PoshCode Archive  All files named "Get-OLEDBData.ps1"

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History for Get-OLEDBData.ps1

Generic function to execute query and return DataTable from any OLEDB data source. Tested against Excel, Informix, Oracle and SQL Server sources. file: [6de1cf8556] check-in: [26045bddce] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 2033
Generic function to execute query and return DataTable from any OLEDB data source. Tested against Excel, Informix, Oracle and SQL Server sources. file: [d2fb25a612] check-in: [7845b25bf2] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 2033
Added: Generic function to execute query and return DataTable from any OLEDB data source. Tested against Excel, Informix, Oracle and SQL Server sources. file: [d95387e5de] check-in: [fd79266b21] user: Chad Miller branch: trunk, size: 2033