PoshCode Archive  All files named "Remove-FTPFile.ps1"

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History for Remove-FTPFile.ps1

Just a short function I wrote based on FTP Upload and download examples. Requires and absolute path to the file on the FTP server that you wish to remove i.e. ftp://ftp.someserver.com/filetodelete.txt file: [c2d610ee64] check-in: [7dc1ce171a] user: xandertrystin branch: trunk, size: 1212
Added: Just a short function I wrote based on FTP Upload and download examples. Requires and absolute path to the file on the FTP server that you wish to remove i.e. ftp://ftp.someserver.com/filetodelete.txt file: [c1c4deba74] check-in: [6978f0df45] user: xandertrystin branch: trunk, size: 1212