PoshCode Archive  All files named "Get-ChildItemRecurse.ps1"

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History for Get-ChildItemRecurse.ps1

A recursive function that allows the user to do a container search and specify the number of levels they would like to recurse. (Requires v2.0 CTP3 or later) file: [bb35b7de6a] check-in: [86f45aa489] user: CrazyDave branch: trunk, size: 2041
A recursive function that allows the user to do a container search and specify the number of levels they would like to recurse. (Requires v2.0 CTP3 or later) file: [ebb75e1ad5] check-in: [712754aa72] user: tojo2000 branch: trunk, size: 2064
Added: A recursive function that allows the user to do a container search and specify the number of levels they would like to recurse. (Requires v2.0 CTP3 or later) file: [df7c0e7461] check-in: [54c6437d30] user: tojo2000 branch: trunk, size: 2009