PoshCode Archive  All files named "Get-UcsServerVlan.ps1"

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History for Get-UcsServerVlan.ps1

Uses the Cisco UCS PowerTool (http://developer.cisco.com/web/unifiedcomputing/pshell-download) to list server names, NICs and associated VLANs. Goes well piped out to format-table -auto Server, Vnic, Vlan file: [0f66047c6a] check-in: [db2530cc5b] user: halr9000 branch: trunk, size: 977
Added: Uses the Cisco UCS PowerTool (http://developer.cisco.com/web/unifiedcomputing/pshell-download) to list server names, NICs and associated VLANs. Goes well piped out to format-table -auto Server, Vnic, Vlan file: [a83e3e1611] check-in: [716e17d0a3] user: halr9000 branch: trunk, size: 977