PoshCode Archive  All files named "Set-Active-Sync-DeviceID.ps1"

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History for Set-Active-Sync-DeviceID.ps1

Get DeviceID of all ActiveSync Devices for all Mailboxes with an ActiveSync partnership, then set the Mailboxes ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs to the retrieved DeviceID. file: [fa98e53405] check-in: [59784c7271] user: thomas torggler branch: trunk, size: 1275
Added: Get DeviceID of all ActiveSync Devices for all Mailboxes with an ActiveSync partnership, then set the Mailboxes ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs to the retrieved DeviceID. file: [a34f89d1d7] check-in: [0023bf94e6] user: thomas torggler branch: trunk, size: 1277