PoshCode Archive  Artifact [f738ab416f]

Artifact f738ab416fab5fa5ed4ce68192fab724dbe79d8bb592b1a21fe3525c7d911be1:

  • File Send-WakeOnLan.ps1 — part of check-in [f1cb15564d] at 2018-06-10 13:40:10 on branch trunk — Send a WakeOnLan packet to computers (user: Joel Bennett size: 2828)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Send-WakeOnLan
# description: Send a WakeOnLan packet to computers
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Send-WakeOnLan
# x-poshcode-id: 4376
# x-archived: 2015-08-11T00:17:53
# x-published: 2015-08-08T17:48:00
# This started out as a simpler version of one the many WOL scripts on PoshCode already, but ended up with good error handling and ShouldProcess and support for loading your computers via an external psd1 file… so I’m sharing it.
$Computers = DATA {
  ConvertFrom-StringData -stringdata @'
    Server1 = 0E:A7:DE:AD:BE:EF
    Server2 = DE:AD:BE:EF:70:E5

# You should have a .psd1 file matching the name of this script in a folder matching $PSCulture
# It should consist of a ConvertFrom-StringData statement like the one above
Import-LocalizedData -BindingVariable Computers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable NotLocalized
if($NotLocalized) {
	Write-Warning "No Server list found. Using hard-coded default servers:"
	Write-Warning $NotLocalized[0]

#wakeonlan $computer
function Send-WakeOnLan
	#   Wake a computer
	[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="High")]

	# If the $Computer parameter is a computer name, and the name is in our data
	# Or is a MacAddress which is in our data
	# This will match it, and get the full information.
	# Otherwise, assume it's a MacAddress already
	$MacAddresses = foreach($c in $Computer) {
		if($output = foreach($pc in $Computers.GetEnumerator()) {
			if($pc.Key -like $c -or $pc.Value -eq $c) { 
				$pc.Value | Add-Member NoteProperty Name $pc.Name -Passthru
		}) { $output } else { $c }

	foreach($mac in $MacAddresses) {
		# Valid MacAddress has 6 pairs of hex characters (maybe separated by another character)
		$MacAddress = [regex]::Match($mac, '^(?:([0-9A-F]{2}).?){6}$')
		if(!$MacAddress.Success) {
			Write-Warning "$($mac.Name) $mac does not have a valid MacAddress. WakeOnLan skipped."

	   if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Waking the computer $mac $($mac.Name)",
	                               "Wake the computer $mac $($mac.Name)?",
	                               "Waking Computers" )) {

			$MacAddress = $MacAddress.Groups[1].Captures.Value | % { [byte]"0x$_" }

			$UDPclient = new-Object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient
			$packet = [byte[]](,0xFF * 102)
			6..101 |% { $packet[$_] = $mac[($_%6)]}
			$null = $UDPclient.Send($packet, $packet.Length)