PoshCode Archive  All files named "Get-NaNfsExport.ps1"

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History for Get-NaNfsExport.ps1

Function that will retrieve all the NFS Exports from a NetApp SAN. Example usage of thee Ontap SDK 3.5 avaliable here http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365…. file: [d5b6bdff86] check-in: [b75d03cab9] user: glnsize branch: trunk, size: 5937
Added: Function that will retrieve all the NFS Exports from a NetApp SAN. Example usage of thee Ontap SDK 3.5 avaliable here http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365…. file: [931871a826] check-in: [2f16d22899] user: glnsize branch: trunk, size: 5712