyContinue

Add-Accelerator AutoElementIds     "$SWA.AutomationElementIdentifiers" -EA SilentlyContinue
Add-Accelerator TransformIds       "$SWA.TransformPatternIdentifiers"  -EA SilentlyContinue

$FalseCondition = [Condition]::FalseCondition
$TrueCondition  = [Condition]::TrueCondition

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
Add-Accelerator SendKeys           System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys                     -EA SilentlyContinue

function New-UIAElement {
   $Element | Add-Member -Name Text            -Type ScriptProperty -PassThru -Value {
          } | Add-Member -Name ClassName       -Type ScriptProperty -Passthru -Value { 
          } | Add-Member -Name FrameworkId     -Type ScriptProperty -Passthru -Value { 
          } | Add-Member -Name ProcessId       -Type ScriptProperty -Passthru -Value { 
          } | Add-Member -Name ControlTypeL18D -Type ScriptProperty -Passthru -Value { 

function Select-Window {
   [AutoElement]$Parent = [AutoElement]::RootElement
      $Parent.FindAll( "Children", $TrueCondition ) | New-UIAElement |
      Where-Object { 
         ($_.ClassName -like $ClassName) -AND
         ($_.Text -like $Text) }

function formatter  { END {
   $input | Format-Table @{l="Text";e={$_.Text.SubString(0,25)}}, ClassName, FrameworkId -Auto

function Invoke-Element {

function Set-ElementText {
      $textPattern = $valuePattern = $null
      try {
         $textPattern = $Target.GetCurrentPattern([TextPattern]::Pattern)
         Write-Host "textPattern:`n$($textPattern | gm)"
      } catch { }
      try {
         $valuePattern = $Target.GetCurrentPattern([ValuePattern]::Pattern)
         Write-Host "valuePattern:`n$($valuePattern | gm)"
      } catch { }
      if($valuePattern) {
         $valuePattern.SetValue( $Text )
      if($textPattern) {
         [SendKeys]::SendWait( $Text )