PoshCode Archive  All files named "Get-weather-forecasts.ps1"

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History for Get-weather-forecasts.ps1

This cmdlet retrieves weather forcasts from SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) through their API. (See: http://www.smhi.se/klimatdata/Oppna-data for information in swedish). file: [c2e1b85f67] check-in: [0524c007af] user: DollarUnderscore branch: trunk, size: 4811
Added: This cmdlet retrieves weather forcasts from SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) through their API. (See: http://www.smhi.se/klimatdata/Oppna-data for information in swedish). file: [425545517b] check-in: [c8a6a243a6] user: DollarUnderscore branch: trunk, size: 4869