PoshCode Archive  Artifact [f148d6236a]

Artifact f148d6236a6bf2c8b2770fd0e87bbcad5712c22403cf5e1ac834c577e2c3d686:

  • File Kill-Process.ps1 — part of check-in [a278992563] at 2018-06-10 12:56:55 on branch trunk — The script is intended for process end on any computer in a local area network. Class WMI is used. The rights of the manager to the local area network computer are necessary. (user: Angel-Keeper size: 1923)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Kill-Process
# description: The script is intended for process end on any computer in a local area network. Class WMI is used. The rights of the manager to the local area network computer are necessary.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Angel-Keeper
# license: CC0
# function: Kill-Process
# x-poshcode-id: 1354
# x-archived: 2016-05-17T13:32:08
# x-published: 2010-09-29T18:43:00
function Kill-Process() {
if ($ProcessNames -eq $null) {Write-Error 'The parametre "ProcessNames" cannot be empty';break}
if ($User -is [String]) {
	$Connection = Get-Credential -Credential $User
foreach ($int1 in $ComputerNames){
	foreach ($int2 in $ProcessNames) {
		if ($int2 -notlike "*.exe") {$int2 = $int2 + '.exe'}
			if ($Connection -eq $null) {$count = 0
				$Process_Kill = gwmi "win32_process"  -ComputerName $int1 -filter "name='$int2'" | 
								ForEach-Object {$_.terminate();$count++}					
				$Process_Kill = "" | select @{e={$int1};n='Computer'},`
											@{e={$int2};n='Process'}, @{e={$count};n='Count'}
			else {$count = 0
				$Process_Kill = gwmi "win32_process"  -ComputerName $int1 -filter "name='$int2'" | 
								ForEach-Object {$_.terminate();$count++}
				$Process_Kill = "" | select @{e={$int1};n='Computer'},`
											@{e={$int2};n='Process'}, @{e={$count};n='Count'}