PoshCode Archive  Artifact [f6647e1aaa]

Artifact f6647e1aaa96b94cc82fa9367ef1b5448b2c98fb256636a814ea6b112e59883a:

  • File VLFs-to-Excel-Formatted.ps1 — part of check-in [f8ecf59c09] at 2018-06-10 13:55:58 on branch trunk — This script iterates through a list of servers and writes to Excel (user: Rob Sewell http size: 4089)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: VLFs to Excel Formatted
# description: This script iterates through a list of servers and writes to Excel
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Rob Sewell http
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5484
# x-archived: 2016-03-05T00:04:52
# x-published: 2016-10-05T19:49:00
# some information about each database log file. It will alter the 
# colour of the cell depending on the paramters you set at the top of the
# script
Name: Number of VLFs
Author: Rob Sewell http://sqldbawithabeard.com
Version History: 
Number of VLFs and AUtogrowth for every database log file
This script iterates through a list of servers and writes to Excel
some information about each database log file. It will alter the 
colour of the cell depending on the paramters you set at the top of the
Define the location of the servers on Line 30

$Servers = Get-Content "PATHTOSERVERSFILE.txt"

or (alter locations to fit)
$Query = "SELECT Name FROM dbo.databases"
$Servers = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance MANAGEMENTSERVER -Database DBADATABASE -Query $query

Define the parameters on line 30 & 31

This script WILL STOP ALL Excel processes

#Set the variables
$Servers = Get-Content 'PATHTO\sqlservers.txt'
$TooMany = 25 #How many VLFs is too many
$wayTooMany = 50   #How many VLFs is WAY too many

# Create a .com object for Excel
$xl = new-object -comobject excel.application
$xl.Visible = $true # Set this to False when you run in production

$wb = $xl.Workbooks.Add() # Add a workbook
$ws = $wb.Worksheets.Item(1) # Add a worksheet 
$Row = 3
$Col = 2
$Date = Get-Date
$Title = 'Results of Script to show VLFs and File Growth run on ' + $Date
$cells.item(2,4)="No. of VLFs"
$cells.item(2,6)="Growth Type"
$cells.item(2,8)="Used Space"
$cells.item(2,10)="File Name"

foreach ($Server in $Servers)
	$srv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $Server
	foreach ($db in $srv.Databases|Where-Object {$_.isAccessible -eq $True})
		$Col = 2
		$VLF = $DB.ExecuteWithResults("DBCC LOGINFO").Tables[0].Rows.Count
		$logFile = $db.LogFiles | Select Growth,GrowthType,Size, UsedSpace,Name,FileName
		$Name = $DB.name
		if($VLF -gt $TooMany) 
			$cells.item($row,$col).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 # Yellow
		if($VLF -gt $WayTooMany)
			$cells.item($row,$col).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 # Red
		$cells.item($row,$col).HorizontalAlignment = 3 #center
		$cells.item($row,$col).HorizontalAlignment = 4 #right
		$Type = $logFile.GrowthType.ToString()
		if($Type -eq 'Percent')
			$cells.item($row,$col).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 #Red
		$cells.item($row,$col).HorizontalAlignment = 4 #right
		$cells.item($row,$col).HorizontalAlignment = 3 #center
		$cells.item($row,$col).HorizontalAlignment = 3 #center
$Date = Get-Date -f ddMMyy
$filename = 'VLF' + $Date
Stop-Process -Name EXCEL