PoshCode Archive  Artifact [fa952cf3a4]

Artifact fa952cf3a44d928b998a282c560f5c482c7c642f643764ba0cdc2983e7f3e1d2:

  • File Test-Hash-2.ps1 — part of check-in [3a01cdcd0a] at 2018-06-10 13:34:36 on branch trunk — Test md5/sha1/etc file hashes. (user: Joel Bennett size: 5641)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Test-Hash 2
# description: Test md5/sha1/etc file hashes.
# version: 1.1
# type: function
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# function: Test-Hash
# x-poshcode-id: 4013
# x-archived: 2013-03-21T05:39:04
# x-published: 2013-03-13T19:18:00
# I’ve enhanced this script to make it easy to store the results in a csv file and then test them later.  See Example 1.
# This version switches to using a file stream to avoid loading the whole file in memory. Whoops!
function Test-Hash { 
#   Test the HMAC hash(es) of a file
#   Takes the HMAC hash of a file using specified algorithm, and optionally, compare it to a baseline hash
#   Get-ChildItem -File | Test-Hash -BasePath . | Format-Table -Auto
#   This example shows how to list the files in the current directory (PS3) and also shows how to use the BasePath parameter to avoid outputing the full path, so that you can (hopefully) see the full output without elipsis.
#   Get-ChildItem .\Bin\Release -recurse | Test-Hash -BasePath .\Bin\Release -Type SHA256 | Export-CSV ~\Hashes.csv
#   C:\PS> Set-Location "C:\Program Files\MyProduct"
#   C:\Program Files\MyProduct>Import-CSV ~\Hashes.csv | Test-Hash
#   This example shows how to take the hash of a collection of files and store them in a csv file, and then later verify that the files in a secondary location match the originals exactly.
#   Test-Hash npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe -HashFile npp.5.3.1.release.md5
#   Searches the provided hash file for a line matching the "npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe" file name
#   and take the hash of the file (using the extension of the HashFile as the Type of Hash).
#   Test-Hash npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe 360293affe09ffc229a3f75411ffa9a1 MD5
#   Takes the MD5 hash and compares it to the provided hash
#   Test-Hash npp.5.3.1.Installer.exe 5e6c2045f4ddffd459e6282f3ff1bd32b7f67517 
#   Tests all of the hashes against the provided (Sha1) hash
#   Version History:
#   1.0 Initial Version
#   1.1 Fixed missing 'm'
#   2.0 Change hashing to use stream instead of reading all bytes (wow!)
   # The path to the file to hash
   [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
   # When hashing many files in folders, use this to convert to relative paths (so you can compare again in a different location)
   # Supports hashing against a .md5 or .sha1 file such as frequently found on open source servers or torrent sites
   # Supports passing in the expected hash (particularly useful when piping input from a previous run)
   [Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="ManualHash", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
   [string]$ExpectedHash = $(if($HashFileName){  ((Get-Content $HashFileName) -match $Path)[0].split(" ")[0]  }),
   # The algorithm to use when hashing
   [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName="ManualHash", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
   [string[]]$Algorithm = $(if($HashFileName){ [IO.Path]::GetExtension((Convert-Path $HashFileName)).Substring(1) } else { "SHA256" })

begin {
   if($BasePath) {
      Push-Location $BasePath

process {
   if($BasePath) {
      $Path = Resolve-Path $Path -Relative
   } else {
      $Path = Convert-Path $Path
   if(Test-Path $Path -Type Container) {
      # I'd like to support recursing all the files, but for now, just skip
      Write-Warning "Cannot calculate hash for directories: '$Path'"

   $Hashes = @(
      foreach($Type in $Algorithm) {
         # Take the Hash without storing the bytes
         try {
         $stream = [IO.File]::OpenRead( (Convert-Path $Path) )
         [string]$hash = [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( $Type ).ComputeHash( $stream ) | ForEach { "{0:x2}" -f $_ }
         } catch {} finally {
         # Output an object with the hash, algorithm and path
         New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Path = $Path; Algorithm = $Type; Hash = $Hash }

   if($ExpectedHash) {
      # Check all the hashes to see if any of them match
      if( $Match = $Hashes | Where { $_.Hash -eq $ExpectedHash } ) {
         Write-Verbose "Matched hash:`n$($Match | Out-String)"
         # Output an object with the hash, algorithm and path
         New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Path = $Match.Path; Algorithm = $Match.Algorithm; Hash = $Match.Hash; Matches = $True }
      } else {
         Write-Verbose "Failed to match hash:`n$($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)"
         # Output an object with the first hash, algorithm and path
         New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Path = $Hashes[0].Path; Algorithm = $Hashes[0].Algorithm; Hash = $Hashes[0].Hash; Matches = $False }
   } else {
      Write-Output $Hashes  
end {  
   if($BasePath) {