PoshCode Archive  All files named "Script-logging.ps1"

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History for Script-logging.ps1

Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder file: [82930bee83] check-in: [116b98948c] user: shauncroucher branch: trunk, size: 2213
Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder file: [8d2a2bf95d] check-in: [ad336c6ee0] user: shauncroucher branch: trunk, size: 2213
Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder file: [e4eefa0648] check-in: [bd5a5f9c20] user: shauncroucher branch: trunk, size: 2213
Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder file: [1cb36fa63f] check-in: [6267ec5f43] user: shauncroucher branch: trunk, size: 2211
Added: Add to top of your scripts and the script will automatically create a log file called <script name>.log to the AppData folder file: [7e5d17325b] check-in: [8731ef0559] user: shauncroucher branch: trunk, size: 2213